McDonald Decommits

Check out the various recruiting services about who the Gophers are recruiting before you make a stupid statement like that. Whether the Gophers are able to land top end talent remains to be seen but they certainly are recruiting some pretty highly regarded players with impressive offer lists including WRs rated higher than McDonald.

Yes, I have, I see who he's recruiting and who he's pulling in here. McDonald was his one blue-chip type player.
Back off, moron.

I can't decide if I now hate Ohio State more, or the fact that any sane-minded recruit, with as many offers as McDonald has, would even still be considering OSU. Tressell has been the fall guy, as he should be, but every single coach on that staff knew exactly what Tressell knew - guaranteed. Nobody said a word, nobody did anything to fix it, and likely were even bigger enablers than Tressell. And now, if there is any true justice in the world, every single one of them will be fired after this next year (Fickell is "interim", afterall), as should their AD.

Yet, a recruit like McDonald who could go anywhere, gets an offer from OSU and decides seemingly on the spot to open things back up because of said OSU offer? I can't help it, and maybe it's a little raw with me right now having just read this, but it makes me lose respect for Andre, which shouldn't be sweat off his back, but seriously... I don't care if he's 17/18 - have some common sense.

Ya, I get an offer to some big time football school, but Ohio State is definitely going to get sanctions...aren't they? No TV, no bowls, less scholarships, all new coaches....etc etc...something? Way too many unknowns to even consider them aren't there? When you could chose other big time schools? I know it can't be true but with his weird vague message why he's's like they are offering cars or cash and we aren't? Not the case I'm sure but why would someone be excited by an OSU offer right now?

How frustrated must the Gopher coaches be with that logic?

If I were Coach Kill and staff I would be very frustrated with this kid. He makes a committment to the coaching staff and he is now looking at freakin' iowa, cheatin' osu, and msu who is led by a coach who coached under sweater vest and had to know what was going on at osu at some point in time.

Normally, I think pulling the offer is the right thing to do, but this kid committed too early, so it is a tough call. Ferentz, I believe, has a rule that if you visit other schools after you commit, your offer is gone. If you let "commits" look around, they are not commits, and you put yourself in the position of not knowing where you really are in terms of filling up.
Nobody begged him to commit in February, he did it on his own. Obviously, once Tosu started calling, he found out he had not thought it through. If I was the staff, I would not pull the offer, but I would assume he is gone as far as recruiting other players go and if they can fill up with with kids they like, he can make a decisin or they can move on.

Normally, I think pulling the offer is the right thing to do, but this kid committed too early, so it is a tough call. Ferentz, I believe, has a rule that if you visit other schools after you commit, your offer is gone. If you let "commits" look around, they are not commits, and you put yourself in the position of not knowing where you really are in terms of filling up.
Nobody begged him to commit in February, he did it on his own. Obviously, once Tosu started calling, he found out he had not thought it through. If I was the staff, I would not pull the offer, but I would assume he is gone as far as recruiting other players go and if they can fill up with with kids they like, he can make a decision or they can move on.

What? The WRs they sign are either Division II or community college transfers. Lets get real here folks, the gophers could use a four star WR.

Absolutely they could use 4 star receivers and McDonald may still sign with them which I hope he does. The point is that they are recruiting receivers and other players that are highly rated and not MAC-level talent as was suggested by another poster. Whether they can land any remains to be seen.

What? The WRs they sign are either Division II or community college transfers. Lets get real here folks, the gophers could use a four star WR.

Why don't you try to comprehend what other people post before you go making clueless statements about what they write. A frickin monkey could have put what he said into context yet it somehow slipped by you. Why don't you just stick to the NDSU boards......

By the way, DCT and Gardner both had multiple BCS offers and they signed with the Gophers this past Feb. Do you still want to call them Div2 or CC college WRs? Why don't you also go check your facts before posting clueless comments. Thanks for your contribution to the board.

Yes, I have, I see who he's recruiting and who he's pulling in here. McDonald was his one blue-chip type player.
Back off, moron.

You have already declared that McDonald may have been discouraged because Kill is only recruiting MAC level talent and that McDonald was his one blue-chip player. It's mid June, I think it is safe to say that there is a little more time to work on this years recruiting class and a little early to be declaring that the sky is falling. Most blue chip players like to evaluate their options, take their visits, see how the the team/system looks before making their decision (likely what McDonald has decided to do). Some verbal with helmet schools once offered. A Minnesota offer to a blue chipper doesn't carry the weight of say an Oklahoma or Florida offer. You can only hope Kill and Co. are able to develop their relationship with the athlete over time and be able to sell the university to the athlete which may result in a verbal later on. Way to early to take an indirect shot at who Kill is recruiting IMHO.

McDonald was pretty gun-ho about being a Gopher, recruiting other players to commit here and such. Perhaps when Kill was only recruiting MAC level talent he got discouraged?..

Hey champ, before you go calling someone a "moron" for clearing up your "facts" why don't you try to get a clue about the Gopher's recruiting efforts before you go commenting on them.

"Perhaps when Kill was only recruiting MAC level talent he got discouraged?"

Really?? are you trying to get a reaction or are you simply a dumb@ss??

Wow...some of you people are some pretty nervous recruitnicks....

It's a good thing that Coach Kill and his staff handle the recruiting. Why do you people freak out over some 17 or 18 year old adolescent who makes up his mind, then changes it and maybe will even change it again during the next 7 to 10 days??????

This recruiting crap and the people who freak out over rumors and rumors of rumors and changes of heart and changes of mind certainly has become so, incredibly laughable... ; 0 )

In the end, you coach 'em up as well as you can and you line up and play another Big Ten Team on Big Ten Game Day Saturday. You either whump 'em...or they whump you.

Don't stroke out over some giddy 17 y.o. who is hearing lots of b.s. from coaches all over the conference. They don't know if the kid can produce and the kid sure doesn't know if he is really good enough to produce. The bottom line is if this kid doesn't show up and take the offer, there is another kid out there to make an offer to.

The kid can always say ", I changed my mind and I want more people to kiss my butt..."...In reality though...he can't always say "...yes I WANT that scholarship for real..."

But having fans of all ages freaking out over the minute to minute recruiting b.s. is just TOO funny and much too much. Coach Kill and his staff will do the BEST they can do and then they can get to work and do what they do best...COACH the best ones they could recruit.

Just look at all of you "freaking" fans freaking out...FUNNY stuff! ; 0 )

It's a good thing that Coach Kill and his staff handle the recruiting. Why do you people freak out over some 17 or 18 year old adolescent who makes up his mind, then changes it and maybe will even change it again during the next 7 to 10 days??????

This recruiting crap and the people who freak out over rumors and rumors of rumors and changes of heart and changes of mind certainly has become so, incredibly laughable... ; 0 )

In the end, you coach 'em up as well as you can and you line up and play another Big Ten Team on Big Ten Game Day Saturday. You either whump 'em...or they whump you.

Don't stroke out over some giddy 17 y.o. who is hearing lots of b.s. from coaches all over the conference. They don't know if the kid can produce and the kid sure doesn't know if he is really good enough to produce. The bottom line is if this kid doesn't show up and take the offer, there is another kid out there to make an offer to.

The kid can always say ", I changed my mind and I want more people to kiss my butt..."...In reality though...he can't always say "...yes I WANT that scholarship for real..."

But having fans of all ages freaking out over the minute to minute recruiting b.s. is just TOO funny and much too much. Coach Kill and his staff will do the BEST they can do and then they can get to work and do what they do best...COACH the best ones they could recruit.

Just look at all of you "freaking" fans freaking out...FUNNY stuff! ; 0 )

I can't believe I am going to agree with you.

From the way he talked about the different school in the Scout article it seems to indicate he never told any of the other schools to stop recruiting him after he committed, including talking about how he talks to Iowa's coach a lot. Which reminds me of what I believe Brewster used to say along the lines of "I keep recruiting them until they tell me to stop." Hard to say just how firm the commitment ever really was if he never told these guys to stop recruiting him.

It's a good thing that Coach Kill and his staff handle the recruiting. Why do you people freak out over some 17 or 18 year old adolescent who makes up his mind, then changes it and maybe will even change it again during the next 7 to 10 days??????

This recruiting crap and the people who freak out over rumors and rumors of rumors and changes of heart and changes of mind certainly has become so, incredibly laughable... ; 0 )

In the end, you coach 'em up as well as you can and you line up and play another Big Ten Team on Big Ten Game Day Saturday. You either whump 'em...or they whump you.

Don't stroke out over some giddy 17 y.o. who is hearing lots of b.s. from coaches all over the conference. They don't know if the kid can produce and the kid sure doesn't know if he is really good enough to produce. The bottom line is if this kid doesn't show up and take the offer, there is another kid out there to make an offer to.

The kid can always say ", I changed my mind and I want more people to kiss my butt..."...In reality though...he can't always say "...yes I WANT that scholarship for real..."

But having fans of all ages freaking out over the minute to minute recruiting b.s. is just TOO funny and much too much. Coach Kill and his staff will do the BEST they can do and then they can get to work and do what they do best...COACH the best ones they could recruit.

Just look at all of you "freaking" fans freaking out...FUNNY stuff! ; 0 )

It's the end of June on a Gopher football message board, there is really nothing else to talk than recruiting. It is a big deal that our best 2012 recruit is now looking around. The players do matter and kids decommitting hurts. I think we'd have had a different team last year with Greg Jones, JJ Watt, LaMichael James and Josh Huff....but that's just me. I'm not really freaking out over anything and the only thing that really gets more than a "dang" or "alright" out of me is the actual season but i'm also not naive enough to think that this couldn't have a "potential" impact on our wins and losses in the next few seasons.

But like I said, it's June on a Gopher football message board. This is really the only news to be had and discussed. It's either recruiting news or news about Coach Kill talking to some 80 year olds at the Rotary Club in Hutchinson. I know, you can't think rationally when commenting on recruiting, but for most people this is more interesting.

Me Too!

I can't believe I am going to agree with you.

I can't believe that I also agree with his comment. I think it must be due to global warmer or maybe there is an increase in sun spots.

Without McDonald, it looks like the top ranked player for 2012 is No. 61 DB Dinero Moss. Yikes! Kill has some serious work to do that's for sure.

Wren of all people on this board should not be criticizing anyone for anything that they post since his posts are fueled by a bottle of Old Heaven Hill.

Without McDonald, it looks like the top ranked player for 2012 is No. 61 DB Dinero Moss. Yikes! Kill has some serious work to do that's for sure.

It is 14 months until opening day 2012.....perhaps we should all chill out till like Feb or March of next year.

It is 14 months until opening day 2012.....perhaps we should all chill out till like Feb or March of next year.

And remember that Kill recruits for the system, not numbers.

Without McDonald, it looks like the top ranked player for 2012 is No. 61 DB Dinero Moss. Yikes! Kill has some serious work to do that's for sure.

Don't say that, you'll be ripped apart by the kool-aid drinking rubes who are completely content with mediocre talent who want to pull a kid's offer because he wants to explore options other than Mn...... it's all about coaching 'em up and getting back to the insight bowl

You have already declared that McDonald may have been discouraged because Kill is only recruiting MAC level talent and that McDonald was his one blue-chip player. It's mid June, I think it is safe to say that there is a little more time to work on this years recruiting class and a little early to be declaring that the sky is falling. Most blue chip players like to evaluate their options, take their visits, see how the the team/system looks before making their decision (likely what McDonald has decided to do). Some verbal with helmet schools once offered. A Minnesota offer to a blue chipper doesn't carry the weight of say an Oklahoma or Florida offer. You can only hope Kill and Co. are able to develop their relationship with the athlete over time and be able to sell the university to the athlete which may result in a verbal later on. Way to early to take an indirect shot at who Kill is recruiting IMHO.

I'm not saying the sky is falling by any means.... to the contrary, McDonald is still a gopher commit, he just wants to look around (most likely take some free plane rides and take advantage all the free amenities that SH did to us with college visits.) The whole crowd saying "PULL THE OFFER, SEND A MESSAGE", is remarkably obnoxious for someone who's still committed, as of now. The only reason other Kill recruits aren't doing the same, is because the U has been by far the best they we're offered from. We'll see where the 2012 recruiting goes... I didn't have huge expectations for this year's class anyway and wouldn't until the program proved successful. I just really dislike jumpy 'gopher fans' who say, pull the offer when a highly touted, highly talented, 4* Minnesota kid committed to the gophers goes from solid to soft. He'll play here, i'm sure of it.

Former Wild gm Risebrough and Lemaire were doing the same thing. IMO, it works.

Virtually every coach recruits for their system, that phrase is so overplayed. The question is who gets the better athletes to run the system, because it isn't as if Kill's system is so unique that other programs aren't looking for the same types of skillsets from players or running the same or very similar systems.

The only reason other Kill recruits aren't doing the same, is because the U has been by far the best they we're offered from.

So Minnesota is "by far the best" when compared to Nebraska and UConn? Really? (Nice spelling, btw).

The best class Minnesota has recruited in decades was in 2008. Let's compare now to where that class was on June 21, 2007, shall we?

1. Sam Maresh, 4-star - offers from Mich, Wis, Mich St., Iowa, Iowa St., Kansas St.
(roughly analagous to McDonald, though McDonald is rated higher)

2. Shady Salamon, 3-star - offer from Mizzou
(our #2 so far this year, Moss, has a much better offer sheet)

3. Ryan Grant, 2-star - no other offers

4. John Nance, 2-star - no other offers

So not only does the 2012 class have better recruits thus far than the 2012 class, it also has more, not to mention prospects from 3 states, as opposed to all the early commits in 2008 coming from Minnesota. So, by your logic, that means the 2012 class will end up more highly rated than 2008, right? You're telling me you wouldn't be happy with a top 15 class nationally and a top 3 class in the Big Ten?

In other words, settle the f down. It's the middle of June. There are 7.5 months remaining until signing day, for God's sake.

Oh, wait - you wouldn't be setting unrealistic standards so that the Gophers are failures in your eyes no matter what they do, would you? No, I can't imagine anyone on this board doing anything like that.

Without McDonald, it looks like the top ranked player for 2012 is No. 61 DB Dinero Moss. Yikes! Kill has some serious work to do that's for sure.

dude, why are you such a jerk about everything? either quite being such an obnoxious, pathetic, annoying little troll or move on back to your own team's board. because it is quite obvious you are not a gopher fan and have no real interest in constructive conversation about the team.

moderators: does this poster really add any relevance or new discussions to the board? or does he in fact just try to flame and troll? i think the answer is obvious. it is the latter. perhaps a probationary period is in order if he can't engage in actual constructive and progressive conversastion? just a suggestion.

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