Louisville vs Ole Miss


Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Louisville plays Mississippi tonight in Cincinnati. Who do we want to win that game?

My thoughts have always been I would rather have a good team win a few before they play us. So not to wake them up. I would rather have a team coming in over confident than just after getting a wake up call. Plus, the better Louiville plays this year the better RPI we will have.

I can also see the reverse... Losing that game could show the gophers some weaknesses, maybe create team dissension (especially with short turn around), and give us confidence.


I'd prefer Louisville win, and they should. The more they win, the better it is for the Gophers.

Gotta' think no matter how Louisville does tonight the Gophers will be a lot more pumped for the game than the Cardinals. Gophers have made it clear this is the game they've been pointing to. It's probably just another game for Louisville.

Definitely want Louisville to win. RPI tends to be a factor come March, and a Gopher win over a strong Louisville side would look pretty nice on the resume.

Definitely would prefer a Louisville win, but have it go into triple overtime with Williams, Clark, Samuels et al playing 50 + plus minutes.

Importance of Confidence

The more Louisville wins, the more confident they become. The more confident they become, the harder they will be to defeat.

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