Lots to Prove


Jan 26, 2009
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tomorrow and this season by lots of individuals as well as the team as a whole:

Tim Brewster -needs to prove that his avid recruiting will actually make a difference as most of the players this year are his recruits.
-needs to prove that he has the ability to put together a staff and set of players to get the program going in the right direction this year and the years to come

Adam Weber -needs to prove that he has been the victim of circumstance with all the coaching and offense changes and have a solid season this year
-needs to prove that he can be a leader as he is one of the most experienced players on the team

Offensive line -needs to prove that they are not a bunch of overweight under-performing oafs. With more experience this year they will need to improve greatly on their pass protection and open up holes for the running game in order for the offense to be successful.

Kyle Theret -needs to prove that he too can also be a leader on the field to not only teach the young players on the defense but also perform well at safety

Defense as a whole -needs to prove that they have some skill to go along with their athletic ability. All the talk is that they are very fast and strong, now they need to show they know how to play football

The Team -needs to prove that it is a legitimate Division I football program by at least putting up a good fight in all the big games and winning the games it should. With the predictions that are being made for this team, it would be a good year for a couple surprise victories.

The fans (students and non-students) -need to prove that they are actually fans and show up to the games and cheer proudly to support the program

Sorry for the long post but I'm just super excited for football season to get started. Go Gophers!

I think that's this team in a nutshell. Lot's to prove.

I think as Minnesotans we're so use to uncertainty in the program we tend to miss what has changed. For the first time, we have the players, coaches, stadium everything. We have the people we wanted in the positions we want them in. We have coaches we believe in. It's all there. We've never been able to say that. Now as the original post says we need to prove it.

Agreed. There's a ton to prove this year, and nobody expects much from us, so the external motivator is there too.

I won't hold my breath on the fans turning out this year as well as they should. USC should be a great draw, but I'm curious to see how many show for the South Dakota game the week before.

I also think that Adam Weber has already shown that he's a leader of this team. But he does need to prove that he's more than an average QB in the Big Ten.

Last, I think Brew has to also prove to us that he can keep a coaching staff together for more than 1 season (at least at all the major coaching slots).

I think that's this team in a nutshell. Lot's to prove.

I think as Minnesotans we're so use to uncertainty in the program we tend to miss what has changed. For the first time, we have the players, coaches, stadium everything. We have the people we wanted in the positions we want them in. We have coaches we believe in. It's all there. We've never been able to say that. Now as the original post says we need to prove it.

When did "we" decide we had the players and coaches? Should we play some games before reaching that conclusion? Heck, win some games? "We've never been able to say that"? :confused:

In any case, we are down to hours before we start to learn something about our team.

When did "we" decide we had the players and coaches? Should we play some games before reaching that conclusion? Heck, win some games? "We've never been able to say that"? :confused:

In any case, we are down to hours before we start to learn something about our team.


When did "we" decide we had the players and coaches? Should we play some games before reaching that conclusion? Heck, win some games? "We've never been able to say that"? :confused:

In any case, we are down to hours before we start to learn something about our team.

God, you're a ponderous fellow, aren't you?

I get the pessimism; I don't feel great about this season either. But must you harp away on every thread about how the optimists are too optimistic? As you said, we'll find out something (I'm not sure this game will tell us much either way) in about 20 hours.

Yeah, as a Gophers fan I'm excited to have the stadium and atmosphere that was missing for so long. Now...we are just missing the wins to bring this team back to glory.

Time to get'er done Brewster.

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