McKnight, Kirksey, Jacobs and Royston...UPDATED (5/8): Jacobs signs with Vikes

Congrats to Anthony Jacobs!

I definitely think he is an NFL caliber football player. I almost think he'd be a better fit as a DE in a 3-4, but any chance is a good chance.

At the risk of pissing some folks off; I said it last summer, I said it last fall, I said it this winter and I will say it again. While other coaches were selling their players, Kill was telling everyone that would listen how tough his job was and how little he was left with. It should not come as a surprise that folks (media, scouts and fans) believed him.

Note: For those who want to label him a "truth" teller. In my house the truth is the WHOLE truth, not the bits and pieces that benefit the truth teller...but that's just me.

In the case of Kim, because he was hurt and not able to participate in a pro day to show case his abilitities in person, scouts were left with the game film of a injured player (albeit a highly productive one) that played the last 8 games with a severe groin pull that would require bilateral surgery and the dubious words of his coach.

Am I pissed at Kill? No, not at all. His methods have been been very successful for him. Maybe not so much for all the kids he has left behind every 3 years or so but we are all responsible for our own success and happiness.

But you know what? That's life, Kim has been given....scratch that.... EARNED an opportunity and it's up to him to make the most of it. Has it been made more difficult than it needed to be? Absolutely. Is Kim and only Kim responsible for whether or not he makes it in the NFL? Absolutely; and at the end of the day isn't that all any of us want? A chance to control our own destiny?

Now with that being said; Kill can most definitely coach and I believe he will produce a winner here...after's in HIS BEST interest.
Coach Kill's job is to sell Minnesota Gophers Football to the state of Minnesota first and foremost. He is trying to sell a program, not individual kids to NFL scouts. I don't think he throws kids under the bus because he finds it gratifying but if you want him to give you his honest opinion you'll get it.

I'm not as connected to the program as you are, so could you tell me how speaks only in half truths? He told the media he didn't have enough athletes to compete at the B1G level last year, and we lost to New Mexico State and North Dakota State. Seems like a pretty honest assessment to me. He has been saying we are thin at wide receiver for the past 2 Springs; last year our QB was running for his life and was our leading rusher. Again, seems like a pretty honest assessment.

Your son transferred from Wisconsin because he became buried on the depth chart, so he moved to a school with less athletic competition. He sat out a year with a broken leg, and played much of the past year injured again, had offseason surgery, and did not perform for scouts at pro day. Much of his career was spent playing for an afterthought team in the mind of scouts. I'm confused why it seems to be all Coach Kill's fault why he has not been signed by an NFL team.

You said yourself it's Kim's responsibility for whether or not he makes it in the NFL, yet you spend much of your post taking potshots at Coach Kill for this very issue.

I won't fault Coach Kill for calling it like he sees it, and I'm sure if asked by scouts he does his best to accentuate each player's positives. I wish the best for all the outgoing seniors in their pursuit of professional football careers and I believe there are some who will catch on in some training camps.

Coach Kill's job is to sell Minnesota Gophers Football to the state of Minnesota first and foremost. He is trying to sell a program, not individual kids to NFL scouts. I don't think he throws kids under the bus because he finds it gratifying but if you want him to give you his honest opinion you'll get it.

I'm not as connected to the program as you are, so could you tell me how speaks only in half truths? He told the media he didn't have enough athletes to compete at the B1G level last year, and we lost to New Mexico State and North Dakota State. Seems like a pretty honest assessment to me. He has been saying we are thin at wide receiver for the past 2 Springs; last year our QB was running for his life and was our leading rusher. Again, seems like a pretty honest assessment.

Your son transferred from Wisconsin because he became buried on the depth chart, so he moved to a school with less athletic competition. He sat out a year with a broken leg, and played much of the past year injured again, had offseason surgery, and did not perform for scouts at pro day. Much of his career was spent playing for an afterthought team in the mind of scouts. I'm confused why it seems to be all Coach Kill's fault why he has not been signed by an NFL team.

You said yourself it's Kim's responsibility for whether or not he makes it in the NFL, yet you spend much of your post taking potshots at Coach Kill for this very issue.

I won't fault Coach Kill for calling it like he sees it, and I'm sure if asked by scouts he does his best to accentuate each player's positives. I wish the best for all the outgoing seniors in their pursuit of professional football careers and I believe there are some who will catch on in some training camps.

No disrespect but since you put it out there I have to reply...... you have no idea what you're talking about. Your analysis is based on either misguided assumptions or you simply made them up. I certainly understand why you are confused as to why "it seems to be coach Kill's fault" when you have the widely publicized and often commented on reasons as to why he transferred from Wisconsin wrong (hint, playing time was never an issue).

Also do a little home work; out of 4 years on the field, he PLAYED in 3 bowl games (2 BCS Bowl games)....did I mention he holds the bowl record for number of tackles ever made in one of those bowl games? HMMMM who was the coach the only time he never made it to a bowl game? I couldn't resist (lol).

Coach Kill is the coach of OUR Golden Gophers, I believe he is an excellant X's and O's coach and he will turn the program around...let's just leave it at that.

No disrespect but since you put it out there I have to reply...... you have no idea what you're talking about. Your analysis is based on either misguided assumptions or you simply made them up. I certainly understand why you are confused as to why "it seems to be coach Kill's fault" when you have the widely publicized and often commented on reasons as to why he transferred from Wisconsin wrong (hint, playing time was never an issue).

Also do a little home work; out of 4 years on the field, he PLAYED in 3 bowl games (2 BCS Bowl games)....did I mention he holds the bowl record for number of tackles ever made in one of those bowl games? HMMMM who was the coach the only time he never made it to a bowl game? I couldn't resist (lol).

Coach Kill is the coach of OUR Golden Gophers, I believe he is an excellant X's and O's coach and he will turn the program around...let's just leave it at that.

You have much more insight into this than I. Just curious as to why you believe the bolded statement.

First, do you all actually think the scouts only read what the HC says in the paper? They are going to talk directly both with the HC and positions coaches along with review any recommended player. I seriously doubt whatever coach Kill said had any bearing at all in regard to a player's draftability.

Anyway, I hope come training camp or OTAs, they give Royston a shot.

Also do a little home work; out of 4 years on the field, he PLAYED in 3 bowl games (2 BCS Bowl games)....did I mention he holds the bowl record for number of tackles ever made in one of those bowl games? HMMMM who was the coach the only time he never made it to a bowl game? I couldn't resist (lol).

Coach Kill is the coach of OUR Golden Gophers, I believe he is an excellant X's and O's coach and he will turn the program around...let's just leave it at that.

Mr Royston, not trying to call anyone out but I am confused - are you saying Kim played in 2 BCS Bowl games? I know I'm stupid, but I'm not following your bowl scenario.

Mr Royston, not trying to call anyone out but I am confused - are you saying Kim played in 2 BCS Bowl games? I know I'm stupid, but I'm not following your bowl scenario.

No, you're not stupid.....I am. Yes, I did say he played in 2 BCS games and I was wrong. What I meant to say was "in addition to playing in....a lower level bowl game as a Gopher, he played in two higher level howl games as a Badger (Outback and Capital One).

Assuming nobody will fact check this; did I mention he scored the game winning TD's in both games on 130 yard interception returns?

No, you're not stupid.....I am. Yes, I did say he played in 2 BCS games and I was wrong. What I meant to say was "in addition to playing in....a lower level bowl game as a Gopher, he played in two higher level howl games as a Badger (Outback and Capital One).

Assuming nobody will fact check this; did I mention he scored the game winning TD's in both games on 130 yard interception returns?

Wow, he must have been a sure fire 1st round pick after those amazing feats! Why then transfer?

What are the odds of having two, 130 yard interception returns in back to back bowl games? Wait, the field is only 120 yards long??

No, you're not stupid.....I am. Yes, I did say he played in 2 BCS games and I was wrong. What I meant to say was "in addition to playing in....a lower level bowl game as a Gopher, he played in two higher level howl games as a Badger (Outback and Capital One).

Assuming nobody will fact check this; did I mention he scored the game winning TD's in both games on 130 yard interception returns?

I remember those plays with great fondness.

Wow, he must have been a sure fire 1st round pick after those amazing feats! Why then transfer?

What are the odds of having two, 130 yard interception returns in back to back bowl games? Wait, the field is only 120 yards long??
PantherHawk gets trolled, doesn't know what to do about it.

They should have signed McKnight IMO.

I had hoped they would as well..guess he is a little slow. Anyway, good job Jacobs.:clap:
I think it's fair to say after the draft, Vikings were looking for big, fast WRs.

No disrespect but since you put it out there I have to reply...... you have no idea what you're talking about. Your analysis is based on either misguided assumptions or you simply made them up. I certainly understand why you are confused as to why "it seems to be coach Kill's fault" when you have the widely publicized and often commented on reasons as to why he transferred from Wisconsin wrong (hint, playing time was never an issue).

Also do a little home work; out of 4 years on the field, he PLAYED in 3 bowl games (2 BCS Bowl games)....did I mention he holds the bowl record for number of tackles ever made in one of those bowl games? HMMMM who was the coach the only time he never made it to a bowl game? I couldn't resist (lol).

Coach Kill is the coach of OUR Golden Gophers, I believe he is an excellant X's and O's coach and he will turn the program around...let's just leave it at that.

Tell me what my misguided assumptions are or what I'm apparently making up. You think you are the more objective party in this argument and you are the player's DAD. Pardon me if I'm going to take everything you say pertaining to how your son isn't getting a fair deal with a grain of salt here. I hope the best for him, but come on now, he's got a big hill to climb here. He played for a bottom dwelling B1G team, battled injuries his entire career, didn't perform for scouts at pro day, and finding guys in the secondary who are 5'10 and run 4.5 40's are a dime a dozen, many without the laundry list of injuries.

Sorry if it's not what you want to here, but it's the TRUTH. Stop wasting your time trying to convince me and go convince an NFL SCOUT.

Tell me what my misguided assumptions are or what I'm apparently making up. You think you are the more objective party in this argument and you are the player's DAD. Pardon me if I'm going to take everything you say pertaining to how your son isn't getting a fair deal with a grain of salt here. I hope the best for him, but come on now, he's got a big hill to climb here. He played for a bottom dwelling B1G team, battled injuries his entire career, didn't perform for scouts at pro day, and finding guys in the secondary who are 5'10 and run 4.5 40's are
a dime a dozen, many without the laundry list of injuries.

Sorry if it's not what you want to here, but it's the TRUTH. Stop wasting your time trying to
convince me and go convince an NFL SCOUT.

My man, I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I also have never professed to be objective, how can I be? I have only the best interest of my son to consider, not the team or the program.

I was just pointing out that your insistence on reducing his college career to being often injured and playing for a perennial loser demonstrated your ignorance.

Here's where we agree. Not being able to participate for pro day had a huge negative impact. Scouts, fans....everyone was told that the gophers were plagued with below par athletes. They were slower and weaker than their big ten counter parts. Players like Lair, Bennet and Jacobson demonstrated that not to be true at their pro days and try outs and garnered free agent contracts. The most productive of the seniors couldn't because he was recovering from surgery....a surgery he should have had during the season. I also agree that 5'10, 200lb db's who run the 4'5 range or a dime a dozen....those who lead the big ten in tackling (unassisted) and rank in the top 20 in the nation...are very rare.

Look, nobody purposely tried to harm anyone. In life *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# happens and you deal with it (and learn from it). Let's just hope that EVERYONE learned from it.

Whether you change your mind or not.....I truly couldn't care less. However; as long as I continue to enjoy pointing out you are clueless I will keep responding.:cool02:

SF I've got nothing but love for you and hope Kim makes it. That said, scouts had years of film on Kim to decide if they wanted to draft him. I think he can play in the NFL but he's a bit small for NFL safety and I don't know if he's quite fast enough for corner. Seems like his future is as a versatile safety that can come down and cover at times but also tackle so he can back up both spots and also play ST. While Kill certainly down talked the team's talent my humble, outside opinion is that it didn't make a difference here. He said those things to the public to control perceptions and expectations (smart) but what he says to scouts and coaches privately have no bearing on that, or at least I doubt it does.

I agree...there was a whole lot more going on then Kill promoting an individual players draftability.

I appreciate your reasoned honest posts SF 24. If Kim's good enough, and gets healthy, he'll play. I wouldn't bet against him. Great young man.

Kim had some pretty good individual stats, but he was fortunate to get an extra year to prove himself. Personally I do not believe Coach Kill's remarks on the overall talent level meant squat.

Kim did well his senior year and had a few years where he was able to accomplish something. I have no doubt Coach Kill and his staff talked with pro scouts about players. His missing the pro day and then the Vikes rookie camp are the real issues. Hopefully the Vikes give him a look either in OTAs or during TC. They are always cutting players and bringing new ones in.

And BTW, truly not trying to accuse, but college players not being happy with the coaching...I normally support the coach who tend to have a ton more experience and have to oversee all the team aspects and development...just saying...

Tell me what my misguided assumptions are or what I'm apparently making up. You think you are the more objective party in this argument and you are the player's DAD. Pardon me if I'm going to take everything you say pertaining to how your son isn't getting a fair deal with a grain of salt here. I hope the best for him, but come on now, he's got a big hill to climb here. He played for a bottom dwelling B1G team, battled injuries his entire career, didn't perform for scouts at pro day, and finding guys in the secondary who are 5'10 and run 4.5 40's are a dime a dozen, many without the laundry list of injuries.

Sorry if it's not what you want to here, but it's the TRUTH. Stop wasting your time trying to convince me and go convince an NFL SCOUT.

pointer, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Kim Royston had one of the best transfers from Wisconsin to Minnesota of ALL TIME.

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