Mike Max "Not if, but when..."

Wow.....some of the dumbest sh!t, very odd lines of thinking/logic, and stupidly speculative **** from certain GH'ers as usual.

Does anyone think the sexual allegations involving football players last year could be a problem? Just wondering what others think cause I have no clue.

I'm with Studwell on this suggesting there's more to the story. Also, I noticed that the thing Coach Kill focused on mostly during his last presser was "not cheating the University". He mentioned that 3 or more times, when nobody I know of ever hinted at that. Why did he emphasize that?

Also, Kill mentioned that he wasn't thinking clearly. I wonder if he feels he made a few poor decisions recently that he regrets. The Croft decision was particularly odd to me. Kill has his players best interests at heart yet the decision re: Croft will not benefit Demry.

I will miss Kill a lot and have difficulty envisioning Tracy being able to fill his shoes as the face of the program. I think Tracy will be a great coach, but fear he'll fall short in other roles. This whole thing stinks and I feel very sad and empty and scared about the future of Gopher football and basketball.

Teague turned out to be so, so bad. It's a real tarnish on the administration. He was like a 15 year old pervert in an incredibly important position. How could this happen?

I think you are WAY over thinking it all. Just being honest. Everything is not anywhere near as bad as you are thinking it is in your head. Just my two cents.

Does anyone think the sexual allegations involving football players last year could be a problem? Just wondering what others think cause I have no clue.

I'm with Studwell on this suggesting there's more to the story. Also, I noticed that the thing Coach Kill focused on mostly during his last presser was "not cheating the University". He mentioned that 3 or more times, when nobody I know of ever hinted at that. Why did he emphasize that?

Also, Kill mentioned that he wasn't thinking clearly. I wonder if he feels he made a few poor decisions recently that he regrets. The Croft decision was particularly odd to me. Kill has his players best interests at heart yet the decision re: Croft will not benefit Demry.

I will miss Kill a lot and have difficulty envisioning Tracy being able to fill his shoes as the face of the program. I think Tracy will be a great coach, but fear he'll fall short in other roles. This whole thing stinks and I feel very sad and empty and scared about the future of Gopher football and basketball.

Teague turned out to be so, so bad. It's a real tarnish on the administration. He was like a 15 year old pervert in an incredibly important position. How could this happen?

Kill was talking about not being able to perform his coaching duties while taking the anti-seizure medication as prescribed by doctors. Any allegations against players have nothing to do with that.

I think you are WAY over thinking it all. Just being honest. Everything is not anywhere near as bad as you are thinking it is in your head. Just my two cents.

I hope you're right. And just to support your position, I have a bad habit of over thinking things and making them worse than they are. But I also have good intuition. It's a bad combination of traits for reasons you can imagine. Just last week I said Kill seemed unhappy and fed up and I could envision him leaving soon. I see things in folks others don't and more often than not I'm waaaay wrong. But at times I'm so right it's a little scary. I'm very in touch with the feelings of others. It's about the only gift I have in this life. Please don't make fun of me, I'm being earnest here.

Kill was talking about not being able to perform his coaching duties while taking the anti-seizure medication as prescribed by doctors. Any allegations against players have nothing to do with that.

I agree. Those were two different points I was making. Just weird how he kept coming back to not cheating the University.

Seriously, some one tell me. Who is Mike Max? Who does he write for?

Maybe a lot of the stress and sleepless nights that caused Kill's recent siezures had something to do with
the football player harassment thing the strib reported?

Who knows, but had to stem from somewhere..

Does anyone think the sexual allegations involving football players last year could be a problem? Just wondering what others think cause I have no clue.

I'm with Studwell on this suggesting there's more to the story. Also, I noticed that the thing Coach Kill focused on mostly during his last presser was "not cheating the University". He mentioned that 3 or more times, when nobody I know of ever hinted at that. Why did he emphasize that?

Also, Kill mentioned that he wasn't thinking clearly. I wonder if he feels he made a few poor decisions recently that he regrets. The Croft decision was particularly odd to me. Kill has his players best interests at heart yet the decision re: Croft will not benefit Demry.

I will miss Kill a lot and have difficulty envisioning Tracy being able to fill his shoes as the face of the program. I think Tracy will be a great coach, but fear he'll fall short in other roles. This whole thing stinks and I feel very sad and empty and scared about the future of Gopher football and basketball.

Teague turned out to be so, so bad. It's a real tarnish on the administration. He was like a 15 year old pervert in an incredibly important position. How could this happen?

At the end he said he was walking away from a whole lot of money, I think him telling himself he could still coach, keep cashing those
paychecks meanwhile having health issues that hampers his ability to coach at a high level, was his intention on cheating the university.

I would bet with absolute certainty that it is Pitino related. Anybody who believes that Rick Pitino did not know that there were hookers and strippers in the dorm is living in a deep dark cave somewhere on the other side of the planet. It is going to get ugly before it is over and little Richie was on staff during part of it. My bet is there is a very good chance that his name will also become a part of this. With the problems that have existed in the athletic department regarding the sexual harassment and the treatment of women and the AD who hired him long gone, my bet is they will be looking for a new men's basketball coach this spring also. Just sayin'

What makes you so certain that it is Pitino related? Your post seems to be pure speculation: speculation that I think is wholly inappropriate unless you have a very solid basis for your claims, in which case, you should have disclosed that basis. You seem to have a personal animosity towards Pitino. Its not your first suggestion that he will be gone soon. I think it is extremely reprehensible to make the kind of claims you have made about Pitino without a solid basis.

Must be great when your job is to only have to talk about it, but never have to be about it.

Just remember that no matter the subject matter, any segment by Mike Max must first and foremost be about Mike Max.

At the end he said he was walking away from a whole lot of money, I think him telling himself he could still coach, keep cashing those
paychecks meanwhile having health issues that hampers his ability to coach at a high level, was his intention on cheating the university.

Yes, I agree, that's what he was saying. I just found it curious that this was the thing he kept mentioning. He wanted everyone to know that he was a stand-up, honest, ethical guy. Why? We all knew and believed that. Clearly that issue was on his mind. I was surprised he didn't talk more about how sad he was to leave his players or share more stories of what the players said to him. I'm being picky now so I'll stop.

Yes, I agree, that's what he was saying. I just found it curious that this was the thing he kept mentioning. He wanted everyone to know that he was a stand-up, honest, ethical guy. Why? We all knew and believed that. Clearly that issue was on his mind. I was surprised he didn't talk more about how sad he was to leave his players or share more stories of what the players said to him. I'm being picky now so I'll stop.

I think with the emotions of the moment, Kill had a hard time keeping his thoughts straight. Plus he will never be accused of being an eloquent speaker to start with.

Just remember that no matter the subject matter, any segment by Mike Max must first and foremost be about Mike Max.

I think with the emotions of the moment, Kill had a hard time keeping his thoughts straight. Plus he will never be accused of being an eloquent speaker to start with.

Agree 200%. Very sad to see him go. Impressive man.

So tell me, why would Claeys want the HC job if he knew that there was a major chance that the UM could be hamstrung with NCAA sanctions or other negatives that would make recruiting and his job even more difficult? Being a interim versus the HC are two totally different situations.

Minnesota is not a Penn State when it comes to over coming these potential obstacles. My guess that he is in the loop with these things and is a smart man. Maybe the same with Goetz.

Because Claeys knows at worst his salary will be doubled from the 600k he makes now, plus the Gophers head coach is the best job he can land right now. I know Claeys himself said money doesn't matter. But put yourself in his position. Your boss leaves, you know your company is dysfunctional, but if you stick it out and take the promotion, your pay is doubled and you get a better title to put on your resume. Even if you fail, you've made enough money to set you up for the rest of your life...at 46-50 years old. Plus there's always the chance that you are part of the solution to turn the dysfunctional company around.

But at times I'm so right it's a little scary. I'm very in touch with the feelings of others. It's about the only gift I have in this life.


What makes you so certain that it is Pitino related? Your post seems to be pure speculation: speculation that I think is wholly inappropriate unless you have a very solid basis for your claims, in which case, you should have disclosed that basis. You seem to have a personal animosity towards Pitino. Its not your first suggestion that he will be gone soon. I think it is extremely reprehensible to make the kind of claims you have made about Pitino without a solid basis.

There have been very credible claims and accusations made about what went on in Louisville, and during that time, our coach was on the staff there. There's nothing inappropriate whatsoever about putting two and two together. I'm no fan of Mike Max - I think he's a hack so-called journalist who says one thing on his own, but kisses ass when actually speaking to people, (classic "Minnesota Nice"), but if we're speculating that he does know something (which I question, because he is a hack), it's quite reasonable to think that it ties to the Louisville scandal.

There have been very credible claims and accusations made about what went on in Louisville, and during that time, our coach was on the staff there. There's nothing inappropriate whatsoever about putting two and two together. I'm no fan of Mike Max - I think he's a hack so-called journalist who says one thing on his own, but kisses ass when actually speaking to people, (classic "Minnesota Nice"), but if we're speculating that he does know something (which I question, because he is a hack), it's quite reasonable to think that it ties to the Louisville scandal.

Just a little common sense should tell anyone Rick Pitino is not possibly so stupid as to think hookers would be a good idea anywhere as a head college basketball coach, but especially in a hall named after a 911 survivor. Are you guys thinking your baseless accusations through at all? He is in the Basketball Hall of Fame, he's a multi millionaire, but 25 dollar hookers will get us another championship.... come on.

I can't stand Mikey Max...I don't listen to his station and if he is on TV it's an instant change. He may have been a Gopher fan growing up, but back when WCCO had the Gophers game, he and Eric Nelson would go completely nuts about how great aWisconsin and Iowa were, on Gophers post game/"football final." He truly is a hack, no clue how he keeps a job in a decent size market

All jokes aside I really do not know who Mike Max is. Im also choosing to not do a Google search to find out. Im just going to move on.

A face for radio and a voice for newspaper. Only in this market would this guy be a prominent media member

MMax is a D-Bag. Sorry if that is snarky for some childhood friends of his. Saying something like this has nothing but negative effects and odds are 100:1 that he knows anything that others don't and that he isn't running with.

There is nothing easier than predicting turmoil at The U. What's next, I predict the sun sets in the west ?

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Another Negative Nancy in a town full of them when it comes to Gopher Football.

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