Lettering on north side going up


114 Row 11
Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
I drove by yesterday afternoon and noticed the letters. It said TADIUM yesterday. Looked good though. Letters looked much larger than those on the south side.

I noticed that like an hour ago when I drove by that side. I didn't know there was gonna be lettering there. Looks kind of cool. It says "ANK STADIUM" now lol.

I just rode the bus past the stadium, it now says "F BANK STADIUM"...kind of fitting, given the economic climate. If I had a camera on me I would have taken a picture.

I used to be so pumped for the larger concourse. But on second, thought, this will be the ONLY concourse (prior to expansion). This means the new concourse will be about twice as large, but we will now be seeing more people as well (both lower and upper deck). Anyone else have a thoguht on this? I'm thinking it will be a wash.

I used to be so pumped for the larger concourse. But on second, thought, this will be the ONLY concourse (prior to expansion). This means the new concourse will be about twice as large, but we will now be seeing more people as well (both lower and upper deck). Anyone else have a thoguht on this? I'm thinking it will be a wash.

I still think it will be better. Yes, there will be twice as many people but I think part of the problem at the dome is all the obstructions in the concourse (souvenir kiosks, specialty beers, etc). That's where the traffic often jams up.

I used to be so pumped for the larger concourse. But on second, thought, this will be the ONLY concourse (prior to expansion). This means the new concourse will be about twice as large, but we will now be seeing more people as well (both lower and upper deck). Anyone else have a thoguht on this? I'm thinking it will be a wash.

It will also be a big help during the game as you can SEE the game while you get food.

Back on the original topic, all the letters were up as of Friday afternoon. I have to say that the letters look great. It's yet another detail that has been well done by the U in building this stadium.

I used to be so pumped for the larger concourse. But on second, thought, this will be the ONLY concourse (prior to expansion). This means the new concourse will be about twice as large, but we will now be seeing more people as well (both lower and upper deck). Anyone else have a thoguht on this? I'm thinking it will be a wash.

I share your concern. I hope those who think this won't be a problem are right. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I drove by and saw the word STA_IUM
I asked one of the workers and he said the 'D' disappeared toward the end of last season.

I drove by and saw the word STA_IUM
I asked one of the workers and he said the 'D' disappeared toward the end of last season.


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