Letter to Editor of Columbus Post Dispatch: Minnesota fans receive ugly welcome

after seeing the comment about him wearing Michigan apparel on his facebook, I had to check it out for myself. There's also pictures of him wearing Wolverine gear at a Gopher's game. Maybe he likes the Gopher's, but its clear they arent his favorite team. So the story is more like, "Wolverines fan who poses as a Gopher fan had a bad experience."

...Iowa fans that travel to Minnesota is a different story, there seems to be a big changeover whenever they come here, as if they feel the need to be as obnoxious as UW or O$U fans.

They turned into their Avatars.

I have heard about bad experiences at Columbus. But the in my experience, Wisconsin fans are the worst in the big ten. Northwestern fans are no problem at all. Michigan fans just don't say anything to you.

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