mbakwe to memphis done deal?

If Maturi is going to allow Trevor to play at the start of the season unless he is found guilty (whenever the trial is), then he owes it to all concerned to say so NOW and to show Trevor that the school is behind and for him. Maybe this has been decided and made clear to TM. If it hasn't, then IMO Maturi is being a jerk of bureaucratic proportions.
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Maturi can't say NOW because his rethink is contingent upon yet another postponement of trial date.

No Maturi doesn't get out of "jerk" that easily. "On sports huddle show - maturi did say that he would probably change his policy towards Trevor and allow him to play if the court proceedings were again delayed!" If he is going to let TM play unless he's convicted in a delayed trial or an imminent trial, I suggest that he say so NOW.

Like I said, he coaches MEMPHIS. Before that, he coached at Arizona. Slipping around NCAA rules was commonplace at both schools for a LONG time.

Your boy Tubby coaches at MINNESOTA which also has had a long history of NCAA violations for a LONG time. You can't have it both ways m'boy!!!!!

Two things:

1. The rule about the Gophers coaches not being able to go to the Pro-Am league has to do with it turning into offseason coaching. It's the same reason why coaches can't watch unofficial scrimmages in the spring and summer. It is possible that Pastner could be there and not be in violation. I don't know one way or the other.

2. I also think that painting Pastner with a broad brush about being a cheater because he happens to coach Memphis is a little harsh and, frankly, unfair. A certain Big Ten team in Minneapolis doesn't exactly have the greatest track record with the NCAA and if that doesn't reflect on coaches here, then Memphis' past shouldn't reflect on Pastner.

The only time coaches can watch their players in the off season is at camps. Every camp I've ever worked has full court scrimmages, and a few even have put recruits on the floor with their players. One team even had kids that were not attending the camp come in just to play.

The Auggy coach in Sioux Falls knows Pastner and has nothing but good things to say about him. I don't know Coach B all that well but I know people on his staff, so if those guys trust him I'm going to trust him. Some guys just work harder, The Book Convincing Them in 90 seconds claims "people who make three times more phone calls than their competitors are four times more successful." From what I'm told Pastner is always on the phone.

Well Pastner must have liked what he saw, because it was the best I have ever seen him play. Showed he could dribble by taking it to the rack from outside several times, plus some spin movers down low I hadn't seen. Monster dunks, blocked shots and cleaned the glass like always...

If Maturi is going to let Trevor play this season, I hope he tells him personally and soon.

Tubby has none of them.

Art is a d*ck, but he's right in this case. You can't castigate Pastner for guilt by association, then completely exonerate Tubby because he hasn't personally committed any violations. You indeed cannot have it both ways.

Art is a d*ck, but he's right in this case. You can't castigate Pastner for guilt by association, then completely exonerate Tubby because he hasn't personally committed any violations. You indeed cannot have it both ways.

I think the point FOT is trying to make is that Pastner was an assistant at Memphis, under Calipari, while he was committing violations.

In the case of Tubby, he was not even remotely connected to the University of Minnesota when the violations took place.

The only time coaches can watch their players in the off season is at camps. Every camp I've ever worked has full court scrimmages, and a few even have put recruits on the floor with their players. One team even had kids that were not attending the camp come in just to play.

The Auggy coach in Sioux Falls knows Pastner and has nothing but good things to say about him. I don't know Coach B all that well but I know people on his staff, so if those guys trust him I'm going to trust him. Some guys just work harder, The Book Convincing Them in 90 seconds claims "people who make three times more phone calls than their competitors are four times more successful." From what I'm told Pastner is always on the phone.

The chef guy at Memphis Roar has posted the rules and bylaws. If anyone is interested you can go there and see them. Pastner should just have a device implanted in his head as much as he is on the phone. I have made jokes that he must have a secret twin, he seems to be everywhere at once. he just works that hard guys. PLEASE don't lump him with calapari. Good luck on your season. There seems to be a few decommits and loose ends out there now, maybe Tubby can pull somebody good in.

I think the point FOT is trying to make is that Pastner was an assistant at Memphis, under Calipari, while he was committing violations.

In the case of Tubby, he was not even remotely connected to the University of Minnesota when the violations took place.

If my boss is skimming off the top at my place of employment, does that make me guilty because he hired me and I work for him?

If my boss is skimming off the top at my place of employment, does that make me guilty because he hired me and I work for him?

I'm not saying I agree with him. I have no clue about Pastner, or Tubby for that matter, as far as the liklihood they committ violations. I was just attempting to clarify what it seemed to me, was FOT's point.

That said, using your analogy. No it doesnt make you guilty. But. if the CEO gets caught embezeling money and you are on his direct board of advisers, you should probably be investigated. That doesn't mean you've done anything, but public perception is going to be that Calipari probably didn't keep his violations entirley to himself. The University may have known, his assistants, etc. Where as with the U of M, many of the violation committers have all been cleaned out. Maturi is a different AD, Smith a different coach, etc.

Again, I know very little as to what Pastner does or if he even is similar to coach Cal, but i can understand why some people would assume that he is. I'm sure not everyone trusted Gerald Ford completely when he took over for Nixon.

So it sounds like Pastner was totally legal watching Mbakwe at the Pro City. Word is Trevor is going there if waiver clears. We will see.

Josh Pastner was openly telling people about how he was legally watching Trevor Mbakwe last night

The chef guy at Memphis Roar has posted the rules and bylaws. If anyone is interested you can go there and see them. Pastner should just have a device implanted in his head as much as he is on the phone. I have made jokes that he must have a secret twin, he seems to be everywhere at once. he just works that hard guys. PLEASE don't lump him with calapari. Good luck on your season. There seems to be a few decommits and loose ends out there now, maybe Tubby can pull somebody good in.

I think the issue may be that LEAGUE certification does not give you EVENT certification. As the NCAA states, "Note: League certification DOES NOT permit NCAA Division I basketball coaching staff members to attend. Please consult the list of certified events to identify those competitions that Division I coaches may attend."... I can see the HP League listed as certified, but not as an event on any date - that's the difference.

Maybe there's another link at, I just looked at the main page... and what he's citing doesn't get the job done. He may be confusing league certification and event certification.

I guess a question for those in attendance last night - was there a 'quarantined section' for D1 coaches at the SAL? That appears to be a requirement of a certified event - you would have also seen signs as of late at HP that say, 'coaches sit here' and a big rope around the seating or something similar...

Again, I don't think we should worry about what other programs are doing when it's this seemingly minor (if he wasn't allowed by rules to attend - which is how it appears to me based on facts presented so far, I think it's more due to ignorance and them not doing their homework... doesn't make it right, but clearly doesn't appear to be some vile, despicable act)... if Memphis was truly calling Mbakwe in December, that's probably a different story...

I was just attempting to clarify what it seemed to me, was FOT's point.

And a terrible point it is.

1) Assuming Pastner is guilty of something because he has worked with cheaters in the past;

2) Assuming Tubby is innocent only because he has never been caught.

You know what they say about people who assume.

(I'm not saying Pastner is innocent, or Tubby is guilty of anything, for the dense who may take it that way.)

I think the point FOT is trying to make is that Pastner was an assistant at Memphis, under Calipari, while he was committing violations.

In the case of Tubby, he was not even remotely connected to the University of Minnesota when the violations took place.

Actually the violations occured during the 2007-8 season, the year Memphis went to the Final 4. Pastner didn't come to Memphis until the 2008-9 season. No violations have occured while he was either an assistant at Memphis or the head coach.

I'm not saying I agree with him. I have no clue about Pastner, or Tubby for that matter, as far as the liklihood they committ violations. I was just attempting to clarify what it seemed to me, was FOT's point.

That said, using your analogy. No it doesnt make you guilty. But. if the CEO gets caught embezeling money and you are on his direct board of advisers, you should probably be investigated. That doesn't mean you've done anything, but public perception is going to be that Calipari probably didn't keep his violations entirley to himself. The University may have known, his assistants, etc. Where as with the U of M, many of the violation committers have all been cleaned out. Maturi is a different AD, Smith a different coach, etc.

Again, I know very little as to what Pastner does or if he even is similar to coach Cal, but i can understand why some people would assume that he is. I'm sure not everyone trusted Gerald Ford completely when he took over for Nixon.[/QUOTE]

I had to laugh at that one. (on a side note, it sure turned out good for ol' Tricky Dicky)

The league is NCAA certified - I think he was just fine being there (although coaches couldn't be there the first couple of weeks).

He was out at Jefferson today. As were a number of coaches, including a one that kept asking people where a good tanning salon is.

I saw Tom Creep sitting there with all of his friends.

He had friends? You mean at HP? Definitely saw him at Jefferson. Btw it's 97 in the main gym right now

No, I meant at Jefferson last night in the main gym during the late game. There were clumps of coaches sitting together. Pastner has his entourage. Some OK State guys. Then Crean. Solo.

I am interested in whether or not we are going to see Tevor play as a Gopher this season. Or any season.

Obout Memphis - Ryan posted that: "Word is Trevor is going there if waiver clears. We will see." Is my logic correct in reasoning that; If Tevor is going to be allowed to play for MN unless and until he is judged guilty of a felony, that he is still bound to MN unless released by Maturi and that his waiver would be denied?

Actually the violations occured during the 2007-8 season, the year Memphis went to the Final 4. Pastner didn't come to Memphis until the 2008-9 season. No violations have occured while he was either an assistant at Memphis or the head coach.

Google "Midnight Lute basketball recruiting" and see what comes up.

Funny stuff at Arizona and Memphis WHILE Pastner was on staff at both.

So because your AD dropped the ball you have commenced the mud slinging? Thats a fairly mature way to handle things

So because your AD dropped the ball you have commenced the mud slinging? Thats a fairly mature way to handle things

In another thread, you'll see link to NCAA rules that indicate that attendance by Div I coach(es) at Pulley games is probably violation, albeit minor.

I am interested in whether or not we are going to see Tevor play as a Gopher this season. Or any season.

Obout Memphis - Ryan posted that: "Word is Trevor is going there if waiver clears. We will see." Is my logic correct in reasoning that; If Tevor is going to be allowed to play for MN unless and until he is judged guilty of a felony, that he is still bound to MN unless released by Maturi and that his waiver would be denied?

If he is allowed to play for the Gophers he gets no waiver, because he no longer has any "hardship".

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