Long-term vs. short-term: Can Minnesota fix its ailing defense?


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Phil:

The point Fleck’s trying to sell after two dismal games for his defense is that what is isn’t necessarily what will be. Even the coach seems to understand there are going to be good years and bad years at a place like Minnesota that doesn’t have some of the built-in recruiting advantages of a Michigan or even a Wisconsin.

And that’s before factoring in the impact of COVID-19, which nullified spring practice, abbreviated fall camp and has seen defenses around the country struggle mightily.

“You’ve got to allow them to fail [in order] to grow,” Fleck said. “I know it’s hard, but this is a developmental program.”

Fans and boosters might not be so patient, though. So what about the rest of 2020, taxing as it might be?

Go Gophers!!

Short term we just hope to stop the bleeding and get the D playing at a respectable level. Long term it is way too soon to throw in the towel on a lot of these guys. The lack of off-season definitely hurt a defense trying to replace a lot of starters.

No doubt they need to play way better then they have to this point, hopefully we start to see signs of growth on D this weekend and over the remainder of this messed up season so that in 2021 we come in with a very experienced group on D, ready to play the way this team needs them to.

Hope these posts are sarcasm.

I'm assuming the recruiting advantage WI has over us is a winning team and tradition, right? Sigh.....there was a time when WI was our equal - equally bad that is (before Alvarez showed up)

"Fans and boosters may not be so patient" is arguably the most out of touch comment. This isn't USC or Michigan
I agree with you on the boosters. Fans...at least the casual ones, (you know, the ones that can't provide the full name of one player on the team but buy a Gopher hooded sweatshirt when they hear the Gophers are winning...and the same fans that you take to a game and you watch them marvel at TCF Stadium while they comment how much better it is than the Metrodome which is the last time and place they watched a live Gopher game), the casual ones are impatient. Especially here in Minnesota. Minnesota fans are notorious for jumping on and off any team's bandwagon.

Yeah short term things could be somewhat messy but way too soon to think this will be the norm. Guys like Sori Marin and Oliver had some decent showings last year. Nubin was our highest rated recruit in the 2019 class. Some of our highest rated recruits in 2020 were defensive players. Again, highest rated in the 2021 class our on defense.

There is a lot of promise (at least on paper) that things could be better long term.

I fear this really is an experience thing and will just take. .. more experience.

You know, in the spirit of complete transparency, I remember it was the late great Veritas who insisted for months that the Gopher defense would struggle early in the year as we looked to replace talented players.

John King is showing that support for Veritas is increasing.

As of now it looks more like an experience thing than a talent issue.

Probably won’t have the actual answer until next season.

This board clearly has no patience and doesn't like to roll with the expected punches that a program takes when a new coach takes over. Fleck I believe will turn this program around step by step and get the classes number in order eventually.

Well if you cant fix your defense then your Offense will have to score 45+ per game.

Defense played good enough to win against MD.....Coaches playing overly conservative screwed us

The bottom line is that MN is now playing with recruits that Fleck brought in.
His main strength was touted to be his somewhat manic personality and thus his ability to out recruit the opposition.
He was seen as the opposite compared to his predecessors the much more phlegmatic Kill and Claeys.
This is his third year and next year should determine if Fleck is worth the gadzillion dollars MN is paying him.

We are paying the price for a lot of swings and misses in the past 3-4 years on recruiting the defense. Hopefully this will be corrected. Also, we have missed on several high level instate OL recruits in recent years. Again, this must be corrected.

I still believe it is basic things that are all very correctable. Either the current starters will make those corrections or their backups will. #55 needs to show up.

A couple stops last week and it would have been a 20+ point win.

2020 gets benefit of doubt, but need see improvement

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