Miss the Mason years


Sep 10, 2011
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Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans.

I think you should have saved your first ever post on GH for when Mason comes back. Bye Bye.

Why would you guess that? His health issues haven't prevented him from winning at other schools he has coached at. He has a track record of turning football teams around. But not overnight. He was handed a team that had only won three games the previous year.

Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans. My guess is Jerry resigns because of health issues or in a couple of years because of poor perfromance.
You're a dick.

Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans. My guess is Jerry resigns because of health issues or in a couple of years because of poor perfromance.

You are an uneducated, twisted, booger eating, xbox playing idiot. Coach Kill, a cancer survivor, has these seizures on occasion. He has won everywhere he has coached. A couple of years from now he will be a hero with this program. Maybe an education beyond high school would have given you class and spelling skills.

Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans.

I know, right? I can't believe this rebuilding job isn't done by week 2!

Rebuilding????? They just lost to a terrible, terrible team. The Gophers had superior talent and got their asses kicked. It was plain and simple a lousy job of coaching and preparation.

Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans.


Jog on, Troll!

I missed the part where the Gophers were coached to miss wide open receivers or to drop easy passes.

I wish Coach Kill all the best in his recovery this week and hope he turns this program around. I am just venting my frusterations that have been building over the years with this program. Watching Wisconsin compete for a B10 championship again and us struggle is painful.

Pathetic post. Were you drunk? I am.
Days like today really put things in perspective.
1. Unbelievable paratroopers
2. The little girl recovering from cancer running out of the tunnel with Kill
3. Tom Burnett's family (from United 93) on the field.
4. Kill having a seizure on the field.

Glen Mason lost to a terrible Hawaii team in his first game as the Minnesota coach and finished his first seaon 3-9 with a very weak schedule. The offensive play calling was laughable in that first season, as they tried to run to option with a slow QB. I thought the offensive play calling was vey bad today too, for very differnent reasons. Bottom line, this is too early to say the Mason years were better than now.

No. I don't miss the Mason years. You're an idiot.

Two games does not a coaching career make. Kill's first team at NIU was horrible.
Sad as it may be, his first team here at Minnesota may also be horrible. Give him time. His track record is better than pretty much anyone we've had here since Holtz.

Wacker won 4 games his last year. Mason won 3 games his first year. After the first year where Mason did worse than Wacker did, the next year Mason's 5 wins was better than the best year Wacker had.We were shocked at the loss to Hawaii.

Jeez. I guess I may be the only one here to agree (other than the tasteless Kill remarks). Call it rebuilding, call it whatever. There is no excuse for losing to a team like NMSU. It has been 5+ years since a bowl win. I would enjoy just seeing us go to any bowl, even if it means a loss. Mason had us on the fringe of a big ten championship not to many years back. We haven't sniffed it since. Maybe I am just in a bad mood. Maybe I have a bad taste in my mouth due to that pathetic showing today. Either way, what Mason brought us really doesn't look bad right now.

I miss the Mason era too sometimes... so f!king what?!

Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans.
Jeez. I guess I may be the only one here to agree (other than the tasteless Kill remarks). Call it rebuilding, call it whatever. There is no excuse for losing to a team like NMSU. It has been 5+ years since a bowl win. I would enjoy just seeing us go to any bowl, even if it means a loss. Mason had us on the fringe of a big ten championship not to many years back. We haven't sniffed it since. Maybe I am just in a bad mood. Maybe I have a bad taste in my mouth due to that pathetic showing today. Either way, what Mason brought us really doesn't look bad right now.

Before the final moments of the fourth quarter, after the Royston interception was overturned this was pretty much the dominant thought in my head. This was the most winnable game on the schedule and we were at the time just gone down by two trys. And I couldn't help but say aloud what I wouldn't give to get back to the era of tromping through teams few people could locate on a map on the way to a low level bowl. Contemplating the game this morning, I feared that NMSU would cover the spread with their passing attack and maybe even go up early before the new coaches could get the kids settled and make some adjustments and that we probably wouldn't be able to cruise like we did during the glory days of Mason's Cream Puff binges. I, like everybody else, couldn't have predicted the emotional rollercoaster that the afternoon would bring. But make no mistake, this NMSU team would have been absolutely dismantled by the rushing onslaught of the Mason era. And I miss that.

Do I think Kill will get us back to Mason's level of competitiveness? Nothing in his resume would give me any doubt, that even with the more competitive nature of the league currently, Jerry will get us to a level of bowl contention. I think we also will return of an era of winning against lesser teams with ease, something that Brewster never seemed able to do. And running the ball. Lord! do I long for the day that we can run the ball well again, and I think we will see continual progress even this season on that front under Kill. But this afternoon I was missing the rolling of the creampuffs, with maroon and gold backs scampering all over the field, and the hapless young man in the rodent suit struggling through hundreds of pushups. I was missing those Mason Moments (and in my bitterly nostalgic state forgetting the wretched ones). Upon this very subject I sat musing, inwardly lamenting, at the moment Coach scared the bejeezus out of me and the other thirty thousand of us.

Like all of us, I want Jerry to take care of himself. Wish him a speedy recovery, and to implore him follow his own advice from the previous presser and mind his hydration [ dear lord man pour yourself another gatorade].

But I'd be lying to say that today in those sweltering stands I wasn't staring down the reality of losing a game we once would have frolicked through, and the grim tiddings it brings for the rest of the season, and was not longing for a previous era (the best a 30 year old gopher fan ever knew). 1, 2 and 3 win seasons do indeed sap the soul...

I know we're all down about the loss, but I cannot believe any real fan would want to go back to the days of three-quarters-Mason.

Standing with you and the team coach Kill.

Go Gophers!

Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans.

I am sorry but even with the Barry Alvarez non conference scheduling of Glen Mason, he still found ways to lose to Hawaii before they became respectable, Ohio, and Toledo.

I am sorry but even with the Barry Alvarez non conference scheduling of Glen Mason, he still found ways to lose to Hawaii before they became respectable, Ohio, and Toledo.

For the record that was not a 10-2 2001 Toledo we saw yesterday, or even a 7-4 2000 Ohio team. We will be one of that teams 3 or 4 wins.

For the record that was not a 10-2 2001 Toledo we saw yesterday, or even a 7-4 2000 Ohio team. We will be one of that teams 3 or 4 wins.

Feel free to live your life in striving for mediocrity.

In 1997, Mason's first year, the Gophers lost 17-3 to a Hawaii team that finished 3-9. Kill has started out pretty much like Mason started out. Mason didn't start out producing teams that went to bowl games. In his first year, the Gophers won 3 games. In his second year, the Gophers were 5-6, and were a couple missed extra points from making it to a bowl game. In year 3, the Gophers won 9 games.

In Kill's first year at Southern Illinois, inheriting a terrible team, SIU went 1-10. In his second year, SIU went 4-7. In year 3, SIU went 10-2. In his first year at Northern Illinois, NIU went 6-7. In year two, NIU went 7-6. In year 3, Kill's NIU team went 10-3, not counting the bowl game which Kill didn't coach.

I still have no regrets about seeing the Mason era end. The Gophers were stuck at a 7-5 or 6-6 pace every season. And C average play was becoming the norm, and for some acceptable. I would rather see Minnesota roll the dice for a coach like Tim Brewster or Jerry Kill, rather than become content with another 3-5 season in the Big Ten. Glen got the team out of the Wacker era, but the team never seemed like it would progress past the annual Music City Bowl appearance.

I'd rather take a chance, because good enough should NEVER be good enough.

Winning our non-conf games and winning the music city/sun bowl sounds awfully good right now. These 1/2/3 win seasons are testing the resolve of even the most hardy gopher football fans.

Really? You miss the arrogance and confused, squinting looks as his teams blew large leads against opponents only to lose? Mason was an ideal coach if you're happy with 6-5, 7-4 year in and year out with records padded with cream puffs. I enjoyed some of Mason's teams, but it was an appropriate time to move on...just not to Punky Brewster.

Feel free to live your life in striving for mediocrity.

I am not striving for mediocrity, I was expecting a quick return to it before moving on to bigger and better things. After yesterday mediocrity seems a way off. And getting over the proverbial hump seems even more depressingly less likely. It was a disappointing episode from a coaching staff whose strength I'd been convinced lay in team preparation. Did I think Glen had out stayed his welcome? Yes, and I agreed with his termination, if not the timing. But it has been a long time since we had a good convincing win and I walked into that stadium expecting it of the team and coaches and was sorely disappointed. This team isn't as talent barren as either the team Mason inherited from Wacker nor is it as woeful as the Salukis team Kill got from Quarless; this team had been to a bowl just prior to last years plunge into the abyss. This program missed a bowl only twice in the 11 seasons from '99 'til '09 so it has a well established baseline of "weed wacker" bowl mediocrity and I expect that from a capable coaching staff. I don't want to have to wait another 3 years for this program to get us back to mediocrity but that seems to be precisely the drumbeat of this board.

Wacker handed Mason a 4-win team. Brewster handed Kill a 3-win team. Much the same things that were said about the loss to NMSU were said about the loss to Hawaii in 1997.

We're panicking 2 games in with a team that finished 3-9 last year? Really?

The days of instant gratification have arrived... :horse:

We're panicking 2 games in with a team that finished 3-9 last year? Really?

The days of instant gratification have arrived... :horse:

+1. I personally thought 5-7 before the season....I may have been wrong. We'll let it play out. But what I've realized since Saturday is that we all are basing our expectations in 2011 off of the last two games in 2010. "Well, if we can beat Illinois on the road and beat Iowa at home, both who won bowl games, we should be fine." Illinois fans were begging for the firing of Zook after the Gopher win and Iowa fans seriously doubted the abilities of Ferentz after the Gopher win. They should "never" lose to a team like Minnesota. Just like the Gophers should "never" lose to a team like New Mexico State.

18-23 year old kids (or in the case of Royston, old enough to get a break on renting a car with Avis & Hertz), new coaches, new starting QB.....I've accepted it. It is what it is.

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