Mike Rallis NXT


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Aug 31, 2014
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I was watching last nights episode of NXT wrestling and Mike Rallis was in a tag team match against the tag team champs. I had forgotten he was trying pro wrestling. I'm not sure how good of a wrestler he's gonna be, but he sure does look like a pro wrestler!



Rocky: Mr. Jergens, the poster's wrong.
Jergens: What do ya mean?
Rocky: Well, I'm wearin' white pants with a red stripe.
Jergens: It doesn't really matter, does it? I'm sure you're gonna give us a great show. Try to get some rest, kid.

Ralis has a little bit of "it" he should borrow from Ted Dibiase,Ravishing Rick Rude

Ralis needs to ditch Digg and go back to using Mike.
NXT and WWE should pair him with "Charlotte" Nature Boy Ric Flairs daughter, it would be a good pairing and a bit of Karma.
Easy remember names too, Mike Mr Irresistable Rawls, Charlotte "the Choice" Blair, and make them a couple of ass kickers in the ring, that give the allusion of being a power couple. Similiar to what Ruseve and Lana had going, bad MF'er, hot lady, but a more envy thing, not stereotypical cold war hate. A couple in character that wears, Hugo Boss to the ring and 80's mirrored ******y shades, the kind of sadistic bad guys that people hate because when it counts they can kick butt, and cheat,look good doing that and don't ever get caught by the refs, characters that upset the rubes, but at the same time sell the crowd on really disliking them. Being villians that people love to hate and deep down wish that they had the balls to behave that way some times. It is somewhat like "Envy" or class envy that always plays with the masses that get's them worked up, mad at the bread and circus events like Pro Wrestling. People that know mike get that he can talk, he has the athletic talent and charisma to be a star at that game not just some any old jobber.

You all know the character, spoon fed, entitled and bratty, from cake eaterville USA " Mission Beach CA, La Jolla CA, Grenich CT, spoiled and cocky, old money buttholes.People and characters that look like Jet Set, party in Vegas, have big money, travel the world, evil self absorbed narcissistic, A-HOLES that work the crowd up and make them mad and people they love to hate.

I'm not suggesting that Mike Ralis is like this in real life, probably furthest from the truth, but to play a character like that will get him over, and get him to the main event roster, if they let him make something up like this and give him the microphone and let him run with it. Not superman hero types like Hogan, or the anti hero, tatooed guys like CM punk.
Mike has the pro wrestling look and athletic ability to sell and to get " over with the crowd" what sucks them in the masses and what separates, makes them remember you, is the ability to stir emotion , get the crowd to react to what you are doing or saying. They the crowd choose to boo or cheer, it is all the psychology and the ability to talk and talk a game that draws people in. The worst thing an enterainer can get is no reaction or a crowd that is silent and bored. As the guys character Proximo says in the movie Gladiator, do things with flair, take chances, and risk, and win the crowd, do not be afraid of failure or trying new things but remember what elevates and makes you better.
Think about the hatred that wrestling crowds had for guys like Bobby the Brain Heenen, Ravishing Rick Rude, Ted Dibiase, Jake The Snake Roberts, Ric Nature Boy Flair, George the Animal Steel, even other 1980s and some of those diabolical guys like the Freebirds. In Fact if Mr Ralis can get ahold of Michael Hayes, put aside the stereotypical southern race baiting crap, but look he made people hate him, that is the part that wins the crowd. Bobby the wheasle Heenen was great at talking a big game, pretending to be a coward and running away from a fight, ducking out of the ring, pretending to be hurt, but that guy could actually show like he could fight and throw down when he had to, he was really good at selling that idea that he was meagar and weak but actually had a really strong character. Modern Day Randy Orton is good at portraying some of this run and hide cowardliness, and then he strikes. Ventura had the natural ability to work the crowd when he talked and bring them in, selling being weak or a wuss and then striking like a bad snake would.
He can probably even borrow from local guys like Brock Lesnar and Sean Waltman. If he want's to play a heel and develop a character that personafies getting a reaction from crowds Bobby the Brain Heenan and Ted Dibiase were some of the best at making people hate there characters but those guys in there real lives were the exact opposite of the characters they played. I only suggest Ric Rude because he made people mad, but his charisma on the microphone was undeniable. I'm not saying be crude or do the sexual pandering stuff like Rick Rude or Scott Steiner, but those guy's have good microphone skills and their ability to cut promos and make the crowd react to them is what made them big names in the business. Mike has it in him to be a guy on the main event roster, he is a hard enough worker, he just needs to put aside the nice guy stuff, embrace the roll of a good villian and then run with it. Loose the maroon and gold and stick with black and silver like the Raiders. Good like Mike Ralis, I hope you make it big in the Sport entertainment business some day. Mike has a chance to be one of those WWE superstars, he just has to be one of those guys that takes the ball and runs with it. Don't be afraid to borrow from the best but at the end of the day make the character yours. I know the guys only have so much control over who they can be and have to put up with the writing team they select in NXT, but working the crowd and making them like or dislike you is something they all get a chance to do. Good luck Mike SKIU-Mah and run with it all the way to the main event, and go Gophers.

Ralis needs to ditch Digg and go back to using Mike.
NXT and WWE should pair him with "Charlotte" Nature Boy Ric Flairs daughter, it would be a good pairing and a bit of Karma.
Easy remember names too, Mike Mr Irresistable Rawls, Charlotte "the Choice" Blair, and make them a couple of ass kickers in the ring, that give the allusion of being a power couple. Similiar to what Ruseve and Lana had going, bad MF'er, hot lady, but a more envy thing, not stereotypical cold war hate. A couple in character that wears, Hugo Boss to the ring and 80's mirrored ******y shades, the kind of sadistic bad guys that people hate because when it counts they can kick butt, and cheat,look good doing that and don't ever get caught by the refs, characters that upset the rubes, but at the same time sell the crowd on really disliking them. Being villians that people love to hate and deep down wish that they had the balls to behave that way some times. It is somewhat like "Envy" or class envy that always plays with the masses that get's them worked up, mad at the bread and circus events like Pro Wrestling. People that know mike get that he can talk, he has the athletic talent and charisma to be a star at that game not just some any old jobber.

You all know the character, spoon fed, entitled and bratty, from cake eaterville USA " Mission Beach CA, La Jolla CA, Grenich CT, spoiled and cocky, old money buttholes.People and characters that look like Jet Set, party in Vegas, have big money, travel the world, evil self absorbed narcissistic, A-HOLES that work the crowd up and make them mad and people they love to hate.

I'm not suggesting that Mike Ralis is like this in real life, probably furthest from the truth, but to play a character like that will get him over, and get him to the main event roster, if they let him make something up like this and give him the microphone and let him run with it. Not superman hero types like Hogan, or the anti hero, tatooed guys like CM punk.
Mike has the pro wrestling look and athletic ability to sell and to get " over with the crowd" what sucks them in the masses and what separates, makes them remember you, is the ability to stir emotion , get the crowd to react to what you are doing or saying. They the crowd choose to boo or cheer, it is all the psychology and the ability to talk and talk a game that draws people in. The worst thing an enterainer can get is no reaction or a crowd that is silent and bored. As the guys character Proximo says in the movie Gladiator, do things with flair, take chances, and risk, and win the crowd, do not be afraid of failure or trying new things but remember what elevates and makes you better.
Think about the hatred that wrestling crowds had for guys like Bobby the Brain Heenen, Ravishing Rick Rude, Ted Dibiase, Jake The Snake Roberts, Ric Nature Boy Flair, George the Animal Steel, even other 1980s and some of those diabolical guys like the Freebirds. In Fact if Mr Ralis can get ahold of Michael Hayes, put aside the stereotypical southern race baiting crap, but look he made people hate him, that is the part that wins the crowd. Bobby the wheasle Heenen was great at talking a big game, pretending to be a coward and running away from a fight, ducking out of the ring, pretending to be hurt, but that guy could actually show like he could fight and throw down when he had to, he was really good at selling that idea that he was meagar and weak but actually had a really strong character. Modern Day Randy Orton is good at portraying some of this run and hide cowardliness, and then he strikes. Ventura had the natural ability to work the crowd when he talked and bring them in, selling being weak or a wuss and then striking like a bad snake would.
He can probably even borrow from local guys like Brock Lesnar and Sean Waltman. If he want's to play a heel and develop a character that personafies getting a reaction from crowds Bobby the Brain Heenan and Ted Dibiase were some of the best at making people hate there characters but those guys in there real lives were the exact opposite of the characters they played. I only suggest Ric Rude because he made people mad, but his charisma on the microphone was undeniable. I'm not saying be crude or do the sexual pandering stuff like Rick Rude or Scott Steiner, but those guy's have good microphone skills and their ability to cut promos and make the crowd react to them is what made them big names in the business. Mike has it in him to be a guy on the main event roster, he is a hard enough worker, he just needs to put aside the nice guy stuff, embrace the roll of a good villian and then run with it. Loose the maroon and gold and stick with black and silver like the Raiders. Good like Mike Ralis, I hope you make it big in the Sport entertainment business some day. Mike has a chance to be one of those WWE superstars, he just has to be one of those guys that takes the ball and runs with it. Don't be afraid to borrow from the best but at the end of the day make the character yours. I know the guys only have so much control over who they can be and have to put up with the writing team they select in NXT, but working the crowd and making them like or dislike you is something they all get a chance to do. Good luck Mike SKIU-Mah and run with it all the way to the main event, and go Gophers.

Who do you like in the IC title match tomorrow night at Elimination Chamber?

The owner/operator who collects the proceeds.

Money in the Bank is tonight. These guys are years ahead of Rallis. I hope he does well, but he's a good 5-7 years from seeing RAW. I'm curious to see how his mic skills are. I hope he does well, but he's trying to do something that's exponentially more difficult than college football.

This thread reminds me of one of my favorite Wikipedia entries, the glossary of professional wrestling:


Here is a sample:

The worked lowering (relegation) of a popular wrestler's status in the eyes of the fans. It is the act of a promoter or booker causing a wrestler to lose popularity by forcing him to lose in squash matches, continuously, and/or participate in unentertaining or degrading storylines. It can be a form of punishment for real-life backstage disagreements or feuds between the wrestler and the booker, the wrestler falling out of favor with the company, or the wrestler receiving an unpopular gimmick that causes him to lose credibility regardless of win-loss record.

Professional wrestling; instead of "profession" or "sport".[2]

Bust open
To start to bleed, typically from the head after being hit with something like a chair, and typically after blading. The commentators will usually refer to the bleeding wrestler as being "busted [wide] open", to sell the illusion that a blunt force laceration is the source of the bleeding.

An event featuring the lowest level of talent in a promotion. Often used as a derogatory adjective.

To instruct the other wrestler of what is going to happen in the match.[1]

The lineup of the matches that will be staged at a given venue for a given performance.[1] The card is generally performed in a roughly inverse order to the way in which it might be printed for posters or other promotional materials. The major matches between well-known opponents may be for "titles" and are said to be "top of the card" or "headliners" while the preliminary matches between lesser-known opponents are said to be the "undercard."
In Lucha libre, cards are generally five matches although big events might have more and smaller promotions might not run the full five match card. The first match is called the Primera Lucha, the second is called the Segunda Lucha, the third is usually the Combate Especial or the Lucha Especial, the fourth or second to last match is called the Lucha Semifinal, and the main event is called the Lucha Estelar or Lucha Estrella.

The act of one wrestler guiding a typically less experienced performer through a match. Also refers to a match or angle in which a particularly skilled performer is able to make an inferior wrestler look good, or is perceived to be doing all the work.

Cheap heat
The incitement of a negative crowd reaction by insulting the crowd en-masse, typically by bringing up something unrelated to the wrestling business (for example by insulting the city or a local sports team, like wearing a Yankees jersey in Boston, or by using a news event as part of a promo).[1][2]

Cheap pop
The incitement of a positive crowd reaction by "kissing up" to the crowd (for example, mentioning the name of the city or complimenting a local sports team). Heels often follow the same principle but in reverse to get booed (see "Cheap heat" above).

And so much more!

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