Letter to Editor of Columbus Post Dispatch: Minnesota fans receive ugly welcome


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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This is the exact opposite experience that my Son and I had at Ohio State.

But, per the Letter to the Editor:

Recently, as part of an annual Big Ten stadium tour trip, my brothers and their brothers-in-law ventured to Columbus to see the Minnesota Golden Gophers take on your Ohio State Buckeyes. While not expecting to see a Gopher victory, we did expect a positive fan experience. Unfortunately, that was far from the case.

Almost immediately, we were booed by an ambulance driver, and two students told my brothers to go **** themselves. All before noon on a Friday. I have never heard that word so many times and in so many ways as I did that weekend. Fans were extremely confrontational and rude as we simply walked down the street.

What was shocking to us is that fans were so hostile, so inhospitable and so vulgar. It didn’t matter their age or gender or societal status. In fact, the only people nice to us were Minnesota transplants and someone from the Ohio State Sportsmanship Council. It is sad and, frankly, pathetic that the Athletic Department and university needs a sportsmanship council to act civilly with the opposing team’s fans. After repeatedly hearing, “Go the **** back to Minnesota!” we were happy to oblige.

I had heard stories about OSU’s fan base but never experienced it firsthand. Unfortunately, all the stories were true. Buckeyes’ claim to be the best fans in the land is laughable. They might not care, because they continue to win and rake in millions of dollars in revenue, but OSU has a systemic and cultural problem with its fans. Yes, they are passionate and even fanatical, but there is a better way to do it.

I hope the community makes better sportsmanship a priority in the future.




Go Gophers!!

Everything this guy is complaining about happens at literally EVERY road game I attend, to varying degrees. It comes with the territory. As long as nobody gets in my face, it is really easy to ignore.

Every fan base has those kinds of fans. Unfortunately you have to expect some kind of harassment when you go to road games. Good natured heckling and ribbing makes it fun in my opinion. But it is unfortunate you have to deal with idiots like this.

Wonder if this guy has ever been to a game in Madison or Iowa City decked out in Gopher gear. My guess is he hasn't if he was shocked by the behavior of fans in Columbus.

On his Facebook page he and his kid are decked out in Michigan gear, so that could help explain this.

Everything this guy is complaining about happens at literally EVERY road game I attend, to varying degrees. It comes with the territory. As long as nobody gets in my face, it is really easy to ignore.

I have been to most Big Ten stadiums for football (Purdue and Indiana excluded) and have had varying experiences at all of them. The best are by far Nebraska and Penn State. The worst, OSU and Michigan. OSU fans are plain nasty (including vandalizing a friends car). Michigan fans are just arrogant and clueless.

It is always fun to go on the road though.

Wonder if this guy has ever been to a game in Madison or Iowa City decked out in Gopher gear. My guess is he hasn't if he was shocked by the behavior of fans in Columbus.

I agree with you about Iowa...as another string has pointed out...especially when they travel. Iowa hands-down are the worst fans I've had to deal with...albeit only here. Never plan to road trip to Iowa City.

On the other hand, I've been to every MN/WI game in the past 20 years. Outside of usual ribbing, I've only had a couple issues with Badger fans, and one of those was here in the dome. They tend to be happy, harmless drunks; Iowa fans tend to be obnoxious, mean-spirited drunks.

No one wants to feel abused or threatened, but when I go on Gopher related road trips, I always wear my maroon and gold from the time I leave the house until I get back home. I do this because I want people to know that I am a Gopher fan and to encourage fan interaction. I have been booed, called names, mocked and, yes, I have heard the "f" word a few times. I have also met and interacted with many fans from all over the country, from all types of different backgrounds, who share a love of college sports. The conversations with these fellow fans are far and away my favorite part of these trips. We could avoid 99% of the potential problems by wearing generic clothing and not cheering too loudly, but where is the fun in that?

I have been to most Big Ten stadiums for football (Purdue and Indiana excluded) and have had varying experiences at all of them. The best are by far Nebraska and Penn State. The worst, OSU and Michigan. OSU fans are plain nasty (including vandalizing a friends car). Michigan fans are just arrogant and clueless.

It is always fun to go on the road though.

Nebraska and Penn State are easily my favorites, too. Michigan fans are extremely arrogant but harmless.

I actually had a good experience during both of my visits to Columbus. We went out to a campus bar on Friday night before the 2006 game -- Halloween weekend. My brother entered the costume contest, claiming he was dressed as an a-hole (for wearing Gopher gear). He gets up to the little stage, everyone boos fiercely. He grabs the microphone, yells "F Michigan!" and the place erupts. He won third place, and we got free shots.

Nebraska and Penn State are easily my favorites, too. Michigan fans are extremely arrogant but harmless.

I actually had a good experience during both of my visits to Columbus. We went out to a campus bar on Friday night before the 2006 game -- Halloween weekend. My brother entered the costume contest, claiming he was dressed as an a-hole (for wearing Gopher gear). He gets up to the little stage, everyone boos fiercely. He grabs the microphone, yells "F Michigan!" and the place erupts. He won third place, and we got free shots.


No one wants to feel abused or threatened, but when I go on GopherHole, I always wear my maroon and gold from the time I leave the house until I get back home. I do this because I want people to know that I am a Gopher fan and to encourage fan interaction. I have been booed, called names, mocked and, yes, I have heard the "f" word a few times. I have also met and interacted with many fans from all over the country, from all types of different backgrounds, who share a love of college sports. The conversations with these fellow fans are far and away my favorite part of these trips. We could avoid 99% of the potential problems by wearing generic clothing and not cheering too loudly, but where is the fun in that?


I agree with you about Iowa...as another string has pointed out...especially when they travel. Iowa hands-down are the worst fans I've had to deal with...albeit only here. Never plan to road trip to Iowa City.

On the other hand, I've been to every MN/WI game in the past 20 years. Outside of usual ribbing, I've only had a couple issues with Badger fans, and one of those was here in the dome. They tend to be happy, harmless drunks; Iowa fans tend to be obnoxious, mean-spirited drunks.
I won't speak for other Gopher fans but last weekend in Iowa City my entire group(6 of us) were treated incredibly nice by the vast majority of their fans. I go to at least 1 maybe 2 road games per year and this was easily one of the better fan experiences I've had.

I've only made three trips to Iowa City and 3 home games vs Iowa. Traveling to Iowa,
I got the expected heckle, especially when they made a good play and I likewise did to
them when we did so, but by far the most part it was all in good fun, both sides seemed
to behave themselves in a fun rivalry type manner. I've never really had anyone cuss me
out (except one REALLY drunk older gentleman, who right after spewing a good amount
of swear words at me ran over and shook my hand and said "i'd get you a beer but I drank
them all")

Iowa fans that travel to Minnesota is a different story, there seems to be a big changeover
whenever they come here, as if they feel the need to be as obnoxious as UW or O$U fans.

Basically what I take from this is let's try to be hospitable when others visit. Do unto others...

Iowa fans were great this year, even walking up to Kinnick, maybe most were too busy or excited to notice our Gopher gear. We only experienced a few directed I-O-W-A chants at us, and F the Gophers, but than they laughed and said they were just repeating back what they heard back at TCF last year. We even got a few invites to share a beer and some brats. By far the best we have ever been treated in Iowa City. I can't comment on C-bus this year because we didn't go but This year the Iowa game was ten times more enjoyable than 2012. Probably helped that it was an exciting game that kept the fans into it and nervous.

I won't speak for other Gopher fans but last weekend in Iowa City my entire group(6 of us) were treated incredibly nice by the vast majority of their fans. I go to at least 1 maybe 2 road games per year and this was easily one of the better fan experiences I've had.

Same here! Was in Iowa City last weekend and our group was treated outstanding!

Good natured rivalry is fine, but some people take it too far. It only takes one jerk to make a bad impression.

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My wife and I went to OSU this year and in the past have gone to Northwestern and Iowa. We have had no problems with fans. Maybe some fun teasing but nothing else. It could be an age thing. We are a 60+ mild mannered couple which doesn't bring on harassment like 20-40 yr old males might.

On his Facebook page he and his kid are decked out in Michigan gear, so that could help explain this.

Wasn't there a guy on this board a few weeks back who was touting the greatness of Michigan and how he sent his kids to Michigan rather than Minnesota so when they graduate they'll instantly become CEO of a company or rule the world?

I think not only did he send his kids to Michigan; he also writes letters to the C-Bus newspaper.

Wasn't there a guy on this board a few weeks back who was touting the greatness of Michigan and how he sent his kids to Michigan rather than Minnesota so when they graduate they'll instantly become CEO of a company or rule the world?

I think not only did he send his kids to Michigan; he also writes letters to the C-Bus newspaper.

Yes, that guy was a total d0uchenozzle. Saying how he'd never send his kids to Minnesota for anything (despite the fact that he was only referencing business school, and conveniently ignoring the fact that several schools at the U are elite).

And I wouldn't be surprised if the guy writing this letter was the same person. What a pussy. I guarantee that he's either outright making up most of this or grossly exaggerating at minimum.

You can run into knuckleheads everywhere. Texas Tech fans were right up there with Becky fans. We went out with Creative Charters two years ago in Houston.. As the party was returning to the bus we got challenged going down the stairs after the game, and a ton of f-bombs as we walked toward the bus.

Says the Badger fan who posts on a Gophers forum.

BURN!!! I like Big Ten football. I have an interest in Gopher Football. I don't want to come up with some fake gopher username to pretend I'm a fan so plainly state that I'm a badger fan. I don't try to troll and enjoy reading Gopherhole. Sorry that this bothers you.

Our group had no trouble in Columbus. In fact, I was expecting a seething hive of scum and villainy and was a bit disappointed.

It's like this everywhere, even *gasp* at Minnesota. A few drunk idiots will ruin an experience.

This was my third time at the Horseshoe and it was quite a bit more intimidating than '92 or '00. I recall in 2000 that most fans were very nice even in defeat. Going into the game I don't think they even knew who they were playing.

This year was a night game (think more booze). Over 108k fans that badly wanted a good showing and frankly were disappointed in the Buckeyes. Some enjoyable folks around us, some less so. After the game walking through the campus area we ran into a fair number of poorly behaved and rude fellows. My college age daughters were uncomfortable.

Recent trips to Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa all seemed more pleasant. That said, the Horseshoe itself is an impressive sight. I'd probably rank it above other stadiums I've been to. The scoreboards are weak. Columbus doesn't have the remuddled look like at Lincoln.

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