Minnesota at #18 in NCAA 2020 Preseason Rankings


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Jan 20, 2011
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18. Minnesota (11-2)
"It's difficult to climb into the top-10 and become a championship contender. It's perhaps harder to stay there consistently. That's the task ahead for P.J. Fleck, who led the Gophers to an 11-2 season and another statement win against Auburn in the Outback Bowl. Minnesota loses a ton on defense (All-America pick Antoine Winfield Jr.) and top running backs Rodney Smith and Shannon Brooks and WR Tyler Johnson — and OC Ciarrocca is now at Penn State. But QB Tanner Morgan (3,253 passing yards, 30 TDs) will still get to throw to Rashod Bateman (1,219 yards, 11 TDs)."

Losing Antoine Winfield Jr., and having to replace three coaches: Kirk Ciarrocca, Jim Panagos, and now Rod Chance adds to the 2020 preseason story. We can't forget the impact of losing key members of the Empire Class.

Who will emerge as team leaders? How will the Gophers adapt to the changes? How well will the Gophers lock and reload?

What are your expectations, W-L, for 2020?

Any thoughts?
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18. Minnesota (11-2)
"It's difficult to climb into the top-10 and become a championship contender. It's perhaps harder to stay there consistently. That's the task ahead for P.J. Fleck, who led the Gophers to an 11-2 season and another statement win against Auburn in the Outback Bowl. Minnesota loses a ton on defense (All-America pick Antoine Winfield Jr.) and top running backs Rodney Smith and Shannon Brooks and WR Tyler Johnson — and OC Ciarrocca is now at Penn State. But QB Tanner Morgan (3,253 passing yards, 30 TDs) will still get to throw to Rashod Bateman (1,219 yards, 11 TDs)."

Losing Antoine Winfield Jr., and having to replace three coaches: Kirk Ciarrocca, Jim Panagos, and now Rod Chance adds to the 2020 preseason story. We can't forget the impact of losing key members of the Empire Class.

Who will emerge as team leaders? How will the Gophers adapt to the changes? How well will the Gophers lock and reload?

What are your expectations, W-L, for 2020?

Any thoughts?

I think Coach Fleck is a VERY BRIGHTLY SHINING STAR in the coaching ranks, and it may be early to be saying this, but he very possibly could be the best coach in the country, and not just in how he manages/coaches the games, but just in general, how he manages everything day to day, and not a lot of coaches are going to want to remain lingering in his very long shadow for long periods of time. My guess is that now that Fleck has reached his final destination job, guys that may have stuck with him from WMU to here, are going to start looking for places where they can shine on their own right, and/or they are going to be looking to go back home, because now they can, programs near where they grew up are going to say, "oh, you coach under PJ Fleck, well we want you coaching here" and they'll jump at those kinds of opportunities. I'd say, strap yourself in for a wild ride, EVERY offseason we should be expecting to lose at least one assistant coach from here on into eternity. This isn't the 30s or 40s anymore when men loyally stuck with great head coaches. Too much money in the business nowadays to not move around and try to position yourself exactly where you want to be when you can, and UMn assistants CAN. Fleck's brightness rubs off on them, at least as far as outsiders are concerned. No outsider fully 100% believes the University of Minnesota could be having anything to do with Fleck's success, no way, it HAS TO BE 100% the Coaching staff, and likewise a lot of people can't believe that it's all Fleck's doing, either, so they figure he got lucky and hired good asst coaches. Also, people figure great coaches are often the ones who coached under great coaches, it's why everyone wants Saban's Asst Coaches. Well, now they are going to want Fleck's, especially when people start figuring out that Fleck isn't going anywhere.

Well, that is just my theory, my take, how I perceive the situation. I could be wrong, but it's rare that I ever am. :)

Now as for expectations? Well, I think the offense is going to be SO MUCH BETTER than the offense that we saw for the first 4-5 games of last year, I don't think they will struggle to score points at all. But it's possible that our defense will take a few games to get into synch, so early on we might see some high scoring games, but I believe our offense will control the clock, even more than we did last year. 2 or 3 more passes each game to TEs or RBs to keep drives going and take more time off the clock could be crucial, esp early in the season while our young defense and the coaching staff is figuring things out. That could be the key to our team's success next year? And Red zone effeciency will be important, too. And Minimizing mistakes and turnovers on offense, too. Bateman will likely get a lot of double coverage, but I think our QB will continue improving and will make good smart passes, but maybe not as many deep ones. Those 40+ yard TD tosses end drives too quickly, lol. I mean, I never complained about them last year, but this year I won't complain if they happen less often as long as we are getting lots of first downs and still getting TDs. The first 3 games of the season may be key as to what kind of season we'll have, if we can win against FAU and then can come away victorious against Iowa, then I fully expect us to have another 10+ win season, as I believe we'll go on to win all of our home games, and we will probably slip up in two of our road games, the Wisconsin game is the most likely, and then the Nebraska or Illinois games could be dangerous, maybe the Maryland game, but I wouldn't be shocked if we go 11-1, either.

I don't like making predictions this early on, but if I had to, my way too early prediction would be we'll go 10-2 again in the regular season, but we won't ever crack the top ten in the polls, not even after we pull off another upset of a top ten team in a bowl game. We'll instead come somewhere in the #11-#14 range in the polls and it will again be our supposed weak schedule that will dog us the entire season.
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What are your expectations, W-L, for 2020?

Any thoughts?

10-2 regular season, then...

10-3 following loss in B1G Championship Game, then...

11-3 following rebound win in bowl game.

10-2 regular season, then...

10-3 following loss in B1G Championship Game, then...

11-3 following rebound win in bowl game.

I hope you are right, as I have the BADgers going to the Conf Title game next year. They won't have an Illinois like loss next year so 7-2 won't be good enough to win the conf. I also am not sure about Iowa, they could be very good as well. I think both UW and Iowa could be better than they were last year, and UMn won't be worse, just different, and I hope we pull off the Iowa game, but it being so early scares me, not sure our defense will have everything figured out by then? But I really feel sorry for whichever Top Ten team has to play us in a bowl game, lol. We'll start to get the reputation as the Giant killer, lol. Going into bowl games underrated because of getting beat up in the tougher than anyone believes B1G West Division, and then whipping up on the overrated teams from weaker conferences we play in our bowl games. But that is only if 2021 doesn't ruin our always the underdog image as I think that will be our TITLE contending season!!!

18. Minnesota (11-2)
"It's difficult to climb into the top-10 and become a championship contender. It's perhaps harder to stay there consistently. That's the task ahead for P.J. Fleck, who led the Gophers to an 11-2 season and another statement win against Auburn in the Outback Bowl. Minnesota loses a ton on defense (All-America pick Antoine Winfield Jr.) and top running backs Rodney Smith and Shannon Brooks and WR Tyler Johnson — and OC Ciarrocca is now at Penn State. But QB Tanner Morgan (3,253 passing yards, 30 TDs) will still get to throw to Rashod Bateman (1,219 yards, 11 TDs)."

Losing Antoine Winfield Jr., and having to replace three coaches: Kirk Ciarrocca, Jim Panagos, and now Rod Chance adds to the 2020 preseason story. We can't forget the impact of losing key members of the Empire Class.

Who will emerge as team leaders? How will the Gophers adapt to the changes? How well will the Gophers lock and reload?

What are your expectations, W-L, for 2020?

Any thoughts?

I’m a little confused. Looked over this list a couple of times and didn’t find Nebraska. ?

I hope you are right, as I have the BADgers going to the Conf Title game next year. They won't have an Illinois like loss next year so 7-2 won't be good enough to win the conf. I also am not sure about Iowa, they could be very good as well. I think both UW and Iowa could be better than they were last year, and UMn won't be worse, just different, and I hope we pull off the Iowa game, but it being so early scares me, not sure our defense will have everything figured out by then? But I really feel sorry for whichever Top Ten team has to play us in a bowl game, lol. We'll start to get the reputation as the Giant killer, lol. Going into bowl games underrated because of getting beat up in the tougher than anyone believes B1G West Division, and then whipping up on the overrated teams from weaker conferences we play in our bowl games. But that is only if 2021 doesn't ruin our always the underdog image as I think that will be our TITLE contending season!!!

I think the Iowa game being at home and early in the year actually benefits us a ton in that matchup. Iowa will be breaking in a new QB and has some big holes to fill on their roster (like all teams do). They seem like a program that tends to get stronger as the season goes on so catching them early while the new QB is still trying to get things figured out could be a big advantage for us.

We hope that playing against Iowa and at Wiscy early (9/18, 10/10) pays dividend. Everyone is reloading at different positions, but I like the Gophers chances in spite of having to replace seven players on Defense.

10-15 and 17 are a joke.

It's called the Gophers not getting traction with the national media yet. I don't get it too. How could a 7-6 North Carolina be ranked ahead of the Gophers? Their time will come when they start winning championships.

All of these media predictions are meaningless.
What team filled the gaps in graduation and leaving for the NFL better, what teams have consistency in the coaching staff, what teams have a favorable schedule, etc.?
The answers were be found on the playing field next year.

I think the Iowa game being at home and early in the year actually benefits us a ton in that matchup. Iowa will be breaking in a new QB and has some big holes to fill on their roster (like all teams do). They seem like a program that tends to get stronger as the season goes on so catching them early while the new QB is still trying to get things figured out could be a big advantage for us.
Maybe but man we have been a slow starting team since....the Mason era.

So last year at this time I believe we were ranked 20th in the country, so gained 2 places in the respect column year over year.

We are also ranked at 18 in ESPN’s too early rankings. I haven’t compared the two, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a close similarity between the two. They should at the least watch spring practices and games so the early rankings are based on something more credible than end of season rankings, reputation and a bottle of cheap booze.

We are also ranked at 18 in ESPN’s too early rankings. I haven’t compared the two, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a close similarity between the two. They should at the least watch spring practices and games so the early rankings are based on something more credible than end of season rankings, reputation and a bottle of cheap booze.

Half the publications wait until the week before the regular season starts and then just regurgitate the order of finish from the previous year with a little bias towards helmet schools. The difference in the amount of effort between that and these is negligible.

If we were #10 this year, I would say 15-18 sound about right to start next year. I think the offense could be even better, but the defense loses a lot and special teams still need to prove themselves.

I figured we'd drop about 5 spots. Hopefully we climb a bit after spring games and whatnot to open the season at 15 (±1). 18 feels a bit low to me, but I understand that we seemingly have an unproven defense with all the starters that left. I think they'll step up (some even had a decent amount of playing time last year and did fine)

USA Today ranking doesn't even have us in their Top 25.

They also have Iowa ranked #10 which is way higher then I have seen anyone rank Iowa in any of these preseason polls.

These preseason polls are meaningless but ranking the team we handled in the bowl game 13th while not even putting us in the top 25 is a pretty big slight. Sure Fleck will find a spot to post that around the complex as a little added off-season motivation for the players.... :)

Not surprised. The Gophers were seen by the National Media as a "surprise" team last season, because the Gophers aren't "supposed" to be good.

So, the National Media thought process goes something like this: "Surprise team last year. No one expected Gophers to finish 11-2. Losing Tyler Johnson and Rodney Smith on offense, losing Winfield on Defense. probably going to take a step backwards. Finished 2019 at #10, so let's bump them back but keep them in the top 20. #18 sounds about right."

In the end, the pre-season ratings matter to this extent: if you start the year in the top 20 and keep winning, you stay in the top 20. If you start the year out of the top 20, you have to win and teams in front of you have to lose, so it's harder to get into the top 20 than it is to fall out of the top 20.

I only mildly care about polls at the end of the season. I couldn’t possibly care less about preseason polls. I’m heading back to the Kill thread.

Not surprised. The Gophers were seen by the National Media as a "surprise" team last season, because the Gophers aren't "supposed" to be good.

So, the National Media thought process goes something like this: "Surprise team last year. No one expected Gophers to finish 11-2. Losing Tyler Johnson and Rodney Smith on offense, losing Winfield on Defense. probably going to take a step backwards. Finished 2019 at #10, so let's bump them back but keep them in the top 20. #18 sounds about right."

In the end, the pre-season ratings matter to this extent: if you start the year in the top 20 and keep winning, you stay in the top 20. If you start the year out of the top 20, you have to win and teams in front of you have to lose, so it's harder to get into the top 20 than it is to fall out of the top 20.

Can totally understand the line of thinking you put forth here as to where to rank us and I think that is pretty close to what we will really see. But for the USA Today to not even put us in the top 25 while ranking Iowa 10th seems really out there. Nothing to get worked up about since it is just preseason fluff but I would still be curious to know why they dropped us so far.

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