Maturi on perception of Goph sports: I don't think it's great. We've got to win more

How many times did we boosters pressure Mr. Maturi into terminating a major coach of the program? We pressured the AD to fire Dutcher after Madison. We pressured the AD to fire the Woog. We pressured the AD to fire Mason. We pressured the AD to fire Monson. We pressured to fire lesser coaches as well. Don't you think some of the blame goes beyond the office of Athletic Director. I think Mr. Maturi reflects the sports culture of the UofM like a highly polished mirror. He acted the way we wanted him to act and now the same group of vultures wants to circle above him until he is terminated to cover up their own guilt. Well, count me out. I don't think from my chair the accusations are fair and honest.

What I think is true is what has been stated, the severance pay was excessive, but if fit with the times and frankly it is a cost of doing business at that level. Every one of the coaches terminated, I supported to be terminated. I have their 'blood' on my hands. However, why would I want Maturi to be fired? He did everything I wanted done accomplished. In the mean time, we hope the coaches we have now are upgrades. Smith seems to be doing okay, as long as his point guards don't leave school or come up with bum parts. Kill seems to be a joy. Lucia has recruited what we expect, but for some reason they don't want to play the game like they are able (see risk management for drafted athletes). Maybe Lucia has recruited too well. So, looking closely in the mirror, I can not support the accusations made at Maturi because they look like exactly I would have done in his shoes.

Fans of every sports team cry for the coaches head when the team doesn't win. That doesn't mean anything. It certainly does not excuse the bumbling, stumbling way Joel has handled almost all of the hiring and firing and contract extensions in the major sports, or the bumbling, stumbling way he's handled player incidents such as Mbakwe and White.

How many times did we boosters pressure Mr. Maturi into terminating a major coach of the program? We pressured the AD to fire Dutcher after Madison. We pressured the AD to fire the Woog. We pressured the AD to fire Mason. We pressured the AD to fire Monson. We pressured to fire lesser coaches as well. Don't you think some of the blame goes beyond the office of Athletic Director. I think Mr. Maturi reflects the sports culture of the UofM like a highly polished mirror. He acted the way we wanted him to act and now the same group of vultures wants to circle above him until he is terminated to cover up their own guilt. Well, count me out. I don't think from my chair the accusations are fair and honest.

What I think is true is what has been stated, the severance pay was excessive, but if fit with the times and frankly it is a cost of doing business at that level. Every one of the coaches terminated, I supported to be terminated. I have their 'blood' on my hands. However, why would I want Maturi to be fired? He did everything I wanted done accomplished. In the mean time, we hope the coaches we have now are upgrades. Smith seems to be doing okay, as long as his point guards don't leave school or come up with bum parts. Kill seems to be a joy. Lucia has recruited what we expect, but for some reason they don't want to play the game like they are able (see risk management for drafted athletes). Maybe Lucia has recruited too well. So, looking closely in the mirror, I can not support the accusations made at Maturi because they look like exactly I would have done in his shoes.
This doesn't even justify a response...

So what? What relevance does that have to anything? Since when are firing decisions made on the basis of one season?

Hey, UNC missed the Tournament last year. Why didn't Dick Baddour fire Roy Williams?

Hey, why didn't Tim Curley fire Joe Paterno when Penn St. went 3-9 (1-7) a few years ago?

Hey, Iowa went 11-20 (4-14) this year. Why didn't Gary Barta fire Fran McCaffery?


I really love that fact that you're comparing the situations of Joe Paterno and Roy Williams to that of Pam Borton's, and you're calling ME a dumbass??? wow!

I really love that fact that you're comparing the situations of Joe Paterno and Roy Williams to that of Pam Borton's, and you're calling ME a dumbass??? wow!

I love how you conveniently left off McCaffery from the names you mentioned. So, how about it? You think Iowa should fire their coach one year into his tenure? After all, they were really bad this year! And please show me where I compared Pam Borton to either Roy Williams or Joe Paterno.

You're really not very intelligent, are you? If you wish to base firing decisions on the results of one year (as you clearly do), then the results over the course of that coach's career are irrelevant. I would personally prefer to give Borton a little rope based on her great success over the first 7 years of her Gopher coaching career. You, on the other hand, want her fired on the basis of one bad year. So, clearly, you think Roy Williams and Joe Paterno should have been fired on the basis of one bad year. It can't be one or the other. So which is it?

You're really not very intelligent, are you? If you wish to base firing decisions on the results of one year (as you clearly do), then the results over the course of that coach's career are irrelevant. I would personally prefer to give Borton a little rope based on her great success over the first 7 years of her Gopher coaching career. You, on the other hand, want her fired on the basis of one bad year. So, clearly, you think Roy Williams and Joe Paterno should have been fired on the basis of one bad year. It can't be one or the other. So which is it?

Clearly, one of your favorite movies is the Princess Bride because it's inconceivable that a clever man as you structured your paragraph thusly without first studying the dizzying intellect of the Great Vizzini. :)

Clearly, one of your favorite movies is the Princess Bride because it's inconceivable that a clever man as you structured your paragraph thusly without first studying the dizzying intellect of the Great Vizzini. :)

Ha! No, that was most certainly not intentional, but the parallels there are almost spooky, aren't they?

"Never go all-in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"

I love how you conveniently left off McCaffery from the names you mentioned. So, how about it? You think Iowa should fire their coach one year into his tenure? After all, they were really bad this year! And please show me where I compared Pam Borton to either Roy Williams or Joe Paterno.

You're really not very intelligent, are you? If you wish to base firing decisions on the results of one year (as you clearly do), then the results over the course of that coach's career are irrelevant. I would personally prefer to give Borton a little rope based on her great success over the first 7 years of her Gopher coaching career. You, on the other hand, want her fired on the basis of one bad year. So, clearly, you think Roy Williams and Joe Paterno should have been fired on the basis of one bad year. It can't be one or the other. So which is it?

I will try not to resort to namecalling, which is a level I'm sure you would prefer. I did not include McCaffery because I don't think a coach should be fired after only one year. I don't think JoPa or Roy Williams should have been fired due to one bad year because of their overall body of work. I DO think that Coach Borton and Coach Lucia should be seriously looked at, because, although they've had successful years hear at MN, their programs seem to be heading in the wrong direction. This is not the result of one bad year among many successful years, but a trend downward over several years. So why would we offer contract extention in these two cases. Heck, I don't even think Tubby deserves and extention either, but maybe that's just me. I also know that Coach Borton has a good recruiting class coming in and maybe that has some bearing on Maturi's decision. I hope he's right and the the Lady Gophers have a great year next year. I simply question the AD's decisions to give contract extensions when the program "appears" to be spriraling downward.

I will try not to resort to namecalling, which is a level I'm sure you would prefer. I did not include McCaffery because I don't think a coach should be fired after only one year. I don't think JoPa or Roy Williams should have been fired due to one bad year because of their overall body of work. I DO think that Coach Borton and Coach Lucia should be seriously looked at, because, although they've had successful years hear at MN, their programs seem to be heading in the wrong direction. This is not the result of one bad year among many successful years, but a trend downward over several years. So why would we offer contract extention in these two cases. Heck, I don't even think Tubby deserves and extention either, but maybe that's just me. I also know that Coach Borton has a good recruiting class coming in and maybe that has some bearing on Maturi's decision. I hope he's right and the the Lady Gophers have a great year next year. I simply question the AD's decisions to give contract extensions when the program "appears" to be spriraling downward.

Good post. Why didn't you just say all of this in the first place instead of something stupid like you did? It would make life a lot easier if people just said what they mean instead of spouting stupid things off-the-cuff.

Good post. Why didn't you just say all of this in the first place instead of something stupid like you did? It would make life a lot easier if people just said what they mean instead of spouting stupid things off-the-cuff.

If we were all as bright as you, wouldn't it be a dull world? :)

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