Marcus Fuller blog: Right or wrong? Tubby calls out his captain again

The coach is partially right, but Hof is such a 1 dimentional player on offense, that he is just unable to drive and make something happen. When he did last night, it resulted in a TO or "steal" for the cats.

Tubby might want to call out the true Captain of the ship . . .


For all his on court antics we could have used him this year, especially the last several games. We don't lose to the likes of Mich, Penn State and Northwestern with his bravado. He could be a pain in the ass, but he wasn't afraid to take charge in the last 5 minutes. He was indeed Pecks Bad Boy,but we would probably be going to the dance instead of the NIT

Tubby's right and wrong. The fact is that Tubby has been able to hide Blake's flaws as a player within the team. It reminds of a baseball lineup when a manager is able to hide a weak or struggling offensive player down in the lineup so their role can change a bit. Tubby needs Blake to be the guy in the cleanup spot with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th. Hoffarber, through no fault of his own, just isn't able to do whatever it is that Tubby needs him to do.

Having to witness the collapse of this team reminds me of a great ref story: The coach is doing whatever he can to motivate his team so he decides to get thrown out of the game. The ref tells him " If I gotta stay out here and watch your team play like sh-t, so do you. Get back to your bench. "

No use :cry: over spilled milk any longer. Regardless of what happens we have a choice to support them or not, watch or turn off the tv.

I'll have to wait until Sunday to decide what I'm going to do, lol.

I get it. College basketball is a tough game. I get it that the Gophers have lost their top 2 or 3 or 4 PG's this year. But does this explain the 'late game' collapses we have seen lately. Myron says "the Gophers were outscored 25-2 in the closing minutes of back-to-back losses to Michigan State and Michigan." Against Northwestern the Gophers were outscored 37-16 in the final 13 minutes. Other losses in this 1-8 stretch have also shown similar late-game collapses. Can this end-game futility all be attributed to losing however many of our top point guards? There was a Gopher timeout with about 7 minutes left and the announcer said that he didn't like the 'body-language' of the Gophers going into the timeout. Indeed, to me they looked disinterested, unengaged and disheartened. They looked ready to face another inevitable late game loss. To his credit Tubby is not laying all of the blame on his players. He admits to being mystified. Part of Tubby's persona seems to take pride in being an 'old-school' type coach. Maybe it is time to show that he can change and adapt to today's players. Let's hope for a big surprising turnaround for next season.

Tubby should start by opening up a twitter account and tweet to his players that he is at fault more than anyone for the poor team play this year.


Right or wrong? I say WRONG.

I am a huge Tubby fan BUT... (in honor of Doc)

At this point Tubby needs to step up and fall on the sword himself. These guys are what they are. Blake deserves a lot of respect for the effort he has put on the floor. He does not deserve to have his HOF head coach crap on him in public.

The team on the floor and their production is on Tubby. Tubby is in charge, NOT Blake or Maverick.

In this one regard Tubby has disappointed me. Nobody is perfect I guess.

Al and Blake deserve a huge ovation this weekend for their Gopher careers. Nothing less.

First post :)

Tubby has a history of not getting along with his star players. I have a suspicion that he may have not necessarily let the game pass him by, but the youth mentality pass him by. Guys like Roy Williams and Krekrewski manage to be able to burn their players up one side and down the other yet they still love their coach and University when they leave. Tubby has trouble making that connection with players and thus seems to have a lot leave. Hopefully he can figure out what is wrong and make a change, because it feels as if the winds of change are starting to blow around him.

Tubby wants his guards to drive and get to the free throw line yet he only plays Chip 9 minutes? You know why he is too stubburn to let a player with those skills freelance and do it. One bad defensive play and he is yanked. This is all Tubby. Change or retire!!

First post :)

Tubby has a history of not getting along with his star players. I have a suspicion that he may have not necessarily let the game pass him by, but the youth mentality pass him by. Guys like Roy Williams and Krekrewski manage to be able to burn their players up one side and down the other yet they still love their coach and University when they leave. Tubby has trouble making that connection with players and thus seems to have a lot leave. Hopefully he can figure out what is wrong and make a change, because it feels as if the winds of change are starting to blow around him.

Not true at Tulsa - star players were Gary Clark (averaged 31 ppg in 1994 NCAA) and Shea Seals.

Not at Georgia either.

Not sure how to define "stars" at Kentucky. Tay Prince, Keith Bogans, Gerald Fitch, Scott Padgett, Chuck Hayes, Kelenna Azuibuike, Randolph Morris, Rajon Rondo, Joe Crawford (maybe).

Got along with some of those but not others.

I get it. College basketball is a tough game. I get it that the Gophers have lost their top 2 or 3 or 4 PG's this year. But does this explain the 'late game' collapses we have seen lately. Myron says "the Gophers were outscored 25-2 in the closing minutes of back-to-back losses to Michigan State and Michigan." Against Northwestern the Gophers were outscored 37-16 in the final 13 minutes. Other losses in this 1-8 stretch have also shown similar late-game collapses. Can this end-game futility all be attributed to losing however many of our top point guards? There was a Gopher timeout with about 7 minutes left and the announcer said that he didn't like the 'body-language' of the Gophers going into the timeout. Indeed, to me they looked disinterested, unengaged and disheartened. They looked ready to face another inevitable late game loss. To his credit Tubby is not laying all of the blame on his players. He admits to being mystified. Part of Tubby's persona seems to take pride in being an 'old-school' type coach. Maybe it is time to show that he can change and adapt to today's players. Let's hope for a big surprising turnaround for next season.

Tubby should start by opening up a twitter account and tweet to his players that he is at fault more than anyone for the poor team play this year.

Gophers have 6 recent L that all COULD have been W. At least 3 or 4 SHOULD have been W.

March Madness-

While Chip is not a PG, I totally agree with you. I was baffled at the Michigan game when Chip only got 2 minutes of so of PT in the second half and then there was last night. He is the only player who can consistently get to the hole basically anytime he wants to. If that is what Tubby wants, let Chip do it once in awhile. Heck, when the offense is going bad and some unathletic guy from NW is trying to guard Chip, clear one side of the floor and let him go. I am not saying to do that all the time, but it certainly would not hurt. It is not like Minnesota has a great half-court offense, especially in the last 5 minutes of the game.

Gophers have 6 recent L that all COULD have been W. At least 3 or 4 SHOULD have been W.

What's your point? A lot of teams could play that coulda, woulda, shoulda game.

Well coached teams don't lose games like this at an alarming rate.....and don't start giving me the injury/transfer excuse again. They play well enough to win the first 30-35 minutes of each game and Tubby is the greatest coach ever......but then when things go bad at the end he throws his players under the bus and acts like a child when you question his coaching acumen.

Don't worry. Tubby will still get his 20 wins. They will beat PSU, then maybe NU in the BTT, then get a home game or 2 in the NIT.

= 20 W's and Tubby (and FOT) can breathe a sigh of relief and work on padding that NC schedule for next year with even more cupcakes to avoid this situtation next year.

I think it is time to call Tubby out.

Again last night, Tubby fielded a team that had exactly 1 player comfortable in shooting an outside shot. As the game progressed, the defense collapsed on the inside players making it impossible for us to get the ball low. NW dared our perimeter players to shoot a 3. NW dared our high post to shoot a 15 footer. In most cases, they did not even look to shoot. When they did, the shots were taken with no confidence / expectation of making it.

Tubby failed to:

1 - recruit players capable of shooting from the perimeter
2 - develop the perimeter shooting form of the players he has recruited
3 - instill confidence in the players to take those shots

That is why we have lost several of the last BT games. Not because Al is injured. Not because Blake is playing poorly. But because Tubby has done a very poor job recruiting and developing perimeter shooters leaving us as a one dimensional team.

When you need a basket why not isolate Mbwake down low, get him the ball, and he either goes to the free throw line or gets a bucket. You go 5 minutes without scoring why not try it a few times. It's not like it happened one time, it has happened with leads three games straight.

I just don't like Iverson at the top of the key. No chance of scoring, his man clogs he middle. That is why Sampson is more effective, his man has to cover him and it opens everything else up.

I get it. College basketball is a tough game. I get it that the Gophers have lost their top 2 or 3 or 4 PG's this year. But does this explain the 'late game' collapses we have seen lately. Myron says "the Gophers were outscored 25-2 in the closing minutes of back-to-back losses to Michigan State and Michigan." Against Northwestern the Gophers were outscored 37-16 in the final 13 minutes. Other losses in this 1-8 stretch have also shown similar late-game collapses. Can this end-game futility all be attributed to losing however many of our top point guards? There was a Gopher timeout with about 7 minutes left and the announcer said that he didn't like the 'body-language' of the Gophers going into the timeout. Indeed, to me they looked disinterested, unengaged and disheartened. They looked ready to face another inevitable late game loss. To his credit Tubby is not laying all of the blame on his players. He admits to being mystified. Part of Tubby's persona seems to take pride in being an 'old-school' type coach. Maybe it is time to show that he can change and adapt to today's players. Let's hope for a big surprising turnaround for next season.

Tubby should start by opening up a twitter account and tweet to his players that he is at fault more than anyone for the poor team play this year.

Certainly some of that fall on the players. It doesn't matter what the coaches say or do if the players are already thinking they're going to lose. During this bad stretch, we've been in position to win late in most games so something was going right for most of the game. Once the other team makes a run, I get the feeling they're thinking "here we go again". Lack of leadership all around from the coaching staff on down to the players. Al Nolen took control when he was playing and we don't have that now.

What's your point? A lot of teams could play that coulda, woulda, shoulda game.

Well coached teams don't lose games like this at an alarming rate.....and don't start giving me the injury/transfer excuse again. They play well enough to win the first 30-35 minutes of each game and Tubby is the greatest coach ever......but then when things go bad at the end he throws his players under the bus and acts like a child when you question his coaching acumen.

I was agreeing with the other posters. You may disagree.

Tubby is not the greatest coach ever. John Wooden is (with Adolph Rupp right behind him).

Don't worry. Tubby will still get his 20 wins. They will beat PSU, then maybe NU in the BTT, then get a home game or 2 in the NIT.

= 20 W's and Tubby (and FOT) can breathe a sigh of relief and work on padding that NC schedule for next year with even more cupcakes to avoid this situtation next year.

They won't beat PSU. Tubby apparently has no ability to come up with a defense that will shut down, or even limit the other team's best player. In this case, it will be Talor Battle beating us yet again. And they won't get to 20 wins either, they play like they just want the season to be over. No heart, no fire, no wins.

When you need a basket why not isolate Mbwake down low, get him the ball, and he either goes to the free throw line or gets a bucket. You go 5 minutes without scoring why not try it a few times. It's not like it happened one time, it has happened with leads three games straight.

I've thought that, but I'm just not sure Mbakwe is that type of dude where you just feed him in the post and let him go to work. His post moves are not all that polished, and sometimes he struggles to get quality looks because of it.

On the Chip notion, I thought he'd see more time in this game and I'm disappointed that Tubby didn't go to him more often, especially in light of his comments on having a guy go to the rack and get fouls. Chip is capable of doing that to at least a small degree. While Blake really struggles at that part of the game. That's just how it is. Tubby can implore him to drive all he wants, but his DNA is not equipped like that. Chip's DNA is, which is why I don't see why he doesn't get more time.

Mbakwe is money if he is 1 on 1 and about 50/50 if he is double teamed and almost always fouled. It seemed like either they changed the offense to go away from the inside game in the second half or Northwestern just plain took it away from us. I didn't see our guys getting good position to be fed the ball down low in the second half like they were in the first. They need to feed all of our post players all the time and kick it back out to the open man when they are double and triple teamed. Trevor and Ralph draw double teams often enough for this.

Don't worry. Tubby will still get his 20 wins. They will beat PSU, then maybe NU in the BTT, then get a home game or 2 in the NIT.

= 20 W's and Tubby (and FOT) can breathe a sigh of relief and work on padding that NC schedule for next year with even more cupcakes to avoid this situtation next year.

Remains to be seen. 1 W (over Penn St) is possible. 1 W in B10 tourney is possible but unlikely 2 W. W in NIT (if invited) is possible, I guess. 20 W doesn't mean too much with 14 L when you were 16-4 in late January.

I'll look forward to Badger L early in B10 tourney and 1st or 2nd round of postseason play. Enjoy!


Remains to be seen. 1 W (over Penn St) is possible. 1 W in B10 tourney is possible but unlikely 2 W. W in NIT (if invited) is possible, I guess. 20 W doesn't mean too much with 14 L when you were 16-4 in late January.

I'll look forward to Badger L early in B10 tourney and 1st or 2nd round of postseason play. Enjoy!

I am not convinced Bucky will make an early exit this year. They have a great point guard and multiple guys that can shoot!

How novel.

Another thing that stands out to me is that Tubby rarely if ever speaks to players when they come off of the court. Come to think of it, I rarely see the assistants go over and provide instruction or encouragement when the players come off either. Speaking strictly to Clem's coaching approach, he almost always went over to players as they came off of the court to provide instructions, encouragement, corrections, etc. May not be a big thing, but it is something that I have noticed.


Another thing that stands out to me is that Tubby rarely if ever speaks to players when they come off of the court. Come to think of it, I rarely see the assistants go over and provide instruction or encouragement when the players come off either. Speaking strictly to Clem's coaching approach, he almost always went over to players as they came off of the court to provide instructions, encouragement, corrections, etc. May not be a big thing, but it is something that I have noticed.

Clem was just asking if they needed help with their school work.


Touche, but that is why I specifically prefaced it with "speaking strictly to Clem's coaching approach"!!

Remains to be seen. 1 W (over Penn St) is possible. 1 W in B10 tourney is possible but unlikely 2 W. W in NIT (if invited) is possible, I guess. 20 W doesn't mean too much with 14 L when you were 16-4 in late January.

I'll look forward to Badger L early in B10 tourney and 1st or 2nd round of postseason play. Enjoy!

So do I.

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