I lived in Knoxville, IA for 5 years in the 90's. (Home of Gopher Hole regular DL65).
Honestly, smaller cities in IA are not that much different than smaller cities in MN. Outside of a few obnoxious Hawkeye fans, I generally enjoyed my time in IA. Certainly, Des Moines is not in the same league as Mpls/St. Paul when it comes to urban areas. the Twin Cities offer more entertainment and sporting options, including major concerts and pro sports.
My biggest gripe with IA involves roads and driving. In general, MN roads are maintained in better condition. And MN drivers are better than IA drivers. People in IA think turn signals are optional. I'm not kidding!! I lost count of the # of times I would be following a car in IA, and the car would stop in the middle of the street. I knew it was going to turn, but I had no idea if it was turning left or right.