Minnesota State Fair Thread


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Anyone going to the State Fair this year. I'm most likely won't be making it this year.

actually, it was going to be

too many perogies.

seriously, I like perogies. I also used to like going to the Fair, but as I get older, I just have much less tolerance for crowds. It's just no fun for me to worm my way through a mob of people to get anywhere on the fairgrounds, or stand in line forever to get something to eat. and I like to go in the exhibit buildings and look at stuff, which is harder to do when there is this constant flow of humanity. not to mention the fact that people walk in all different directions, and then there are the yahoos who will stop in the middle of an aisle and clog up any semblance of traffic flow.

I'm not saying I will never go to the fair again, but I feel no real need to go at this time.

actually, it was going to be

too many perogies.

seriously, I like perogies. I also used to like going to the Fair, but as I get older, I just have much less tolerance for crowds. It's just no fun for me to worm my way through a mob of people to get anywhere on the fairgrounds, or stand in line forever to get something to eat. and I like to go in the exhibit buildings and look at stuff, which is harder to do when there is this constant flow of humanity. not to mention the fact that people walk in all different directions, and then there are the yahoos who will stop in the middle of an aisle and clog up any semblance of traffic flow.

I'm not saying I will never go to the fair again, but I feel no real need to go at this time.
I always take off a weekday (usually Mon or Tue) and we go then. The difference in crowds is pretty stark. I like going to the fair and the kids love it, but not sure you could pay me enough to go on a weekend due to the lines/crowds.

Mark Rosen is related to Sid…right? Rosen sounds just like 80 yr old Sid.

I always take off a weekday (usually Mon or Tue) and we go then. The difference in crowds is pretty stark. I like going to the fair and the kids love it, but not sure you could pay me enough to go on a weekend due to the lines/crowds.
We went yesterday. My wife and I have the same take. However, we have noticed the weekday crowds are getting too big. Could be because of many schools starting before labor day, pushing parents to come earlier

Went Thursday and Saturday, will probably go this coming Saturday and Monday. The first two visits were with the daughter, her husband, and four kids under 7. A bit much for me. Having little ones in big crowds honestly stresses me out. This coming weekend, hopefully, it will just be the wife and I.

Went Thursday and Saturday, will probably go this coming Saturday and Monday. The first two visits were with the daughter, her husband, and four kids under 7. A bit much for me. Having little ones in big crowds honestly stresses me out. This coming weekend, hopefully, it will just be the wife and I.

We did try and new beverage: The Beergarita at Tejas. It was fabulous.

I guess last year wasn’t the end of mouth guitar guy. There is no last year.

Went today. Good gravy it was hot. It must have scared people off; by far the least busy day I can ever remember attending. No lines anywhere.

Went 4 days, 3 with the kids, once with my in laws. I enjoy it most when I'm not in a hurry to accomplish anything.

We ride our bikes so coming and going is pain free and I burn off some of the food/beer on the ride.

Dang, I missed it again. Had things to do.

they haven't posted the official attendance yet for Monday. new attendance records were set for 5 of the first 11 days of the fair. overall attendance was held down because of two bad-weather days when total attendance was in the 80,000 range - but even with those two days, the Fair was on pace to have over 1.9-million in total attendance.

If I lived in the Cities, I would probably go at least one day. but for me, it's a 5-hour plus round trip drive. I just don't feel any need to drive five hours just so I can spend a few more hours battling the mass of humanity.

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