Long STrib article: Maroon and gold vs. black and red (will all 25 sports survive?)

Here's a simple idea that would work: each sport only gets to offer as many scholarship dollars as the revenue it brings at its events on campus. This excludes everything else: coaching salaries, recruiting budgets, travel budgets, facilities, etc. It's strictly scholarship dollars.

Example: Gopher football brought in xx million dollars last year from games at TCF. Therefore they can offer xx million dollars in scholarships (up to NCAA max). Golf brought in somewhere near zero dollars from home games at wherever the golf team plays their home games. Therefore they can only offer that dollar amount in scholarships.

Then no sports have to be outright cut but you can reduce the spending.

There You Go Again....

No, it wouldn't. Ever heard of Title IX?

.......bringing of facts. Do you realize if the discussions here had to be based on facts that there would be considerably less of them?

Problem is, we're actually pretty good in all our non-rev sports. We would be fine if we could get more revenue for the big 3. It's really a chicken and the egg scenario.

The lack of attendance in TCF and Mariucci have hurt. People whine about not having a big budget and competing, but then don't support the product. Doesn't make much sense to me. If I still lived in the cities I would be supporting the program more than I am now.

What surprised me the most about this story was the chart with athletic budgets.

The sense that I got based on complaining, etc., was that the Gophers would be near the bottom of the Big Ten in terms of expenses. Instead, Minnesota is fifth.

I was surprised that MN is spending more than Michigan State and Nebraska.

What surprised me the most about this story was the chart with athletic budgets.

The sense that I got based on complaining, etc., was that the Gophers would be near the bottom of the Big Ten in terms of expenses. Instead, Minnesota is fifth.

I was surprised that MN is spending more than Michigan State and Nebraska.

i don't have it in front of me, but i would guess that both michigan state and nebraska support/field fewer varsity sports than the U of M do. likely the reason their total expenditure is lower than the U's. the more varsity sports you field, in essence the larger you would expect a school's total athletic department budget to be, especially amongst BCS conference universities.

the thing that matters most to me (and i would venture a rather large percentage of gopher sports fans is what percentage of that total pie are the three revenue sports getting. my preference for largest allotment to lowest amongst the big 3 would be as follows: football, men's basketball, men's hockey. i would venture that the schools who consistently do the best in football and men's basketball give an oversized (and rightfully so) piece of that pie to those sports.

meanwhile, AD maturi in his never ending desire to make sure women's golf, rowing and tennis feel loved gives too large a piece of the total pie to the non-revenue sports at the U instead of just wisely investing far more of the pie in football, men's basketball (and even men's hockey) where you are virtually guaranteed some level of return on your investment. with the non-revenue sports that he (and the ladies of that particular "protected class") protects, you are never going to see a return on your financial investment no matter how well those teams do.

long story short........i can't stand title IX. it is no different than welfare in a lot of ways.

Take this metric and stick it where the sun don't shine!

The Directors' Cup standings is an X on the Karnaugh Map.

I'm not a big "yahoo for the non-revenue sports" person like most everyone else, but I do see the importance of women's rowing, in terms of Title IX. There's no bigger eater of scholoarships than football; rowing seems to at least help a bit in terms of making the department compliant.

Unfortunately, I think cutting a few sports equally across the board needs to start seriously being considered.

Just looked up the numbers that surprised me:

Minnesota $78.7 M for 25 sports
Iowa $74.3 for 24 sports
Nebraska $68.5 for 23
Indiana $61.7 for 24
Michigan State $61.6 for 25
Purdue $58.3 for 24
Illinois 51.7 for 21
NWestern $48.9 for 19

The one that really surprised me was Michigan State. Same number of sports, but the Gophers spend $17 million more.

It may have something to do with how the numbers are counted, some schools do the accounting differently.

bjm proves that he would just as soon drop football...because it has not been...

competetive in Big Ten play during his tenure here...ESPECIALLY during the past 4 years. Why, during the 3 1/2 years he ran brewball...macturi only oversaw 6 Big Ten wins. Read this quote from badger joel from the strib piece:

"I believe if we can't be competitive in the Big Ten, I'm not so sure it's the right thing for us to sponsor."

That comes directly from badger joel macturi himself.

During the past 4 seasons just how "competetive in the Big Ten has bjm had Gopher Football and Gopher Basketball? In football only Indiana has done slightly worse with 6 Big Ten wins in the past 4 seasons while Minnesota has had 8 Big Ten wins in the past 4 seasons (Thanks to the 2 wins Coach Horton led the Gophers to at the end of the 2010 season.

So, based upon bjm's own words and his own philosophy, he is NOT sure if football is the right thing for us to sponsor. Basketball and hockey are in real trouble too. He is running the revenue sports into the ground. It won't be long and he will have the athletic department bankrupt by maintaining 25 sports.

Throw bjm under the bus NOW. Prexy K: take charge of this mess the minute you take charge. maturi really isn't sure if football is the right thing for the University of Minnesota to sponsor. Get him out of here NOW!

Everytime I read Joel Maturi quotes I get the urge to drive to the U Athletic offices and kick him in the teeth.....

Horton hears a who?

Who is a Hudson here?

Where the hell is killjoy...that's what I want to know... You two form quite the little tag-team. Funny thing...it looks as though killjoy has the hots for you dopodoll. Are you two pretty close? He certainly tries to build you up, in his own little way...

But, I really kind of am surprised the way that killjoy just about always comments on my posts. It is good to see that he always reads them. He might learn something...and his reading skills should improve. It always seems to bring attention. killjoy isn't very good at what killjoy does, but he/she tries really hard. So, if you see your buddy killjoy around, tell him/her to get with it and to start carrying some weight around here with all his/her cheap little tricks, games and shots, dopodoll. P.s, you could stand a new look yourself, dopodoll. Update just a little bit. It might help. Your presence and your personality just never seem to match your little avatar... Give my regards to killjoy!

; 0 )

I'll put myself in the odd position of defending Maturi. We're spending $17Million on football, which outpaces our level of success on the field. The NCAA or Maturi can't do the "right thing" until we vote in people to congress who would get rid of title IX. You should be able to operate each sport individually if you choose. If we stopped offering scholarships to programs that didn't bring in any money, and built a practice facility for Tubby, the world of non-revenue sports would not end. The value of each sport should be determined by the participants and supporters of that sport. If we all really loved Title IX so much, where is the uproar that the Vikings don't support a women's rowing team? Why aren't their stories in the paper about how Maya Moore should be paid the same as Dwayne Wade?

Everytime I read Joel Maturi quotes I get the urge to drive to the U Athletic offices and kick him in the teeth.....

i couldn't have said it better myself. just not a fan of the guy at all......regardless of whether or not he has "good" intentions. the guy is just another milquetoast university bureaucrat. an administrator and a budget wonk........not a true major sports (football, men's basketball (and regionally men's hockey) athletic director like you see at some other universities.

i really hope the new president knows what he is doing and does not extend maturdi's contract. we have had enough extending of contracts when it is not deserved in our athletic department......and i am certain in the academic departments as well.

Cutting non-rev sports is no guarantee of success in the revenue sports.

Just looked up the numbers that surprised me:

Minnesota $78.7 M for 25 sports
Iowa $74.3 for 24 sports
Nebraska $68.5 for 23
Indiana $61.7 for 24
Michigan State $61.6 for 25
Purdue $58.3 for 24
Illinois 51.7 for 21
NWestern $48.9 for 19

The one that really surprised me was Michigan State. Same number of sports, but the Gophers spend $17 million more.

And here are the numbers that matter:

Institution Name Basketball Men's Team Expenses Football Men's Team Expenses Ice Hockey Men's Team Expenses
Indiana University-Bloomington 653945 12822779
Michigan State University 8250450 17468458 2526966
Northwestern University 4158854 15733548
Ohio State University-Main Campus 4554908 31763036 2529857
Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus 4147124 19780939
Purdue University-Main Campus 5171495 11821265
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 4980589 11092122
University of Iowa 5243813 18468732
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4913440 18328233 2496297
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 5692149 17433699 2155223
University of Wisconsin-Madison 7539418 22041491 4002512
University of Nebraska-Lincoln 4104289 17843849

From OPE equity in athletics for 2009 (latest reporting year on record)

Cutting non-rev sports is no guarantee of success in the revenue sports.

Perhaps not. However, keeping the revenue sports on nothing more than blood and oxygen support so that all the nutrients flow to the nonrevenue sports reminds me of a mother of a starving family who is slowly sacrificing herself so that she can breastfeed her children in the hope that her offspring survive. Eventually she stops lactating, and she dies. Will the children survive? This is a business model that only Ziggy Wilf, the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, WNBA, and the rest of the Twin Cities Corporate Sports Authority (TCCSA) could love. Except, they are not going to adopt it for themselves. Yet I am sure they are encouraging the University of Minnesota Regents and administration in every way possible to continue this sort of financial suicide. This is a great business model for the TCCSA. I am sure the scholarship winners for nonrevenue sports love it too. But at the end of the day, somebody needs to have the cajones to admit that by starving the revenue sports, we ensure their mediocrity, and this is just what we have. Decades ago I used to read about Kansas State being the punching bag of the Big 8. Guess what, this business model has made Minnesota the punching bag of the Big Ten. We are throwing money down a rat hole. I wonder if anybody from the Carlson School would be willing to provide an investment management 1001 course to the Regents to show them what might happen if they actually reinvested revenue into the revenue producing sports? Nawwww!:banghead:

Grow Up Wren

Who is a Hudson here?

Where the hell is killjoy...that's what I want to know... You two form quite the little tag-team. Funny thing...it looks as though killjoy has the hots for you dopodoll. Are you two pretty close? He certainly tries to build you up, in his own little way...

But, I really kind of am surprised the way that killjoy just about always comments on my posts. It is good to see that he always reads them. He might learn something...and his reading skills should improve. It always seems to bring attention. killjoy isn't very good at what killjoy does, but he/she tries really hard. So, if you see your buddy killjoy around, tell him/her to get with it and to start carrying some weight around here with all his/her cheap little tricks, games and shots, dopodoll. P.s, you could stand a new look yourself, dopodoll. Update just a little bit. It might help. Your presence and your personality just never seem to match your little avatar... Give my regards to killjoy!

; 0 )

You truly are a child. Only a very immature person would make the grade school comment that you made above. My grandchildren are thankfully more mature than you are. They know that it is childish to talk about farting in people faces like you seem to enjoy saying in several of your recent comments. You on the other hand seem to be very comfortable in saying these things.

This along with your hateful agenda and rude behavior has resulted in you being banned from every football blog around. I am sure that you have been able to rationalize your behavior since you haven’t learned a thing. A normal person would have learned something by now after from being banned so many times. Obviously you haven’t.

Where are they now?

Has anyone seen any posts from that long-time poster, gold04? Here's a "shout-out" to you goldohfour. Hope things are going better for you now. Been on vacation? What's up?

bjm has been struggling and the news media appears to be getting wise to his agenda to continue to run 25 sports programs until there is absolutely no funding available to try to keep the revenue sports programs at least slightly competetive within the Big Ten Conference standings. You have been a huge bjm defender and have had much praise for him in the past. What do you think of this latest Strib piece on the Maroon & Gold vs the red and black?????

Inquiring minds want to know where you weigh in on this gold04...

; 0 )

It does guarantee more money to spend on revenue sports.

Which in turn, does not guarantee more success. Thus, "cutting non revenue sports does not guarantee more success in revenue sports."

"Most big-time schools winning the profit game"

You truly are a child. Only a very immature person would make the grade school comment that you made above. My grandchildren are thankfully more mature than you are. They know that it is childish to talk about farting in people faces like you seem to enjoy saying in several of your recent comments. You on the other hand seem to be very comfortable in saying these things.

This along with your hateful agenda and rude behavior has resulted in you being banned from every football blog around. I am sure that you have been able to rationalize your behavior since you haven’t learned a thing. A normal person would have learned something by now after from being banned so many times. Obviously you haven’t.

Thursday, June 16, 2011, USA Today, Sports, Section C, Page 6C Colleges, "Most big-time schools winning the profit game" provides an interesting table of statistics. It lists 22 of the 228 Division 1 public universities who turned a profit in 2009-2010. Of these 22 institutions listed, 8 of them are in the expanded Big Ten conference. They are, in descending order of profit, Penn State, Michigan, Iowa, Purdue, Michigan State, Nebraska, Indiana, and Ohio State. Listen folks, if Iowa, Purdue, and Indiana can turn a profit, there is absolutely no reason Minnesota should not be turning a profit. These schools all have their business model / economic model heads screwed on straight. Our is screwed on backward, the threads are stripped, and we need a tool and die kit to extract ourselves from our broken Marxist / Leninist business model.

Which in turn, does not guarantee more success. Thus, "cutting non revenue sports does not guarantee more success in revenue sports."

True. But on the other hand, the Packers don't have a gymnastics team...

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