Maturi a media coward?


Sep 11, 2010
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for not taking questions? he owes the whole state an apology and to be truthful should resign

No. He was up there to introduce Kill. He answered questions afterwards. They showed some clips on the news.

and this has nothing to do with Coach Kill

for not taking questions? he owes the whole state an apology and to be truthful should resign

Joel take a cue from Jerry Kill. If you're not doing your job stop doing it, please.

for not taking questions? he owes the whole state an apology and to be truthful should resign

I disagree. Joel did the right thing. Say a few things while introducing the New Coach, because that was the center of the entire Press Conference.

As much as I wish Maturi would have taken questions, it would have been a disaster from a PR standpoint. Think about it: whether he goes on before or after Kill, Maturi will be hammered with questions that are inherently anti-Kill. Why not this guy, who else did you consider, why is he not a Tubby-smith type hire, who else was interested, etc. Would have been FAR more embarrassing. They pulled off what they needed to perfectly today. Kill's great performance with the press quelled a lot of the anger and tension toward Maturi.

As much as I wish Maturi would have taken questions, it would have been a disaster from a PR standpoint. Think about it: whether he goes on before or after Kill, Maturi will be hammered with questions that are inherently anti-Kill. Why not this guy, who else did you consider, why is he not a Tubby-smith type hire, who else was interested, etc. Would have been FAR more embarrassing. They pulled off what they needed to perfectly today. Kill's great performance with the press quelled a lot of the anger and tension toward Maturi.

perhaps his own presser a different day would work

No incentive for them to do it. What's the upside? Making Seeley's job harder?

Exactly, doing another press conference does no one any good. It just brings negativity to our program at a time we should be looking forward.

As much as I wish Maturi would have taken questions, it would have been a disaster from a PR standpoint. Think about it: whether he goes on before or after Kill, Maturi will be hammered with questions that are inherently anti-Kill. Why not this guy, who else did you consider, why is he not a Tubby-smith type hire, who else was interested, etc. Would have been FAR more embarrassing. They pulled off what they needed to perfectly today. Kill's great performance with the press quelled a lot of the anger and tension toward Maturi.

ditto. This was Coach Kill's day.

It might be satisfying to put Maturi in the stocks, but it wouldn't do the U one bit of good. His time here is coming to a close anyway.

if you don't know what for your the "gopher" should be removed from your name.

Fire Maturi!

Again, apologize for what? Not being able to hire the name? Not being able to get people to leave perfectly good situations? Not being able to make you warm and fuzzy? People like you all over this board blaming one person as if one person determined this hire. Have you ever hired anyone and been accountable?

Good. We have a new coach and all we can do is to continue to bash Maturi. That's really going to help Kill succeed! Guess you didn't notice him saying we need to be positive and pull together or he will fail. Guess it's more fun to bash people (who may deserve it) than to try to help the program move forward.

As much as I wish Maturi would have taken questions, it would have been a disaster from a PR standpoint. Think about it: whether he goes on before or after Kill, Maturi will be hammered with questions that are inherently anti-Kill. Why not this guy, who else did you consider, why is he not a Tubby-smith type hire, who else was interested, etc. Would have been FAR more embarrassing. They pulled off what they needed to perfectly today. Kill's great performance with the press quelled a lot of the anger and tension toward Maturi.

Completely agree - I think it would have gotten really negative, really fast. And this was Kill's moment, this is his dream job, and it would have been bad if the hatred for Maturi took away from his moment, and Gophers fans getting a 1st glimpse at him.

Apologize for what?

That is a truly difficult question given just how badly he has jacked up the entire situation and how he continues to jack it up. From his "You're not exactly following Lombardi here" quote to begin the hiring process to his "from Day 1, I knew there was not a head BCS football coach out there who wanted this job -- a successful BCS football coach. That's just a fact." he has embarrassed us and continues to do so every time he opens his mouth. he needs to slink away quickly and let Coach Kill get on with the job of building a winner. Maturi is a godawful excuse for an administrator and the sooner we are rid of him the better.

Good. We have a new coach and all we can do is to continue to bash Maturi. That's really going to help Kill succeed! Guess you didn't notice him saying we need to be positive and pull together or he will fail. Guess it's more fun to bash people (who may deserve it) than to try to help the program move forward.

If you have an idiot at the helm you will have difficulty moving forward. Lets get rid of Maturi and make Coach Kill's job that much easier.

please make joel go away..........uggghhhhhhhhhhh......he is bringing the whole program down............

One thing I think folks are having a hard time differentiating on is this: Whether hiring Kill is a bad hire regardless of who hired him or if hiring Kill is a bad hire because Maturi is the one who made the hire.

So far, it seems that most seem to feel it's a bad hire because Maturi was the one who made it. Does this mean that hiring Kill would have been a good hire had someone else made it? I have no idea. I will agree that Maturi has cemented his reputation as something of a fool (again....ugh!) with how he handled this. I also happen to think that hiring Kill has a very good chance to be one of those "sneaky good hires" that happen every so often. So, the question is, where do we draw the line when it comes to the criticism of this hire. With Maturi? With Maturi and Kill? With Kill? Right now, it seems those lines are becoming pretty blurred.

Regardless, it certainly is an interesting line to draw between those who seem to feel Kill is a good to very good coach and that same demographic who feel Maturi is a bad to very bad AD. It's certainly not a combination of opinions you see very often in evaluating a new hire.

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