Mike Farrell: People don’t like Fleck but I do and at 80-56 overall he’s been proven a winner. 50-34 at Minnesota is as good as they can expect.

Who doesn't like PJ Fleck? Seriously? This is an old trope we hear but which group of people doesn't like him?
  • Gopher fans mostly like him and have an analysis similar to Farrell's (minus the don't like him part)
  • There is no serious fan interest in firing him
  • His bosses seem to like him and extend his contract
  • Players are transferring out of the program at a lower rate than most P5 programs
  • He doesn't have any openly bad relations with other coaches. Maybe a little with Kirk.
  • I don't hear Big Ten fans talk lots of trash about him
  • I don't hear casuals talk about him much anymore. He used to get some ribbing for RTB and other slogans.
No other coach's likablity is mentioned. Who's the group that doesn't like PJ Fleck?

Who doesn't like PJ Fleck? Seriously? This is an old trope we hear but which group of people doesn't like him?
  • Gopher fans mostly like him and have an analysis similar to Farrell's (minus the don't like him part)
  • There is no serious fan interest in firing him
  • His bosses seem to like him and extend his contract
  • Players are transferring out of the program at a lower rate than most P5 programs
  • He doesn't have any openly bad relations with other coaches. Maybe a little with Kirk.
  • I don't hear Big Ten fans talk lots of trash about him
  • I don't hear casuals talk about him much anymore. He used to get some ribbing for RTB and other slogans.
No other coach's likablity is mentioned. Who's the group that doesn't like PJ Fleck?
Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin fans. I'm guessing at least some other coaches in the league don't like him but they're usually not going to state that publicly.

Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin fans. I'm guessing at least some other coaches in the league don't like him but they're usually not going to state that publicly.
But all the teams have rivals. What's special about Fleck that this "people don't like him" seems to keep coming up? I suppose you are right that quiet beefs with other coaches are about all that would be left otherwise we would see it show up in the Gopher program.

I guess maybe he came off a little brash to some when he first was getting his name out there, but I thought to most people he's just Minnesota's coach now, we're all used to it, and he's rather conservative in style and not prone to controversial quotes.

But all the teams have rivals. What's special about Fleck that this "people don't like him" seems to keep coming up? I suppose you are right that quiet beefs with other coaches are about all that would be left otherwise we would see it show up in the Gopher program.

I guess maybe he came off a little brash to some when he first was getting his name out there, but I thought to most people he's just Minnesota's coach now, we're all used to it, and he's rather conservative in style and not prone to controversial quotes.
Outsiders don’t like him because they think he’s a fraud/ used cars salesman. Anyone that follows him for a bit should realize that yes he has his hokey personality, but it’s genuine to who he is, and it works.

This isn't a knock on Fleck, he's been the best coach we've had during my time following the team, but "as good as they can expect" feels over the top. I dont accept that coming out of the west division and going to the B1G title game in one of the last several years was some unattainable pie in the sky goal that no coach could have achieved.

But all the teams have rivals. What's special about Fleck that this "people don't like him" seems to keep coming up? I suppose you are right that quiet beefs with other coaches are about all that would be left otherwise we would see it show up in the Gopher program.

I guess maybe he came off a little brash to some when he first was getting his name out there, but I thought to most people he's just Minnesota's coach now, we're all used to it, and he's rather conservative in style and not prone to controversial quotes.
They’ve been fed this lie over and over again that he’s a used car salesman and only cares about himself.

PJ is very thin skinned and if he feels he has been slighted in any way...he'll certainly bring it up in post game victory press conferences. That probably, elevates the isolated comment to mainstream. But, it seems it's often a lone voice or tiny minority or he's also not beyond making criticism stuff up.
Many press conferences I have wondered a loud where he gets this stuff he feels slighted by.

PJ sticks to his culture and won't easily accept anyone who doubts it. Including his players. That is a very good trait. Especially since it places high value on being a good citizen and developing young men to do well and and be a success in their future. Things that our education system, and often time parents, don't value and promote enough.

Said that, it opens up room for controversy and criticism. But he always seems to rise above all that.

I highly commend him for that.

PJ is very thin skinned and if he feels he has been slighted in any way...he'll certainly bring it up in post game victory press conferences. That probably, elevates the isolated comment to mainstream. But, it seems it's often a lone voice or tiny minority or he's also not beyond making criticism stuff up.
Many press conferences I have wondered a loud where he gets this stuff he feels slighted by.
I watch the press conferences ... never thought that was the case.

What press conferences are you watching?

For sure those two. And I thoroughly enjoy how he gets their undies in a bunch.
Your doing your job as a coach if the opposing fan bases truly hate you. On this side of the fence that is completely the case with Bielema as I think all Gopher fans detest that guy.

I dont really care much about the other coaches. I actually thought "taking the pig and leaving the timeouts was a good line".

He should have said Minnesota does not rutm enough.

Not sure people hate Fleck. Maybe annoys some people with his schtick?

Fleck says his style isn’t for everybody. As long as the players he recruits and team buys in who cares.

Not sure people hate Fleck. Maybe annoys some people with his schtick?

Fleck says his style isn’t for everybody. As long as the players he recruits and team buys in who cares.
His style isn't for me, but I don't need a style that is. I care much more about results than style (so long as the style in question isn't ethically, morally, or legally deficient, I'm not saying I'd take results if they came with cheating). Kills style was much more my cup of tea, but Flecks results have been better.

Not sure people hate Fleck. Maybe annoys some people with his schtick?

Fleck says his style isn’t for everybody. As long as the players he recruits and team buys in who cares.
Oh I think there's people that legitimately hate him. Mostly fans of rivals.

For sure those two. And I thoroughly enjoy how he gets their undies in a bunch.
Living here in Nebraska, I can tell you for sure, Nebraska fans do not like Fleck. More threads on Nebraska boards about Fleck than any other coaches other than Ferentz.

They’ve been fed this lie over and over again that he’s a used car salesman and only cares about himself.
It's simply not true. Yeah, his bit can be a little over the top, but let's be honest, anyone who gets to the level of an FBS head coach is going to have a bit of weirdness/quirks to them. He really does care about the community and gives a lot back, especially as it pertains to the children's hospital (last week's BBQ was an example). He and Heather and the team do a lot more for those kids than is even publicly known. He's a good dude, and the team is consistently competitive.

It's simply not true. Yeah, his bit can be a little over the top, but let's be honest, anyone who gets to the level of an FBS head coach is going to have a bit of weirdness/quirks to them. He really does care about the community and gives a lot back, especially as it pertains to the children's hospital (last week's BBQ was an example). He and Heather and the team do a lot more for those kids than is even publicly known. He's a good dude, and the team is consistently competitive.
He also knows how to market, which is good because the AD does nothing in that regard. But I think some people take PJs marketing as being "flashy" or "all about him".

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