Minnesota wins!


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Screw it, we're 1-0. I'll worry about the atrocities tomorrow (later today?). 1-0 is better than 0-1. I have four hours before I get up.

Congrats coach Kill and team. A W is a W. Didn't fall apart when it mattered.

The game was not Kill's fault. He called some good plays & Gray just couldn't put the ball where it needed to be at times. Our running game is very good at least it was tonight. Our Defense did its job but the Offense just kept missing grand opportunities & then of course the short field by the muffed punt. We had 477yds of Offense which shows we were moving the ball, just couldn't finish & I feel we left a lot of points on the field... the game should not have been this close.

All in all we're 1-0... that's what counts this week, lol...

The game was not Kill's fault. He called some good plays & Gray just couldn't put the ball where it needed to be at times. Our running game is very good at least it was tonight. Our Defense did its job but the Offense just kept missing grand opportunities & then of course the short field by the muffed punt. We had 477yds of Offense which shows we were moving the ball, just couldn't finish & I feel we left a lot of points on the field... the game should not have been this close.

All in all we're 1-0... that's what counts this week, lol...

Well the good news is they could practice and pass it 80 times next week against New Hampshire. I'm now suggesting they do.

Kill just said something to the effect of "You have to learn to win games like these, and we haven't been able to do this at the University of Minnesota." (not an exact quote, if anyone has his exact quote, feel free to post it.)

It was ugly, but the Gophers won. 1-0. Obviously there's some rust to shake off, and it is always better to shake off the rust in a win than in a loss. The defense kept the Gophers in the game, and the offense really caught fire in overtime.

Lots of mistakes, but it is a win. New Hampshire isn't going to roll over and play dead, but I'm glad we're at home next week against a very beatable opponent. Of course, if we make mistakes, New Hampshire will do their best to take advantage of them.

Screw it, we're 1-0. I'll worry about the atrocities tomorrow (later today?). 1-0 is better than 0-1. I have four hours before I get up.

I'm with ya only i get 4.5 hours if i can wind down.

The game was not Kill's fault. He called some good plays & Gray just couldn't put the ball where it needed to be at times. Our running game is very good at least it was tonight. Our Defense did its job but the Offense just kept missing grand opportunities & then of course the short field by the muffed punt. We had 477yds of Offense which shows we were moving the ball, just couldn't finish & I feel we left a lot of points on the field... the game should not have been this close.

All in all we're 1-0... that's what counts this week, lol...

I also felt that Gray overthrew receivers on multiple occasions. If one of them had connected, we probably would have won the game in regulation.

Props to A.J. Barker, made a few good catches for some big yardage, and to Derrick Wells, who had two interceptions and some big tackles.

We currently are undefeated, have the best record in the Big Ten, and the national title hopes are still alive!

Marqueis is a phenominal athlete but he is never going to be a great passer. There were at least 3 wide open scoring opportunities that could have blown this game wide open. The defense did a very good job for most of the game. Both offense & defense need to cut down on the penalties. All in all, a decent start. Good job Gophs, way to hang in on the road!!

Usually, we'd lose games like this... it seems we are going in the right direction. I noticed a lot more speed. The Defense was pretty good. Watch out for us next year! Honestly, the game shouldn't have been as close as it was... Gray just isn't very accurate. He could have had at least two or three long touchdowns.

In the immortal words of Tim Brewster "All babies are beautiful babies." Waking up at 6 will be easier following the win.

well, if MG makes 3-4 critical passes this is a totally different game. The good thing is that he has to be better than those wide open TD passes thrown overhead because if he isn't then we really aren't that good at QB. I'm guessing he comes back against NH and throws for 3 tds. 17 for 30 and and 269 with 2 td's and 68 yards rushing are pretty decent stats as long as he makes the critical passes in the future.

For me its 3 in the morning, but the good news is that I'm retired. Mistakes and inacurrate passing made this a lot closer thatn it should have been.

What's with all the downers? We won! Offense had 478 yards and stupid mistakes cost us a lot. This was the best defense I recall from the Gophers in at least a decade. Next week is the weakest opponent of the year so here's hoping we don't pull an NDSU against them. I would recommend that the coaches give Gray a couple shots of Drambui prior to the game next week to bring down his adrenalin just a bit, he overthrew open receivers by about 150 yards in total.

If Gray hits half of the wide open receivers he missed while they were running alone toward the end zone, the Gophers win by three touchdowns in regulation.

But he didn't... Gophers will get hammered in conference if he continues to play like this. He came a long way last year so it is just so sad to see him digressing to early season '11 instead of of charging ahead after the season ending game against Illinois last year where he put an exclamation point on opinion he was up and coming. If the Michigan State or Illinois version of our QB is on the field tonight, the Gophers win by 24.

What's with all the downers? We won! Offense had 478 yards and stupid mistakes cost us a lot. This was the best defense I recall from the Gophers in at least a decade. Next week is the weakest opponent of the year so here's hoping we don't pull an NDSU against them. I would recommend that the coaches give Gray a couple shots of Drambui prior to the game next week to bring down his adrenalin just a bit, he overthrew open receivers by about 150 yards in total.

Drambui? Wow. Mix it with scotch and what do you get?

I thought the D played pretty well. MG was terrible and I thought the O line was not very strong, especially up the middle.

A win is a win but if the O does not improve it will be a long year.

First time in a while I felt quite confident when our D took the field. With a combination of D-line pressure, and consistent secondary play we kept them in check for most of regulation. Could potentially see Thompson over Vereen in the future

Nate Sandell just tweeted: Kill on Jamel Harbison's injury: "I don't know what his status is, but I don't think it's great." #Gophers

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