Marcus Fuller Article from PP


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Nov 20, 2008
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113 is expecting to upgrade Nelson from three to four-star status soon, according to his father, Pat Nelson. And schools are calling to see if Nelson would reopen his recruitment.

"I don't think Philip would care if it was USC or Alabama that came knocking on (our) door," Pat Nelson said. "He's made his commitment and he's going to stay with it."

I like seeing this. 3-4 months to go.

Link to article.

He was at the game Sat with Pirsig and Williams. Nick Rallis was obviously there too watching his brother.

Rivals actually informs them of this?

Nelson definitely looks completely on board, nothing he has said even remotely indicates wavering on his part.

This is just more evidence that Kill is a shrewd evaluator of talent. Nelson, Pirsig, and McDonald were among the first players he offered and look at all the offers they have now. I still hope McDonald changes his mind and joins us next year.... come on Andre!

If true, Nelson is poised to make a major move up the rankings. They have ranked 30 pro-style QBs, and he is not one of them. The lowest-ranked 4-star for that position is #11, meaning he will have to jump at least 20 spots at his own position.

This again demonstrates how arbitrary the rankings are. Is Nelson better now that someone at Rivals decided to give him a 4th star? Who do we trust, Kill and his staff to make a decision or some rube like us who's watching videos all day?

I'm excited to see Nelson because he's a good football player, whether they give him 2 stars or 5 stars. For all the talk about "coaching players up," what this often boils down to is whether a coaching staff can identify under the radar players.

Never would have guessed that recruiting services told a kid that he was being "upgraded" haha

Congrats Philip!

Rivals is such a joke, as is Scout. Their rankings are completely meaningless.

This again demonstrates how arbitrary the rankings are. Is Nelson better now that someone at Rivals decided to give him a 4th star? Who do we trust, Kill and his staff to make a decision or some rube like us who's watching videos all day?

I'm excited to see Nelson because he's a good football player, whether they give him 2 stars or 5 stars. For all the talk about "coaching players up," what this often boils down to is whether a coaching staff can identify under the radar players.

I agree in part and I disagree in part. I don't think that a player jumping from 3 stars to 4 stars is solely about him suddenly becoming a better player. It can often be a result of a evaluators seeing more of them. For instance, many coaches view film and tell kids they want to see another batch of film before they's partially the same line of thinking. (Don't get me wrong, I do believe there is an arbitrary element as well).

Now as far as "coaching them up"...I do agree a giant portion of that of is being able to evaluate players. But I do think there is an element of coaching players up. What I mean by that cliche term is a coach being able to properly utilize a player. Take two of our more talented players, Stoudermire and Gray. These two guys were simply used atrociously by the previous regime. Gray is a kid who we should have determined at early if he was a QB or not, and stuck him there. If he was a WR from day 1 on campus, he'd be a pretty impressive football player. Stoudermire is another guy....he should have been a CB from day 1 on campus and never switched. There were a few of us on the board who saw this immedietly (props to Dpo), I can't believe it took our staff that long to figure it out. I happen to think that if Gray or Stoudermire were used the right way, from day 1....they would have been much better football players.

The Middle Road

Rivals is such a joke, as is Scout. Their rankings are completely meaningless.

This topic has been discussed here ad-nausea. The problem is that some people are not willing to accept that there is a correlation with a recruit's ranking and how well that recruit is likely to perform in the future. This is particularly true for the recruits that receive a rank of four or more stars. This is not an assumption on my part but has been proven statistically many times. Having said that, I am quite comfortable in saying that the evaluations the Gopher football coaches do are far better and much more accurate than either Rivals' or Scout's.

My point is that these recruiting services evaluations have some value but are far less reliable than what is done by the coaches themselves. Hopefully we don't need to reopen the discussion on this topic and can just accept the reality of this.

It's not science, but it's a metric. Use it for what it is, accept that sometimes it will be right and more often it will be wrong. End the discussion there, the importance recruit rankings has been beaten to death.

Hayo Carpenter was a 5-star player on Scout. End of discussion.


Hayo Carpenter was a 5-star player on Scout. End of discussion.

Finally we have somebody who understands logic even better than dpodoll. Boy is he going to be really embarrassed that he didn't think of your argument/logic first.

If true, Nelson is poised to make a major move up the rankings. They have ranked 30 pro-style QBs, and he is not one of them. The lowest-ranked 4-star for that position is #11, meaning he will have to jump at least 20 spots at his own position.
Right now Nelson is a 5.5 and below where the rank him on merit. 5.8 goes to 11, 5.7 to 21, and 5.6 to 35 there are at least two rounds of rankings adjustments before signing day. If he's destined for four stars I think he makes 2 jumps first to 5.7 and then 5.8 four stars. Four star rating isn't a set precentage so the numbers tend to increase in the later evaluations.

PP: In-state recruits are vital for gophers coach jerry kill

Article states that is planning to upgrade Phil Nelson from 3 star to 4 star status soon and that other schools are calling to try to get him to reopen his recruitment according to his dad. Personally, I am not too worried about him leaving and can't wait for him to suit up in the maroon and gold next fall!!!

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