Lively Banter With Cal Players/Coach(?)


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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There was some pretty good back and forth between Cal players/fans in the first few rows. #16 DB Darian Hagan was especially vocal; that is until Decker completely burned him on the fade TD. The QB Riley seemed cool and seemed to enjoy the smack.

The only total duche bag turned out be their 50 year old equipment manager Ed Garland. He was really popping off to fans and spelling out "Cal" with his body after the victory was sewn up. Total classless. The fans responded with pretty funny "towel boy" chant.

really? wow. I might have expected it from that DB, but the senior equipment manager? cmon....

What a Reusse!

He was well on his way towards packing on the lb's.

The seats are so close to the bench. Cal behaved most of the day with the trash talking. They were definitely NOT disciplined like the AF players. What a Reusse!!

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