mental mistakes


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2009
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Congratulations on getting the win. Nice to see us have the lead in the 4th qtr and hold on to it.
Mental mistakes were terrible.
#1...Wideouts called for not lining up on the LOS 3 times. Twice on offense and once on a punt.
#2...What the h### was Olson doing trying to make an over-the-shoulder catch on the KO.
#3...Illegal procedure called on the guard in the 4th qtr when we needed 1st downs to run the clock. He's the guard for crying out loud. He lines up right next to the ball. I understand we're a young team, but these are inexcusable and will kill us during conference play.

#4... Members of the starting defense imploring the crowd to stand up and get loud when our offense is on the field trying to convert a third down. I laughed it off as enthusiasm the first time, but when they did it twice more in the fourth quarter (while the coaching staff was waving for the crowd to be quiet), it made me wonder what the hell these young men are thinking.

#5 Kill going for it on 4th and 9 (and failing) late in the 4th quarter (instead of pooch punting with your supposed good punter) and giving Miami the ball at the 40 on their final drive. I cannot believe nobody has mentioned this. They were every fortunate to win that game and give Coach Kill his MAC Championship he didn't win last year.

RE #1: Obviously I'm not sure about this but I seriously think the 5 in the backfield calls could have been because of how Bunders was lining up. I've never seen a guard line up so far from the line - he was well befind the tackle (Olson) next to him. Anyone else notice this?

#4... Members of the starting defense imploring the crowd to stand up and get loud when our offense is on the field trying to convert a third down. I laughed it off as enthusiasm the first time, but when they did it twice more in the fourth quarter (while the coaching staff was waving for the crowd to be quiet), it made me wonder what the hell these young men are thinking.

I've noticed that with students in general, even at high school and lower level college games. They do not realize that when your team is on offense, you do not want to be getting up and yelling your heads off.

I've noticed that with students in general, even at high school and lower level college games. They do not realize that when your team is on offense, you do not want to be getting up and yelling your heads off.

Students in general, yes....but when the players are doing it, well, it's a real head-scratcher.

Students in general, yes....but when the players are doing it, well, it's a real head-scratcher.

The cheerleaders were doing it as well. This has been going on for a while, the cheerleaders trying to start a let's go Gophers chant when we have the ball, especially in crucial situations. Some people just don't understand sports/the concept of being quiet when your team has the ball.

The one thing that kept killing me was our d-line never, ever had their hands up to block passing lanes. Miami lined up in shotgun and threw 5-10 yards passes consistently. On the d-line, you're not going to sack the qb on those plays. Get your hands up to block passing lanes! At the very least it would disrupt a little of the qb's rhythm. Instead, hands were down, and passes were zipped a foot-and-half over our d-line's heads all game. Very frustrating.

And I was amazed at how far Bunders was off the ball. I got the impression that he was off the LOS to have those calls go against us.

RE #1: Obviously I'm not sure about this but I seriously think the 5 in the backfield calls could have been because of how Bunders was lining up. I've never seen a guard line up so far from the line - he was well befind the tackle (Olson) next to him. Anyone else notice this?

Why does he do this? Is it on certain plays, like when he pulls down the line, a trap play or pass?? Just curious, as I am assuming we (NDSU) will be looking for pre-snap reads/tells.

#5 Kill going for it on 4th and 9 (and failing) late in the 4th quarter (instead of pooch punting with your supposed good punter) and giving Miami the ball at the 40 on their final drive.

I must say Art, you really are Picasso when it comes to tossing out a trollish negative comment. You use an actually questionable decision as an opportunity to paint Orseske (who by any factual standard is doing quite well) in a negative light. Most people know that if the decision paints anyone negatively it would be the defense. But you're too crafty to go for the easy negative comment. No, no, you go for the gold. Tell me, where do you purchase the quality straw you stuff your arguments with?

RE #1: Obviously I'm not sure about this but I seriously think the 5 in the backfield calls could have been because of how Bunders was lining up. I've never seen a guard line up so far from the line - he was well befind the tackle (Olson) next to him. Anyone else notice this?

I didn't notice, but it would seem like another reasonable cause for the penalties.

This thread in general is pretty lame.....

We only had 4 penalties yesterday, and what 3 of them were the same because of illegal formations.

This thread should be titled "Expected 3rd game errors when installing a 1st year more complicated offense"

And I was amazed at how far Bunders was off the ball. I got the impression that he was off the LOS to have those calls go against us.

I noticed that too. He was very slow when pulling or lateral movement. He seemed fine in straight ahead blocks so I thought he might be hurt.

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