Marcus: Trevor Mbakwe trial to be delayed again

Trevor Rescheduled for 7/26

Does that mean it will be too late for him to transfer?

Hate to say this, but it's getting to the point where I hope Trevor transfers. It's time to be done with the off-court distractions for the program, so if he chooses to leave, so be it. The continued delays don't exactly instill confidence that this is going to be resolved anytime soon. My gut tells me this is headed toward a plea bargain and the end of Trevor's Gopher "career."

I hope Trevor is found not guilty or charges are dropped, but if not as a Gopher, I hope whatever school he transfers to (outside of the Big Ten) that he'll have a successful career there. The Gopher program doesn't need any more lingering issues heading into the 2010-11 season. One season of that was enough, thank you.

I agree with SS on this one 100%. Good luck Trevor...elsewhere.

How so? The whole "right to a speedy trial" thing makes zero sense when his side asks for the delay. That and the innocent until proven guilty comments have gotten so old. They aren't good arguments.

Me thinks you may be over thinking.

I'd say either the trial goes forward on it's latest date (7/26, I believe) and he is acquitted,or the charges are dropped, or he should transfer. This parade of continuances is not good for him or the team. If there are any more delays, a change of scene would be good for both Trevor and the team. A resolution to these charges is long overdue.

Dude - and all you other "what happened to the speedy trial?" idiots: The defense has WAIVED (this word means "given up") its right to a speedy trial and several times asked for a postponement of proceedings, including this latest postponement.

When BOTH SIDES ask for a delay, by definition this means that the defense asked for (yet another) delay. Jesus.

Wow! Still clinging to that assumption bubble, damn.

Well, no, the DA Spokesperson said there was a mutually agreed to delay in the trial date. Now, get ready with your pin to poke that bubble, she previously stated that the 7 June date could be pushed back if there were other cases more pressing. POP!! idiot...sheesh

It's folks like you who practice doubling down on stupid.

Wow! Still clinging to that assumption bubble, damn.

Well, no, the DA Spokesperson said there was a mutually agreed to delay in the trial date. Now, get ready with your pin to poke that bubble, she previously stated that the 7 June date could be pushed back if there were other cases more pressing. POP!! idiot...sheesh

It's folks like you who practice doubling down on stupid.

Well MinneBrain, you really got me there. Unless you consider this direct quote from the DA.

"Last Thursday, the defense attorney and my office spoke, and we didn't believe we would be fully ready for trial on June 7," Chavez said. "It doesn't look like we're going June 7 after all, not because of the judge taking priority over another case, but because both sides aren't ready because of those outstanding depositions."

Here's the link:

How stupid are you?

According to my daughter, who read a facebook update from Jenny ( Trevor's fiance/girlfriend ) they are ready to start a new life. I guess she thought that, and with other facebook updates, it was a strong indication that the Memphis thing is a done deal and Trevor's as good as gone.

According to my daughter, who read a facebook update from Jenny ( Trevor's fiance/girlfriend ) they are ready to start a new life. I guess she thought that, and with other facebook updates, it was a strong indication that the Memphis thing is a done deal and Trevor's as good as gone.

I know one of Trevor's former teammates from Miami Dade (who talks to him on a regular) and he has indicated that Trevor wasn't sure what he was going to do especially after his court date got pushed back again.

I know one of Trevor's former teammates from Miami Dade (who talks to him on a regular) and he has indicated that Trevor wasn't sure what he was going to do especially after his court date got pushed back again.

I guess these were after Trevor's visit, as they were posted yesterday evening.

I guess these were after Trevor's visit, as they were posted yesterday evening.

The tweets from Ryan James and Myron said that Trevor was in Memphis for his official yesterday. Either way, he'll transfer. That's what he's done and it looks like that zebra ( tiger ) just won't change his stripes.

I wouldn't take anything Mbakwe says (or posts) about his plans for anything more than a young man using words. He has a history of saying one thing and doing another.

That said, he was playing pickup ball last night in Memphis and folks were plenty impressed.

It's hard to imagine the NCAA concluding that having a felony charge against you is a 'hardship', but many things that actually happen in life are hard to imagine... including that blown call against the Motor City Kitties last night.

Hate to say this, but it's getting to the point where I hope Trevor transfers. It's time to be done with the off-court distractions for the program, so if he chooses to leave, so be it. The continued delays don't exactly instill confidence that this is going to be resolved anytime soon. My gut tells me this is headed toward a plea bargain and the end of Trevor's Gopher "career."

I hope Trevor is found not guilty or charges are dropped, but if not as a Gopher, I hope whatever school he transfers to (outside of the Big Ten) that he'll have a successful career there. The Gopher program doesn't need any more lingering issues heading into the 2010-11 season. One season of that was enough, thank you.

I disagree 100%. Whether it's resolved tomorrow or 1 week before practice opens, what's the difference? We've come this far with him, and we're not going to get another player this season to replace him, so we might as well be patient and wait to see if it gets resolved sometime this summer or early fall. I'm sure that's what Tubby is telling Trevor too.

Off season "distractions" are largely irrelevant.

And if things keep dragging on this trial won't start until the season starts, and then it's no long off season and will be a distraction for the team.

Whether it's resolved tomorrow or 1 week before practice opens, what's the difference? We've come this far with him, and we're not going to get another player this season to replace him, so we might as well be patient and wait to see if it gets resolved sometime this summer or early fall. I'm sure that's what Tubby is telling Trevor too.

Could happen.

I disagree 100%. Whether it's resolved tomorrow or 1 week before practice opens, what's the difference? We've come this far with him, and we're not going to get another player this season to replace him, so we might as well be patient and wait to see if it gets resolved sometime this summer or early fall. I'm sure that's what Tubby is telling Trevor too.

Off season "distractions" are largely irrelevant.

Agree. Other than the Royce White type waffling here lately, TM has acted very mature and respectful to the University about most of this. He's frustrated right now and is getting antsy. If cooler heads prevail and he settles down, he's done nothing to make me want to give up on him. Assuming he's innocent, that is.

Well MinneBrain, you really got me there. Unless you consider this direct quote from the DA.

"Last Thursday, the defense attorney and my office spoke, and we didn't believe we would be fully ready for trial on June 7," Chavez said. "It doesn't look like we're going June 7 after all, not because of the judge taking priority over another case, but because both sides aren't ready because of those outstanding depositions."

Here's the link:

How stupid are you?

Not nearly as completely ignorant as you, it seems. What is it about "because both sides aren't ready because of those outstanding deposition," do you not understand.

Suggestion to you: seek professional help, fast!

Agree. Other than the Royce White type waffling here lately, TM has acted very mature and respectful to the University about most of this. He's frustrated right now and is getting antsy. If cooler heads prevail and he settles down, he's done nothing to make me want to give up on him. Assuming he's innocent, that is.

No sh-t Sherlock

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