Miami OH had ZERO penalties on the day...WTH?


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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I don't know if i've ever seen that where a team has played a "perfect" game.....and I don't buy it.

We were about 20 rows up on the visitors sideline, next to the Miami fan section so we had pretty good view of the action. I paid really close attention to Rashede Hageman (sp?) when he was in the game. I saw at least 2x's where he was basically tackled by the center.....


Look at the reply of their TD down by the goal line (not the scramble pass) and count the players in the Miami backfield. TD should have been taken away.

Look at the reply of their TD down by the goal line (not the scramble pass) and count the players in the Miami backfield. TD should have been taken away.

Mason alluded to that, wondering if "that formation was legal", then let it go.

Kill was on the Ref all day about the formation calls against us and not on Miami. I was within earshot on the sideline. His exact quote was:

"That's a goddam bullsh!t call! It was bullsh!t before, it's bullsh!t today, and it will be bullsh!t tomorrow!"

I love that guy.

I thought it was a clean game overall. No interference, holding calls, or personal fouls.

There are going to be missed calls in every game. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that there were zero 100% perfectly called games in the last 100 years. That's just the nature of the beast. Like GiP sez, it was generally a clean game.

Mason alluded to that, wondering if "that formation was legal", then let it go.

I distinctly remember seeing a flag down on the field down by the goal line, but, for whatever reason, nothing ever came of it. And then there was the pass interference call that was taken back when the throw was ruled uncatchable (I've heard this very rarely happens).

Other than that though, we only got I think four penalties ourselves, three of which were illegal formation calls, and I didn't hear the student section booing the officials very much.

The only reason the pass was uncatchable was be cause the WR was being held while running the pass route.

Yeah didn't understand why they picked up either one of those flags. Of course the ball was uncatchable, the guy was pushing our guy out of bounds long before the ball hit the ground. And the reason they picked up the flag on their TD is beyond me. I'll know more once I watch the replay.

Speaking of replays; Does anyone know of a video of the last play of the game? I could barely see from my seat. It almost looked like the Miami receiver had his hands on it before Royston knocked it out?

I'm curious as to the logic of the rule of too many men in the backfield, when one or two of them are the "uncovered" on the outside of the formation. I suppose technically it would make the tackle eligible, but that wuld have to be reported due to numbers (wouldn't it?) At any rate there's really no excuse for it, because all Moulton or McKnight or whoever was on the outside would have only had to take a step forward to avoid the call.

I just rewatched the game. As others said, that pass was uncatchable because the receiver was held and interfered with for nearly his entire route. The pass was actually a decent throw and would have been on target.

This is nit picky but Miami DID get a penalty... When they kicked off out of bounds.

It simply isn't possible to go a whole game without a penalty. Let's be serious. These are college kids still learning the game not pros.

interception negated by flag

I'm still miffed at the interception near the goal line that was flagged for interference. Our guy (can't remember who) was facing and playing the ball when contact with their receiver was made. I thought it was a horrible call.

Oops. I'm conflating the NMSU game with the Miami game. Officiating sucked in both games.

Look at the reply of their TD down by the goal line (not the scramble pass) and count the players in the Miami backfield. TD should have been taken away.

yeah...obviously the ref counted the split end as being on the line of scrimmage even though he was NOT lined up correctly. It was an odd formation for sure (guard eligible?). but main thing is only 6 really on the line. flag should have been thrown. oh well.

The thing that hurts the most, is we get NO home cooking! I'm starting to think we got more calls in the Dome(dump). We all know how Gopher friendly that place was.

I don't really notice the refs as much for road games, but in the two home games they have been terrible. Missing the obvious and calling the obscure.

I guess it's the same as every year. Refs in general are terrible.

Granted I've actually been okay with most of the high school refs I've seen this year. Maybe the crop is getting younger/better.

I don't really notice the refs as much for road games, but in the two home games they have been terrible. Missing the obvious and calling the obscure.

I guess it's the same as every year. Refs in general are terrible.

Granted I've actually been okay with most of the high school refs I've seen this year. Maybe the crop is getting younger/better.

It's funny you mention this, i've heard from a lot of people in coaching how much better the refs are getting at the high school level and almost all of them have alluded to the fact that the refs are getting progressively younger (able to keep up with play) and they are almost always more informed of the rules.

As far as the Gopher games, I don't know. I thought there were a couple times where Miami of Ohio was doing something similar to us as far as legal formations. I certainly noticed that our formation problems were real penalties, but they were REALLY close (not like the obvious of a player not being on the line) and it was often a similar situation going on with Miami of Ohio.

I also thought the pass interference penalty that was picked up was a terrible call. It should have been a holding if the ball was uncatchable.

It's funny you mention this, i've heard from a lot of people in coaching how much better the refs are getting at the high school level and almost all of them have alluded to the fact that the refs are getting progressively younger (able to keep up with play) and they are almost always more informed of the rules.

As far as the Gopher games, I don't know. I thought there were a couple times where Miami of Ohio was doing something similar to us as far as legal formations. I certainly noticed that our formation problems were real penalties, but they were REALLY close (not like the obvious of a player not being on the line) and it was often a similar situation going on with Miami of Ohio.

I also thought the pass interference penalty that was picked up was a terrible call. It should have been a holding if the ball was uncatchable.

It also looked as if McKnight quit running on that play. If he would have just finished the play, I doubt that ball would have been ruled uncatchable. I know Coach Kill pulled him aside as soon as that play was over. Who knows if that is what he said to him, but from my vanatage point, he clearly gave up on the play, thus making it easier for the officials to rule the ball uncatchable.

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