Mike Max's Interview with Former Gophers QB Philip Nelson - 1st interview since...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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he was arrested/was in that fight.

I don't think anyone's posted this yet, I've been traveling all day, so apologize if this is a duplicate.

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I have a gross feeling after watching that interview. Poor taste to be practicing football in front of the cameras given the circumstances.

I have a gross feeling after watching that interview. Poor taste to be practicing football in front of the cameras given the circumstances.

I agree it would have been better for Nelson without the football clip, but it illustrates he hopes to move on with his life.
He seemed humble and sincere. It's a really difficult time in his life. It'd be pretty easy to just curl up and feel sorry for himself. Doesn't appear he is doing that. I don't know how it went down but he got knocked to the ground by Kolstad before he delivered the kick.
He made a mistake. He is suffering for it.

It's good to see Phil acting like an adult through this. I'm guessing the throwing the football was not has idea, but rather was requested by Max in order to make it so it wasn't all static shots of Nelson and the incident. Also probably to try portray the feeling that he's moving on, or at least trying to.

Only thing I disliked in it was that Max kept pumping the idea that tons of college teams are anxiously waiting to pull the trigger and sign Phil. That bit of speculation was extreme and didn't really fit with what the story line should have been.

All in all, good to see Nelson not being destroyed by this and acting mature about the whole thing. He appears to be sincere about it. Hopefully, as Phil said, everything manages to work out for everyone and people's lives are not damaged more than they have been to this point.

It makes my skin crawl when people call Nelson's action a mistake. Dotting a t and crossing an i is a mistake. Putting gas in a diesel tank is a mistake. Kicking a man in the head is assault.

It makes my skin crawl when people call Nelson's action a mistake. Dotting a t and crossing an i is a mistake. Putting gas in a diesel tank is a mistake. Kicking a man in the head is assault.

They are all mistakes with different levels of consequences. There were three assaults in this case, one by each person. Now a judge and jury get the figure it out.

It makes my skin crawl when people call Nelson's action a mistake. Dotting a t and crossing an i is a mistake. Putting gas in a diesel tank is a mistake. Kicking a man in the head is assault.

This story has been rehashed a million times so I won't go into a ton of details but the one thing I will say is that what Nelson did can be categorized as both and assault and a mistake. it was not a pre-meditated decision, it was a heat of the moment, split-second decision fueled by booze and the jock mentality of wanting to fight. He made a mistake and it is one that he will pay for the rest of his life.

I've never been in a fight and not a real confrontational man, nor do I feel too bad for Nelson, but for every action there is a reaction. I do not know what happened prior to the video that was released, but within about 4-5 seconds Nelson was hit hard and knocked to the ground and immediately got up and ran to Kolstad. I firmly believe that Kolstad should be charged with whatever Nelson/Shelley are charged with. I feel bad for both Nelson/Kolstad. Not sure what Shelley's reason was, unless he thought he saw this guy get blindsided and wanted to stick up for him.

Maybe he will play at Houston with AJ Barker?

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Haven't been able to watch the interview yet (I'm at work...), but I'm not sure how many teams are going to be looking for a QB who has sat out a year, and is carrying some baggage.

Look, I'm not saying the guy is an axe murderer, but he was drinking underage, was (apparently) intoxicated, got into a fracas outside a bar, and regardless of how much damage he caused, there is video of him kicking a defenseless person in the head. Any school that is considering Nelson as a QB will have to take all of that into consideration. And, to be perfectly blunt, it's not like he was an all-Conf QB during his time at MN. If nelson wants to play FB again, I suspect it's going to be at a FCS school or even D2.

Haven't been able to watch the interview yet (I'm at work...), but I'm not sure how many teams are going to be looking for a QB who has sat out a year, and is carrying some baggage.

Look, I'm not saying the guy is an axe murderer, but he was drinking underage, was (apparently) intoxicated, got into a fracas outside a bar, and regardless of how much damage he caused, there is video of him kicking a defenseless person in the head. Any school that is considering Nelson as a QB will have to take all of that into consideration. And, to be perfectly blunt, it's not like he was an all-Conf QB during his time at MN. If nelson wants to play FB again, I suspect it's going to be at a FCS school or even D2.


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