Minnesota vs Louisville Photo Gallery



Greetings folks. I'm the photographer for the Arizona State related website, Cactus Ranch. I photographed the stadium shootout today and posted a photo album from your game.


I also thought I'd share a memory. Two year ago, it was our first year with Herb Sendek as basketball coach. On December 28th, over the holiday break, we were playing Stanford and our crowd was pretty small. Just prior to half-time, however, a bunch of energetic boisterous students swarmed down into our student section and did everything the could to fire up the place. It was a bunch of your students that were out here for the Insight Bowl. Your colors and our colors matched so perfectly that you really HAD to read the lettering on the clothes to discern between ASU and Minnesota kids. Anyway, I thought that was really cool. Here's a link to some photos of your students from back then, and here's hoping for a better result for you guys this year in the Insight Bowl.



High quality clicks...you a Nikonian or a Canon guy? I assume since you're a sports photographer you're a Canon guy with the L lenses...but just had to ask!

a bunch of energetic boisterous students swarmed down into our student section and did everything the could to fire up the place.

Those were members of the Minnesota Marching Band that made the trek out to that game. Look for some of them again this year. A group of our band members are again planning on taking in a game. I believe on the evening of the 29th.

Great photos, thank you much!!


I especially enjoyed picture number 18 where the Louisville player is trying to pick Al Nolen's pocket ... literally!

BTW, are the B'ball uniforms "break-aways" like the football unis used to be? ;)

Snowperson??? Hoping for a peek? LOL

Nolen's quickness

The thing I love about those pics is how many of them feature Louisville players trailing Nolen. I think as a team they were shocked at just how quick Al is.

High quality clicks...you a Nikonian or a Canon guy? I assume since you're a sports photographer you're a Canon guy with the L lenses...but just had to ask!

I'm shooting with a Canon 1D Mark III. For basketball, I sometimes use a 70-200mm f/2.8 IS "L" lens, but strangely enough, I've fallen in love with my (relatively) cheap 85mm f/1.8 lens for shooting the near court. All the shots in the gallery were taken with the 85mm f/1.8 lens. For the ASU game, I was unable to change ends of the court at the half, so I used the 85mm when ASU was at my basket, and the 70-200 when they were at the far end.

I have noticed in the last year that a lot of the pros are starting to show up with a lot more Nikon gear, especially since Canon had the autofocus issues with the 1D Mark III.


That's awesome!!!!:D

I know there has been a fair amount of respect between fans of both Minnesota and Arizona State for years and these photos provide more evidence of that...Also, I think most of us love your school colors!!!:p

Anyway, good luck to the Sun Devils the rest of the way...

These are great! Thanks

Love how you capture much of the action of the game. Nice job!

Those were members of the Minnesota Marching Band that made the trek out to that game. Look for some of them again this year. A group of our band members are again planning on taking in a game. I believe on the evening of the 29th.

Are you pretty sure that your band kids are coming to the game on the 29th? If so, I'll mention it to a few folks at tomorrow's game.



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Are you pretty sure that your band kids are coming to the game on the 29th? If so, I'll mention it to a few folks at tomorrow's game.

Yes, one of the guys who went last time is organizing it again. They had a lot of fun two years ago. I'm not sure exactly how many people are going. They've asked for use of a bus to get there, so it should be a pretty good number.

Large group

I spoke with the band member who is organizing the group. It sounds like there are around 100 or so students going to the game. They should be pretty easy to spot.

As a quick follow-up (and I'll probably post this also on your football board), your band kids did show up at our basketball game and represented Minnesota with class. They were loud, enthusiastic, and appreciated. I've got five photos of them in the game photo album that can be seen here:


Now...go flatten Kansas in the Insight Bowl!!!


Transplant, I commented on the FB Board also, and I thank you for sharing your photos and comments with us. Like I said on that board, Gotta Love the enthusiasm of college kids, and the fun they have. It was good to read your comment about the MN band kids being talked about on the radio post-game show. Thanks again, Transplant. Dr.Don

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