Looking Back On Speculations Of Last Fall


Nov 20, 2008
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Remember when we were wondering if ...:

All Nolen would be able to handle the point.

Joseph would be the immediate team leader.

Carter, the mystery man, could play the game at all.

Bostick would be able to make up for the lost of our 3 leading scorers.

The new Freshman pivot players would be able to make up for the lose of Coleman and Tollackson.

Johnathan Williams would be a leader at the post.

Westbrook would be able to continue the hot shooting he displayed at the end of last year.

Tubby was on the right track to put together a winner.

Have these questions all been finally answered? Were there any old questions I forgot?

Anyone that though Jon Williams was going to be a leader had a strange outlook on things.

I've read pretty much every post on this board and I don't recall a single person thinking that Williams would be a leader in the post.

I don't remember anyone questioning whether Nolen could handle the point either.

Last year there were doubts, but he answered those critics right away and proved a lot of people(including me) wrong. His academics, the fact that he was a Monson recruit, Henry was awful, he was like a 3rd team metro player as a senior, etc were legit concerns. Did anyone think he was going to be a player? I don't remember if he shined in AAU or Pulley on better teams. I could see with his offensive limitations how he could seem average without running an offense with talent around him.

I've read pretty much every post on this board and I don't recall a single person thinking that Williams would be a leader in the post.

Perhaps "leader" was the wrong word to use. But, a number of people doubted that the new freshmen would be ready to handle the post and Williams would have to improve his game and give us an experienced presents at the center spot if we were to have a successful season. Ofcouse, there were those who said he wouldn't be up to the job.

I think what we all have to remember is this....whichever 5 players Tubby has on the floor at a certain time of a game are all leaders in their own ways...no standout prima donna's.....just a hard working bunch of common everyday laborors who are assigned a job to do by the Boss, and they do it. And the support crew (whoever is on the sidelines) are all supportive. Tubby has these PUPS believing in themselves and each other, but most importantly, all of these yeomen believe in Tubby. And Tubby believes in them. Minnesota Gophers!!!!!!!!! AMERICA'S TEAM!!!!!!!! GO GOPHERS!!!

And BTW..... Let's not forget our GREAT point guard Nolen....the slogan for the Big Al.... Number Zero, He's our Hero!!!!!!!!! Gotta Love It.


Just about 85% of the posters (me included) had Bostick being the big scoring option, having to pick up the points being lost with the Seniors leaving. I guess it goes to show that you never know until they actually hit the court. I still think he is going to b a solid contributor, but it is obvious that the defense that is being expected by Tubby is not what was expected from him last year.

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