Mighty Oregon


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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I'm posting the lyrics because we'll all need to be singing them a lot today:

"Oregon, our Alma Mater
We will guard thee on and on
Let us gather round and cheer her
Chant her glory Oregon
Roar the praises of her warriors
Sing the story Oregon
On to victory urge the heroes
Of our mighty Oregon!
Go Ducks Go!
Fight Ducks Fight!
Go! Fight! Win Ducks Win!"


An Oregon win is extemely detrimental to the Gophers for recruiting purposes. On Wisconsin!

OK . . . But their band had a very poor showing

As much as I HATE the BADgers, I love the B1G marching bands.

I don't sing, or even hum other school's fight songs--ever.

I cannot cheer for Oregon. Instead I will just cheer against Wisconsin.

I'll take any victory for the Big Ten I can get

Love the Ducks. $20 for Oregon -4.5 was an easy bet to make.

Great time to be a Badger fan!

Have to cheer for Oregon. Lived there for 13 years. Go Ducks, except when they play the Gophers.

Cheering for Wisconsin for any reason is treason.

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