An odd post to make in a thread discussing a specific and undeniable lie they both keep telling.
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Maybe he's a Trump fan
It’s odd to say Coyle and Fleck are liars?
You post this very thing weekly.
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It’s odd to say Coyle and Fleck are liars?
You post this very thing weekly.
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When people say things that are not factually accurate, it may be an honest mistake, or it may be deliberate. For instance, I say "The Gophers won the Rose Bowl in 1961."
That is not true. The Gophers won the Rose Bowl in January of 1962 - yes, it was the final game of the 1961 season, but the game was played in 1962.
So, that could be an honest mistake. But, if I keep repeating it, then it becomes a legitimate question - why do I keep saying something that isn't true?
Fleck and Coyle have each said that the Gophers won 4 of their last 5 games in 2018. That is not true. They won 4 of their last 6.
Hence the big question - is this an honest mistake - by both men - or is it something different? I don't know. personally, I think it's funny. I don't see this as some 'Deep State' conspiracy.
Coyle & Fleck are liars. They’re well known liars. They lie.
Or so I’ve been told over and over and over and over and over....
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So, when they keep repeating the same inaccurate information, what is it then?
If it is not a lie, what is it when both Coyle and Fleck continually repeat the same information that is not factually correct?
Just curious.
It’s a lie. <b>Coyle & Fleck are purposely trying to mislead the public.</b>
When the Legend becomes fact, print the legend. (name the movie reference....)