Mike Hohensee wants OC, says MN where he could end career, won't be stepping stone


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Marcus:

Hohensee wants to return to U
Although he's a longshot to be the new offensive coordinator, former Gophers quarterback Mike Hohensee hopes to get a chance to coach at his alma mater in some capacity in the future.

Hohensee was the Chicago Rush head coach for the last eight seasons, but the Arena Football League suspended play for the 2009 season. He hasn't been officially contacted about a position by Minnesota, but he has talked with the Gophers recently.

"I understand how some people might be apprehensive about hiring a coach from the Arena League," said Hohensee, who was a Gophers quarterback in 1981 and 1982, "But I've had a lot of success developing quarterbacks over the years. Minnesota is a type of job where I would end my career. I'm definitely not looking for a stepping stone."

-- The Gophers are wrapping up the interview process, but don't appear to have their guy yet. A new offensive coordinator could be picked by this weekend, but might not be announced until next week.

-- Gophers athletic director Joel Maturi said he has "heard many good things about the candidates." Maturi also said that talks about a possible contract extension for Gophers coach Tim Brewster have been put on hold until after he hires an offensive coordinator.


Go Gophers!!

I would LOVE Hohensee as OC. Perfect fit - track record developing QB's, very creative passing game (as developed in Arena football) and I really believe he would stay for 4-5 years (or more). I hope he gets interviewed.

This is one of the first people that I've heard of that WANTS to be here and for an extended period of time. Even if he doesn't get the job I hope Brew gives him some serious consideration. He's developed QBs and his experience in the wide open arena league could help open up the spread offense for us. We could pioneer some crazy wide opening passing attack with a power running game as well with our running game coordinator.

I think Hohensee would be an interesting choice. He certainly was a great QB for the Gophers and has an understanding of the passing game.

I have been preaching hire Mike Hohensee for OC for weeks now. I think it would be a good gamble to take.

I forgot to add that Hohensee's hiring will not happen, but I think Hohensee and Davis as CO-OC would be a good fit.

Hardly a "killer shot" and

not anybody current recruits or players outside the U have ever heard of.


Why don't you think Brew will offer him the position? What has he done that would not make him a candidate? I don't know much about him, so information would be great!

Not all that concerned with "Killer Shot". Just normal Brewster hyperbole, which I've learned to look past. It's just his personality and he can't help it. I'm still a big fan and think the basic enthusiasm and energy is something we need at the U.

That aside, not sure how good Hohensee's X's & O's with the spead are, but I think he's an interesting candidate in that he would be a good QB coach, wants to be here, loves Minnesota and bleeds maroon and gold. The questions are his grasp of the spread and recruiting ability. I think he would be a good recruiter as he would sell Minnesota from his heart and I think kids can sense that. I would assume there are other people on the offensive staff that could help with any holes in his "spread" knowledge.

Long winded way of saying, I would be very supportive of his hiring.

it would be a horrible hire

just because someone might want to be here and stay a long time does not mean he should be here. Recruits have never heard of him and he has been coaching arena league which is just a step up from the XFL.

The other day I posted a musing about what would happen if there wasn't a good fit OC. I thought it'd be cool if Shanahan took the job as interim/consultation and developed an up and comer who may lack certain experience. The tough thing would be finding that mentee. After a while I thought of the Hohensee thread posted earlier. The more I thought of it the better it sounded. What he lacks can be more than offset by Davis/Brewster/Shanahan. He may very well be the diamond in the rough we seek. The question is can he bleed recruiting at an energy level suitable for Brewster? To me that's probably the biggest obstacle in picking the right guy, and wouldn't be surprised to find out that's why we're losing coordinators.

Thanks for cutting and pasting the newspaper. Due to this occurring somedays I get to read the same articles twice.

I would agree that just those reasons alone shouldn't be the determining factor, but I don't know if any of us know how good an offensive mind he actually has.
As far as recruits knowing him, other than a few high profile former players that were supposedly in the running, I doubt if many of them know any of the guys we are or were considering. I may be wrong about that but JMO as I don't think high school kids are much in tune with what college coaches are known for great offensive minds.

if you like

cutting and pasting the newspaper, you'll love nemosgold. He links the paper daily.

why do people defend people posting newspaper articles? it makes no sense. It's as dumb as telling someone what you saw on the news last night.

why do people defend people posting newspaper articles? it makes no sense. It's as dumb as telling someone what you saw on the news last night.

not everyone lives in minnesota.

and i for one try to stay away from the strib sports web page.

why do people defend people posting newspaper articles? it makes no sense. It's as dumb as telling someone what you saw on the news last night.
Perhaps it makes perfect sense. Have you ever actually thought that perhaps some people do not get the Star Tribune or the Pioneer Press delivered to their door step because.... they live outside of the state of Minnesota? Shocking, isn't it. Someone like me, who lives in Chicago and does not get Minneapolis news on the TV, just might be interested in what was on the news last night. Hopefully, someday you will realize that not all Gopher fans live in the Twin Cities region, but that might be asking a lot of you.

Because it starts a conversation, informs people who might not have seen the news, and as many pointed out the last time you went down this road many of our posters are not loacal. So while it may not be useful to you, it is to many.

But the most important reason is that it's a minor infraction and your reaction is disproportionate and unnecessary if not out right rude.

Outside of that I don't know.

you do have the internet and can see the Minnesota news channels and newspapers online. If I was a Cubs fan I know where to find the local Chicago news. Google, ever heard of it?

Perhaps it makes perfect sense. Have you ever actually thought that perhaps some people do not get the Star Tribune or the Pioneer Press delivered to their door step because.... they live outside of the state of Minnesota? Shocking, isn't it. Someone like me, who lives in Chicago and does not get Minneapolis news on the TV, just might be interested in what was on the news last night. Hopefully, someday you will realize that not all Gopher fans live in the Twin Cities region, but that might be asking a lot of you.

I completely agree. Post bashing makes no sense, and I'd rather see information disseminated than withheld regardless of the source.

First of all, what I posted was from Marcus' blog not today's newspaper.

Second of all, not everyone reads the Pioneer Press so it's nice to have some of it posted here for those that don't read it.

Third of all, if you thought this was a subject matter about something you already read in the paper, why did you click on it?

Go Gophers!!

I don't see a problem with posting of links. Lighten up folks. It's a good way to get conversation moving. Back to Hohensee, I'm not sure he'd be a 'killer shot' but I'd actually prefer him to Horton.

why do people defend people posting newspaper articles? it makes no sense. It's as dumb as telling someone what you saw on the news last night.

This board used to be a place where we would talk about Gopher football. Discussing the news that appeared in the paper (or on TV or heard on the street) that day was part of the fun. But you can't really discuss it if you haven't seen it, and we all used to appreciate Bleed's efforts to find some of this news -- often from the Twin Cities dailies, but often from more obscure sources. Likewise, it was a great place to see a condensed recap of all the news on the program -- some you have seen and some you haven't. Oh, the good old days.

Maybe some would rather have this be a place where we do nothing but fight over whether the coaches are worthy. I, for one, would vote against that. Until then, my suggestion is that if you click on a post that discusses a news item you have already seen ignore it and move on. It may be "news" to the rest of us, and we may want to write our opinions about it.

you do have the internet and can see the Minnesota news channels and newspapers online. If I was a Cubs fan I know where to find the local Chicago news. Google, ever heard of it?

I start my Gopher updates here. When someone posts something from another source I can go read it if I want more. Why do you assume everyone has read everything out there before they come here. In fact, I hazard a guess that some people only come here for there gopher info.

You're not the only one on this forum Lawrence. What doesn't suit you, may very well suit someone else. This may be a good time to take the live and let live approach and pick to participate in what suits you and ignore what doesn't.

A bad thread will have few replies and go away on its own. One with repies show that there is interest in the thread. Take that as a clue that it's worthwhile to others and keep your crap to yourself.

you do have the internet and can see the Minnesota news channels and newspapers online. If I was a Cubs fan I know where to find the local Chicago news. Google, ever heard of it?
How is finding the information on Google any differerent than finding it on GopherHole? Both are secondary providers/messagers of the information. Since you say that you should go directly to the source right off the start, why do you even read the paper or GopherHole?. Why not just go directly to Brewster's office and ask him about the status of the O.C. search. I mean, the Star Tribune is just rehashing what Brewster said to them, and you get annoyed when people rehash something.

why do people defend people posting newspaper articles? it makes no sense. It's as dumb as telling someone what you saw on the news last night.

Hey ass. If you don't like what is posted on this board, find another board! You don't contribute anything useful anyways. Which is useful - A. someone posting a link to a story that some people haven't read to initiate discussion about gopher football or B. bitching about someone posting a link to a pertinent gopher story. ANSWER - A!.

I believe most people come to GH because it is a compilation of Gopher stories from around the area and country (correct me if I'm wrong everyone). Instead of searching for hours on the millions on papers and websites for gopher articles, we can come here and find all the info in one spot and discuss.

If this board was call lawrence21hole, you would have a right to complain. But it's not your board, so if you don't like it then leave. That way the rest of us can talk gophers.

I will just add that I always don't have time to go looking through the websites for the Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, ESPN or any other sports media outlets. I enjoy this website because it's a good place to keep up with what is going on, therefore including stories and blog entries that are relevent to Gophers' football helps me "keep up" with everything even though I'm about 350 miles away.

Why wouldn't Hohensee be able to handle the spread? Arena football is all about wide open offenses. He'd probably gives us new wrinkles that Dunbar never thought of. The more I think about it Hohensee seems to be a great choice. Hohensee wants to stay here and he has coached wide open offenses. Davis would be an added plus in helping out the running game.

Someone people are always worried about how recruits will react. When they meet Mike and see what kind of guy he is, they will be fine with the selection. If recruits can accept Cosgrove they can accept anyone.

I will just add that I always don't have time to go looking through the websites for the Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, ESPN or any other sports media outlets. I enjoy this website because it's a good place to keep up with what is going on, therefore including stories and blog entries that are relevent to Gophers' football helps me "keep up" with everything even though I'm about 350 miles away.

I agree completely. It is much easier, and quicker, for me and many others to come on here and find interesting Gopher info rather than going through either the print or online versions of either MSP daily.

Interesting as well that if someone posts something without a link, they are hounded for not providing a source, while others are criticized for providing info with a link. Can't win!

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