Marcus Q&A with Coyle: "I’ve started to have conversations with people today...I’ve had conversations with people about who is interested and not"

Coyle cannot say that he’s been searching and talking to candidates until he has a position open. I’m sure he has been working the back channels unofficially for a few weeks. He did it with Fleck and hired him quickly after their bowl game.
Under what legal fantasy is this?

MC has ADMITTED in the presser to have just begun the search process TODAY. Unlike Indiana, we have yet to contact potential head coaches because our AD has ZERO FORESIGHT into his own decision-making process.
If you really believe this, I'm sorry. You wrote a lot of words to admit that you know nothing about how any of this works. Coyle may blow this in the end but he, most definitely, is not just starting his outreach. You can't stand him, but you're going to hang on every word he says in this setting? You did make me laugh a bit, though.

Coyle cannot say that he’s been searching and talking to candidates until he has a position open. I’m sure he has been working the back channels unofficially for a few weeks. He did it with Fleck and hired him quickly after their bowl game.
If he’s not been working back channels for a year, he hasn’t been doing his job. Hiring managers always need to be researching, evaluating, and testing the waters for when key openings arise, whether they were easily predictable like this one or not. Must be ready.

Look you have the Eeyore franchise wrapped up here. I just don’t trust Coyle and the administration to do this right. I hope they hit it out of the park.
If you don't trust him, then does it really matter what he says or how he says it? If he used better words and spoke with more flare, that would make you trust him more? Doesn't sound like it.

Executives speak like this all the time. I guess I'm just used to it and/or have enough experience listening to higher ups talk in generalities that it doesn't even phase me anymore.

Unsolicited advice: Don't hang on what words they say or do not say. Things are happening behind the scenes that you simply will never know the details. They do not tend to telegraph their passes for a multitude of reasons.

If you really believe this, I'm sorry. You wrote a lot of words to admit that you know nothing about how any of this works. Coyle may blow this in the end but he, most definitely, is not just starting his outreach. You can't stand him, but you're going to hang on every word he says in this setting? You did make me laugh a bit, though.
More nonsense.

If you really believe this, I'm sorry. You wrote a lot of words to admit that you know nothing about how any of this works. Coyle may blow this in the end but he, most definitely, is not just starting his outreach. You can't stand him, but you're going to hang on every word he says in this setting? You did make me laugh a bit, though.
Well said....I was trying to figure out a way to craft a reply to his long rambling diatribe but there were so many foolish assertions and assumptions in it that I didn't even know where to start.

AD speak should be: We are going all out to hire a winning coach. We believe the fans will be excited about the next coach - we are prepared to do what is needed to get a great one and quickly.
Saying that is setting yourself up for failure.

If you really believe this, I'm sorry. You wrote a lot of words to admit that you know nothing about how any of this works. Coyle may blow this in the end but he, most definitely, is not just starting his outreach. You can't stand him, but you're going to hang on every word he says in this setting? You did make me laugh a bit, though.
Our brains crave certainty. Human beings have evolved to fill in the details of an uncertain situation to help them feel better about something they have absolutely no control over the outcome. Sometimes the filler is reasonable, on occasion even somewhat accurate, but a lot of the time it is outlandish and damn near comical. If anyone needs proof of this phenomenon, go read a Facebook feed of friends and family they personally KNOW, let alone an anonymous message board. ;)

Yep. Coyle knows he needs to get this hire right. But promising a quick hire or an exciting hire is not a good idea.
The new hire will be announced as quickly as it can be(may still be playing for all we know). But he most definitely started this process weeks ago. His past hiring practices are proof of that.

That's right. My bad. The "Villa 6" or whatever it was called....I must've blocked that from my memory LOL
Is that still a thing? I always thought any AD with a decent Rolodex (look it up youngsters) didn't need something like Villa 6. Of course, I am sometimes guilty of overestimating the ability of ADs.

If you don't trust him, then does it really matter what he says or how he says it? If he used better words and spoke with more flare, that would make you trust him more? Doesn't sound like it.

Executives speak like this all the time. I guess I'm just used to it and/or have enough experience listening to higher ups talk in generalities that it doesn't even phase me anymore.

Unsolicited advice: Don't hang on what words they say or do not say. Things are happening behind the scenes that you simply will never know the details. They do not tend to telegraph their passes for a multitude of reasons.
If Coyle lied to the press when he claimed to have not even begun his job search, how would you, as a job candidate, begin to trust his word if you knew he lied to the public? How would you? The most disastrous negotiation tactic is to ever lie or be known as a liar. Most negotiations end when mistrust evolves. The purpose of negotiation is to build trust because you end up with better terms if the other side trusts you. I doubt Coyle has done anything behind the scenes because he claims to have not begun his search. In fact, he said he won't begin in earnest until after Sunday. Those were his words. That is an admission that he has no plan in finding a replacement nor the skills to manage his time to start the process during a busy period. Executives must have the ability to navigate multiple crisis at a time. It is requisite for that level or responsibility.

If Indiana hires McCollum, that strikes me as a sign of where they are - a guy 2 years out of D2 at Indiana? Doesn't scream power hire to me for a program at that level.

But whatever.
Minnesota has its own problems and plenty of them. The Gophers basically need a coach that can raise the level of the program without having all of the advantages. Coyle is fooling himself or others when he said there's no reason Minnesota can't win conference championships. It's been 30 years since the Gophers even were above .500 in the conference 2 years in a row. But you can always make a program better than when you arrived and that should be the immediate goal -- with the portal, you don't need to wait 4 years for that.

Minnesota basically needs another Tubby Smith - only one for the modern era of cbk.

Herb Sendek is the kind of Tubby-esque coach -- not saying there aren't others that fit the description -- that can have success at Minnesota, and there are a lot of good coaches that would be good elsewhere that couldn't. Like Richard Pitino.

I have no idea if he is on Coyle's short or long list.

If Coyle lied to the press when he claimed to have not even begun his job search, how would you, as a job candidate, begin to trust his word if you knew he lied to the public? How would you? The most disastrous negotiation tactic is to ever lie or be known as a liar. Most negotiations end when mistrust evolves. The purpose of negotiation is to build trust because you end up with better terms if the other side trusts you. I doubt Coyle has done anything behind the scenes because he claims to have not begun his search. In fact, he said he won't begin in earnest until after Sunday. Those were his words. That is an admission that he has no plan in finding a replacement nor the skills to manage his time to start the process during a busy period. Executives must have the ability to navigate multiple crisis at a time. It is requisite for that level or responsibility.
Just stop, good grief. There is not a coach in the land that doesn't know how this works. The only person who seemingly does not, is you. I think Ben would even be laughing at you right now, saying "dude, come on now."
Get over the Coyle hate for now and save it for when you, most assuredly, disapprove of his hire.

If Coyle lied to the press when he claimed to have not even begun his job search, how would you, as a job candidate, begin to trust his word if you knew he lied to the public? How would you? The most disastrous negotiation tactic is to ever lie or be known as a liar. Most negotiations end when mistrust evolves. The purpose of negotiation is to build trust because you end up with better terms if the other side trusts you. I doubt Coyle has done anything behind the scenes because he claims to have not begun his search. In fact, he said he won't begin in earnest until after Sunday. Those were his words. That is an admission that he has no plan in finding a replacement nor the skills to manage his time to start the process during a busy period. Executives must have the ability to navigate multiple crisis at a time. It is requisite for that level or responsibility.

You’re clueless about how any of this works.

Well said....I was trying to figure out a way to craft a reply to his long rambling diatribe but there were so many foolish assertions and assumptions in it that I didn't even know where to start
Show me where Coyle has a plan beyond AD tropes.

If Coyle lied to the press when he claimed to have not even begun his job search, how would you, as a job candidate, begin to trust his word if you knew he lied to the public? How would you? The most disastrous negotiation tactic is to ever lie or be known as a liar. Most negotiations end when mistrust evolves. The purpose of negotiation is to build trust because you end up with better terms if the other side trusts you. I doubt Coyle has done anything behind the scenes because he claims to have not begun his search. In fact, he said he won't begin in earnest until after Sunday. Those were his words. That is an admission that he has no plan in finding a replacement nor the skills to manage his time to start the process during a busy period. Executives must have the ability to navigate multiple crisis at a time. It is requisite for that level or responsibility.
He's not negotiating with you or me. That is my point. You simply do not know, and neither do I. The difference is you want certainty. I've accepted I do not know what is or isn't happening and I'm not going to try to fill in the blanks in an attempt to make me feel more in control of a situation I have zero control over.

He'll either get this right, or he'll probably be out of a job in a few years for mishandling it yet again. Relax and let the process work. You'll have less stress and probably live longer. :cool:

If Coyle lied to the press when he claimed to have not even begun his job search, how would you, as a job candidate, begin to trust his word if you knew he lied to the public? How would you? The most disastrous negotiation tactic is to ever lie or be known as a liar. Most negotiations end when mistrust evolves. The purpose of negotiation is to build trust because you end up with better terms if the other side trusts you. I doubt Coyle has done anything behind the scenes because he claims to have not begun his search. In fact, he said he won't begin in earnest until after Sunday. Those were his words. That is an admission that he has no plan in finding a replacement nor the skills to manage his time to start the process during a busy period. Executives must have the ability to navigate multiple crisis at a time. It is requisite for that level or responsibility.
Is this a bit? has to be a way anyone can be this clueless on how things work when coaches are hired and fired in sports.

MC seems to crave stability over growth. I just read that Indiana is the front running candidate for four time national champion DII coach and current Drake coach Ben McCullum. Why? Because they have a rational AD who began the search before their existing coach retires. So a team with a seated coach began looking for a coach PRIOR to the separation of their existing head coach. MC has ADMITTED in the presser to have just begun the search process TODAY. Unlike Indiana, we have yet to contact potential head coaches because our AD has ZERO FORESIGHT into his own decision-making process. He cannot see his own decisions into the future. Let me repeat that. Marc Coyle cannot predict his own decisions into the future to plan possible alternatives and scenarios. This is a damning bit of self-testimony to say he is just beginning the search when IU began their search long ago and already have lead candidates with HIGH POTENTIAL and proven track records. For this very simple mental exercise of self-determination alone, MC should be walked to the door as the head of the AD. It proves to me he has no concept of strategic planning beyond stability. Growth and change are not real to him. Reading about McCallum told me we are not even in the game as a serious contender. If we end up with a lesser hire than Marc McCallum, I will demand that Marc Coyle be walked off campus. Marc Coyle is the disaster.
Completely agree. Coyle was, is and will be the problem for as long as he is here. He's a classic CYA administrator. He's been "doing things the right way" and "following a process" for years while he gets lapped by everybody else. His major coaching hires are sub mediocre (even the golden boy hasn't hit a cumulative .500 in the B1G in 8 years) and he hasn't raised any money. Organizational success or failure always starts at the top. It's Cunningham (who's a ghost) and Coyle.

The slimey bastard who preceded Coyle would be better suited for NIL than the Earnest AD. I'm not advocating bringing back Norwood. However, let's get a young, energetic man or woman who would shake up the sleepy athletic dept (worst marketing in town) and go bang on some doors on behalf of the gophers. Let's pretend we're in the SEC.

Is this a bit? has to be a way anyone can be this clueless on how things work when coaches are hired and fired in sports.
No bit. It would be helpful, to me, if you actually had a question. Seeing none.

Show me where Coyle has a plan beyond AD tropes.
He has moved quickly on hires in the past, Fleck being the most high profile example. That doesn't happen unless some of the groundwork has already been laid.

You have clearly decided he is incompetent and has no idea what he is doing or how any of this works. I completely disagree but there is nothing I or anyone else is going to be able to say to convince you if you truly believe what you have been posting in this thread.

Is this a bit? has to be a way anyone can be this clueless on how things work when coaches are hired and fired in sports.
If Facebook is any indication with some family members I know who have gone full conspiracy theory on damn near everything they clearly do not understand, no, it's not a bit. :p

If Facebook is any indication with some family members I know who have gone full conspiracy theory on damn near everything they clearly do not understand, no, it's not a bit. :p
I am not on Facebook.

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