Limegrover's gone but it appears we have the same offense.

Our offense is a little better. I tweeted Jay Johnson giving him my two cents worth thinking one in a million he will read it. . I actually was blocked. He or someone on his staff actually read it. He did listen to my advice though--i will give him that.

That's pretty funny. We do seem to have some thin-skinned coaches. Maybe they post?

Let's compare stats at the end of the year.

Our numbers could change quite a bit in the last three weeks, and not for the better.

That's pretty funny. We do seem to have some thin-skinned coaches. Maybe they post?

I think for a lot of folks in the public eye any contact beyond basic PR is just blocked. There's a lot of trolling / gotcha BS out there... filtering on a granular level is just a lot of work.

I think for a lot of folks in the public eye any contact beyond basic PR is just blocked. There's a lot of trolling / gotcha BS out there... filtering on a granular level is just a lot of work.

This is accurate. Coaches aren't on social media to engage with fans, they are there to have a presence when it comes to recruiting.

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