These are tough decisions and unpopular with the core Gopher elites but we need to cut baseball, Golf, volleyball,womens rowing, swimming, and possibly track. Most Minnesotans don't give a rats ass about anything other than the BIG Visible sports. Its a State University funded by Tax dollars so the rank and file Citizen has as valid say. These sports cut can be handled as club sports to satisfy student desire to particiapte. Cuts have to be made to make it comply with title 9 requiremnts. Follow the lead of the successful schools....texas, Wisky, Florida........keep hockey, womens hoops.....each program should have to stand on its own from a profit/loss standpoint and fit the title 9 reqs. It is a tough Balancing ast, but with the right leadership, I can be done. This is necessary and unpopular. What would you rather have, mediocrity in the sports people care about or a kick ass football, basketball, and hockey program focussed on winning?