MCC Bowl has sold 30,000 tickets on their own so far.

Nov 20, 2008
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As my brother-in-law said: "This bowl is run by the Houston Texan's. Northwestern
and Texas A&M had 63,000 in attendance. They run it like BCS bowl.
The people up in Minnesota who call this a rinky-dinky bowl must have been born in a cave. Texan's eat and sleep football"

this is a rinky dink bowl, it just happens to be our rinky dink bowl so we care this year.

" The people in Minnesota who call this a rinky- dinky bowl must have been born in a cave"...

My friend, who lives in Dallas, told me that I should expect a near sell-out. I said he was crazy. He replied that Texans are crazy about football and they don't care who is playing-they just want more football.

i will save this thread to see how much ruppert talks about next years mcc bowl, as i'm sure he'll be fired up about a purdue-iowa state game as this is a big time bowl no matter who is playing.

Go4, you must remember that ruppert walks around with flywheels that spin on his cap, which is actually a wind generator that recharges his brain. He does not waste good air.

My mom's best friend says this is the best bowl ever.

i thought about this. if the dome had something called the Target Snobowl and it ended up being BIG vs someone else i would probably go to the game.

@GophersNow: #Gophers have sold as of this morning just over 2,000 of their allotted 12,000 tickets for Meineke Car Care Bowl in Houston.

Go Gophers!!

I would too. I'd go to a local bowl game if one were held here. It would be nice to see someone step up to fund one in the new stadium when it is built.

I would definitely attend a local bowl every year. They should let the Vikings run it.

Have a bunch of skyway connections to the new Vikes stadium and an indoor train station. You can fly in, take the train to your hotel, spend the day at Mall of America, take the train back to your hotel, walk through the skyway to the game, fly home, and never need put a jacket on....

i will save this thread to see how much ruppert talks about next years mcc bowl, as i'm sure he'll be fired up about a purdue-iowa state game as this is a big time bowl no matter who is playing. would boo an Easter egg hunt. A true cynic.

DQ Blizzard Bowl at TCF Bank Stadium. First 5,000 fans get a shovel to clear out their seat.

Ok, probably not that feasible. But I happen to enjoy football games when snow is falling, and you can't really feel your feet, but that doesn't matter because you're still buzzed from tailgating.

Gopher fans are probably the people least likely to call this came a "rinky-dink bowl". The number of tickets sold isn't what makes a bowl game a major destination. This bowl game is #6 in the Big Ten's lineup of bowls. It doesn't have a proper name of its own, just the sponsor's name. There's the Belk Bowl, which was the Meineke Car Care Bowl from 2005-2010, and was the Continental Tire Bowl from 2002-2004. The Gophers are going to the Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas, which used to be the Texas Bowl.

With tickets selling so well, perhaps in the future they may be able to bid up to get a higher selection, and get a name rather than just a corporate name. I'm not disrespecting the MCC Bowl, I'm glad the Gophers are in it, but it is a lower-tier bowl. The status of the bowl has everything to do with how high they get to pick.

@GophersNow: #Gophers have sold as of this morning just over 2,000 of their allotted 12,000 tickets for Meineke Car Care Bowl in Houston.

Go Gophers!!

That number above is the only one we should be worried about. The number of tickets we sell from our allotment and how it stacks up against the other schools in the Big Ten is what will dertermine where we fall in the bowl pecking order in future years.

Shouldn't you be over on Buckyville. com kiss assing spineless one?

I figured I'd take you off my ignore list for a while to see what would happen. The result is, well, not a surprise. Quite frankly, I had replied to this thread prior to noticing you were the OP or I wouldn't have done it. Careless error on my part. Thankfully, you appear to have finally seen the light in terms of your own "contributions" to buckyville. You've done a service to Gopher fans everywhere by stopping your posting activities there. Or were you banned? Either way, it is a GOOD thing. But I'll tell you what: How about we check back in in 10 years? I will guarantee you will still have more posts over there than I will by then, or ever will. If it bugged you that much that I made a comment about how "unique" you are over there, I suggest just moving on as it really isn't worth losing sleep over.

And who is the "spineless one" over there and why would I be kiss assing him/her???

As my brother-in-law said: "This bowl is run by the Houston Texan's. Northwestern
and Texas A&M had 63,000 in attendance. They run it like BCS bowl.
The people up in Minnesota who call this a rinky-dinky bowl must have been born in a cave. Texan's eat and sleep football"

Its funny how many people I talk to say this is a crap bowl and why even go. I always ask "have you been to a crap bowl before or even any bowl game"? the answer is no. Bowl games are a blast to attend and wish I was attending this one. It is what you make it. If you want to be a pessimistic anus face, then its no fun and you can criticize. If you want to join the living, its fun as hell. I recommend if you want a great time and usually see a great game, go to any bowl your team attends.

I'm thrilled to be going to the game, because bowl games are a lot of fun and I haven't been to a Gophers bowl in four years. It's too bad there aren't more people who realize how fun bowls are to attend, since as Bleed pointed out, we'll probably end up selling the same 3,000 tickets we usually sell for bowl trips (the only exception among the five Gophers bowls I've been to was the 2006 Insight Bowl, where we had a very good turnout, probably thanks in large part to the snowbirds in the Phoenix area).

But this game is what it is: a low-tier game that will hardly be a blip on the radar of the bowl season. It's good that the Houston Texans got their season ticket holders to support this game, too - that's a huge boost to attendance, though there are clearly many fans who opt to buy the tickets yet don't attend the game. Here's a picture from last year's Northwestern-Texas A&M game:

I would too. I'd go to a local bowl game if one were held here. It would be nice to see someone step up to fund one in the new stadium when it is built.

Right, if somebody gave you tickets. You will continue to make your spineless comments on Buckyville, as you have this past football season. I find it interesting how you discredit the MCC bowl with your curt comment. Wonder if you would have made that comment if you were attending? A true phony Snoozer

Right, if somebody gave you tickets. You will continue to make your spineless comments on Buckyville, as you have this past football season. I find it interesting how you discredit the MCC bowl with your curt comment. Wonder if you would have made that comment if you were attending? A true phony Snoozer

Ummm. Okay, I'll play along at least for a while... Can you link these "spineless comments" on Buckyville? Not sure what you mean with that statement but you can visit that site (I'm sure you know the way) and check out my posting history. You can view my posting record there, which happens to include 101 lifetime posts dating back to joining that site in 2009, and 3 posts since the start of this current football season. I'm averaging 1 post per month in 2012.

Sorry if you misunderstood but I have nothing bad to say about this year's Gopher bowl game, location, etc. I'm pretty happy the Gophers are in a bowl and I feel it is a step up from the one Purdue got up in Dallas. No, I was just having fun with the AJ Barker comments from his open letter. I would love to attend this year's Gopher bowl game. I actually would have made that comment if I was attending, or if I was not attending. I would have made that comment in a box, with a fox, in a house, with a mouse. I do like Gopher bowls here or there. I like them anywhere.

I realize you enjoy pissing contests and I'm sure you are hungry for one since your vaunted Buckyville days. Is there anyone else on Gopherhole you are willing to go these lengths with or is it just me? Pissing contests are inevitable with you... I'm just kicking myself because due to my inattention I actually started this one. DUH!

@GophersNow: #Gophers have sold as of this morning just over 2,000 of their allotted 12,000 tickets for Meineke Car Care Bowl in Houston.

Go Gophers!!

I will believe it when I hear it from my main source of ticket news - Doogie:rolleyes:

Target Snowbowl? DQ Blizzard Bowl? Easily, the best option is "The General Mills Cereal Bowl."

Bowl games are fun; the 2002 Music City Bowl was an absolute blast from start to finish (Nashville is FUN FUN times).

Yes, it's a small time bowl game. But it's a small time bowl game on a Friday night where there's no other college football going on in a big time recruiting state. It's as good as small time can get. Hopefully the Gophs put on a decent show & take advantage.

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