Let's Take a Look Back at the Alarmists During the Illinois Game


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Feb 2, 2009
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There were plenty....but I liked these ones the most!

Well, where are all the people who were shocked we were picked 12th in the league now? It's going to be a struggle. A 6-7 game losing streak seems highly likely, now will they rebound out of that or not is the question

No....it's not "highly likely".

In year 8 it’s still obvious that Pitino has no idea how to construct a big ten caliber roster. Does anyone know what style of play he aims for when he’s recruiting? Unfortunately it may be a month before this team wins a game.

The craziest thing to me is Pitino's roster. He has never been able to build a deep roster. We are in year 8 and we needed THREE transfers and we are still going to finish in the bottom of the conference. What's worse is what are we going to do next year??

The team will grade a D for offense but a F for defense. Individually and as a team that defense is atrocious. Gach, Carr will grade the lowest because their breakdowns lead to total team breakdown. We are the worst on the post double, we are the worst at the hard hedge. Simple ball fakes cause many of our guys to rise up and thus be off balance thus allowing drives, straight line and or easy entry passes. We will win one in a thousand giving up 92.

Looks like we got the one in a thousand tonight.

Great win tonight no doubt. I still stand behind my comment and opinion of pitino. We have played two conference games. Still more than likely we finish toward the bottom of the conference, and not in a great spot for next year.

do you want me to make a thread if we lose the next game quoting you? How does this work?

I also stand by my comments. GREAT win, I liked what Pitino did, Johnson/Carr were great! But still think we have some issues (see the beat down vs Illinois). Hopefully they continue to prove me wrong. But I will keep stocker in mind as I'm sure he's never been wrong 😁

TBF Pitino shoulda called a timeout in the first half vs IL. Instead he just let it bleed.

Great win tonight no doubt. I still stand behind my comment and opinion of pitino. We have played two conference games. Still more than likely we finish toward the bottom of the conference, and not in a great spot for next year.

do you want me to make a thread if we lose the next game quoting you? How does this work?

I also stand by my comments. GREAT win, I liked what Pitino did, Johnson/Carr were great! But still think we have some issues (see the beat down vs Illinois). Hopefully they continue to prove me wrong. But I will keep stocker in mind as I'm sure he's never been wrong 😁

Poking fun at the doom and gloomers. Don't take it too hard.

There were plenty....but I liked these ones the most!


Looks like we got the one in a thousand tonight.
You did not post the comments i made about still believing. I was wrong about the one in a thousand. It is actually more like 8-56 when giving up 76. Loved tonight but defensively we were almost as bad as Iowa. We will be facing team that make us guard most of the shot clock and will guard us deep in possessions. I think we can get there. Love the roster, love the closeness. Pitino deserves credit for those. Lets see how far we take it. It is a top 4-5 conference roster.

Meanwhile the bandwagon fans (talking about myself and others) paying attention again!
Meanwhile, it is ok to be whatever kind of fan you want. No one can pull your fan card.I know fans who follow Minnesota teams only when they make the playoffs. Sure that happens in other states too. They seem healthy to me. In fact they seem more sane than i am for following college basketball so closely for so long. Breaking down tape frame by frame to grade defense and so on.

Great win tonight no doubt. I still stand behind my comment and opinion of pitino. We have played two conference games. Still more than likely we finish toward the bottom of the conference, and not in a great spot for next year.

do you want me to make a thread if we lose the next game quoting you? How does this work?

You're being a total Scrooge!

Meanwhile, it is ok to be whatever kind of fan you want. No one can pull your fan card.I know fans who follow Minnesota teams only when they make the playoffs. Sure that happens in other states too. They seem healthy to me. In fact they seem more sane than i am for following college basketball so closely for so long. Breaking down tape frame by frame to grade defense and so on.
I can call myself a bandwagon fan. Im not worried about offending myself. I barely understand basketball.

I can call myself a bandwagon fan. Im not worried about offending myself. I barely understand basketball.
That's believable, West Fargo is prime hockey country is it not? Knew a West Fargo goalie WAY back in the day.

I also stand by my comments. GREAT win, I liked what Pitino did, Johnson/Carr were great! But still think we have some issues (see the beat down vs Illinois). Hopefully they continue to prove me wrong. But I will keep stocker in mind as I'm sure he's never been wrong 😁
Imo opinion, the problem with IL was he let the score bleed for a full 10 minutes without calling a dang timeout during the first half of the game. In my opinion at least. Coach P acted like it wasn’t a huge game and opportunity. Shoulda played it like a championship week/game. Fleck woulda won that game imo. He also woulda benched Pitino for the pathetic “coaching” style.

But also, Johnson had tiger blood tonight. I legit told the fam he was gonna go off before he did. Wish I had the receipts. But you could see the fight in his eyes before the kill shots happened. With a lot of time left in the 2nd tonight you could see he smelled blood. That’s team captain stuff imo opinion.

pitino better hope guys can step up big like that every game. The talent is there. Big win tonight. Fuck Iowa.

You did not post the comments i made about still believing. I was wrong about the one in a thousand. It is actually more like 8-56 when giving up 76. Loved tonight but defensively we were almost as bad as Iowa. We will be facing team that make us guard most of the shot clock and will guard us deep in possessions. I think we can get there. Love the roster, love the closeness. Pitino deserves credit for those. Lets see how far we take it. It is a top 4-5 conference roster.
This is a whole new team, with three new starters, a makeup very different from last year thus requiring a different approach to offense. Yet people are looking at a single game (Illinois) and projecting that state onto the entire year. . ..crazy. This team has had no time playing together until 2 weeks before their first game. Pitino never even had a chance to see where people are at with their skills, what this mix of players works well together. Then you have a couple of players jumping a level who need to get acclimated to what it means to play at a P6 level. Then they play 6 non conf games basically bumbling and stumbling around working through all those issues and get wins. We all know that nothing teaches like failure; while it was good for the resume and a certain level of confidence to get wins, it lessens the urgency of things that need to be learned.

Then Illinois happens, terrible game, but a major wake up call to everyone and really highlights issues, and gives motivation to focus and get those righted. Then they play St. Louis, played a much better game. You can tell that lessons were learned, it looked like a different team in many ways both offensively and defensively. . .big jump. Next up Iowa, great game, another huge jump with offensive fluidity, they actually look like they are starting to run some sets, knowing when Carr should put it on his shoulders, and seeing some ball movement. Some good stretches of D against a very good offense (like they did with St. Louis). Not a perfect game, but what do you want? They just beat the #4 team in the country.

On the micro level look at Mashburn, every game I see improvement in him, and hopefully that continues. Brandon Johnson, he has gone from looking like an alright B10 player to someone that teams are going to game plan for. The most impressive progression though has been Robbins. This kid went from we can't keep him on the court against Green Bay and North Dakota to 30 min, 4 blocks, 18 pts against the "best" player in the country. There were games where Robbins looked like he was on roller skates on D, but he keeps learning and growing.

Yet people are not seeing the season as a whole and looking at the progression, that is the most important part, not so much one game or the other. Who cares if they lost the Illinois game by 1 or 27, its still a loss. Nobody gives last year's team any credit for close losses, so don't hammer the team for a blowout loss. . . because a loss is a loss, apparently. People need to look at what Pitino is building towards and I really think he is doing a great job this year based on a difficult set of circumstances.

I can't remember whether I actually posted it, but what I thought after the Illinois game was that we got tastes of how good this team could be as well as how bad they're capable of being when they're not moving the ball or rebounding or defending consistently. If that game helped them improve to the point of being able to beat St. Louis and Iowa, then it served its purpose.

I can't remember whether I actually posted it, but what I thought after the Illinois game was that we got tastes of how good this team could be as well as how bad they're capable of being when they're not moving the ball or rebounding or defending consistently. If that game helped them improve to the point of being able to beat St. Louis and Iowa, then it served its purpose.

I thought something similar at the time. If we had to have a game like Illinois, having that game as the first conference game was ideal.

That's believable, West Fargo is prime hockey country is it not? Knew a West Fargo goalie WAY back in the day.
West Fargo is prime nothing. Other than pancake flat, and I guess if you want to grow corn or soybeans, fine.

I can't remember whether I actually posted it, but what I thought after the Illinois game was that we got tastes of how good this team could be as well as how bad they're capable of being when they're not moving the ball or rebounding or defending consistently. If that game helped them improve to the point of being able to beat St. Louis and Iowa, then it served its purpose.
I thought something similar at the time. If we had to have a game like Illinois, having that game as the first conference game was ideal.

As I said between the STL game and prior to the Iowa game: my worry is that if we upset Iowa, we still go on to have a year that is borderline fireable for Pitino but he can point back to the Iowa upset as a feather in his hat which allows him to keep his job. That would be the worst outcome, of all.

Maybe we'll go on to have a great year. Hope so. This one win doesn't earn trust, any more than his defenders say that one loss doesn't kill it.

This is a whole new team, with three new starters, a makeup very different from last year thus requiring a different approach to offense. Yet people are looking at a single game (Illinois) and projecting that state onto the entire year. . ..crazy. This team has had no time playing together until 2 weeks before their first game. Pitino never even had a chance to see where people are at with their skills, what this mix of players works well together. Then you have a couple of players jumping a level who need to get acclimated to what it means to play at a P6 level. Then they play 6 non conf games basically bumbling and stumbling around working through all those issues and get wins. We all know that nothing teaches like failure; while it was good for the resume and a certain level of confidence to get wins, it lessens the urgency of things that need to be learned.

Then Illinois happens, terrible game, but a major wake up call to everyone and really highlights issues, and gives motivation to focus and get those righted. Then they play St. Louis, played a much better game. You can tell that lessons were learned, it looked like a different team in many ways both offensively and defensively. . .big jump. Next up Iowa, great game, another huge jump with offensive fluidity, they actually look like they are starting to run some sets, knowing when Carr should put it on his shoulders, and seeing some ball movement. Some good stretches of D against a very good offense (like they did with St. Louis). Not a perfect game, but what do you want? They just beat the #4 team in the country.

On the micro level look at Mashburn, every game I see improvement in him, and hopefully that continues. Brandon Johnson, he has gone from looking like an alright B10 player to someone that teams are going to game plan for. The most impressive progression though has been Robbins. This kid went from we can't keep him on the court against Green Bay and North Dakota to 30 min, 4 blocks, 18 pts against the "best" player in the country. There were games where Robbins looked like he was on roller skates on D, but he keeps learning and growing.

Yet people are not seeing the season as a whole and looking at the progression, that is the most important part, not so much one game or the other. Who cares if they lost the Illinois game by 1 or 27, its still a loss. Nobody gives last year's team any credit for close losses, so don't hammer the team for a blowout loss. . . because a loss is a loss, apparently. People need to look at what Pitino is building towards and I really think he is doing a great job this year based on a difficult set of circumstances.
Agree. Great post. A 30 point type of loss can actually be a turning point. Have posted several times that i like this roster, this closeness and i believe they should be minimum top 5 in conference.

As I said between the STL game and prior to the Iowa game: my worry is that if we upset Iowa, we still go on to have a year that is borderline fireable for Pitino but he can point back to the Iowa upset as a feather in his hat which allows him to keep his job. That would be the worst outcome, of all.

Maybe we'll go on to have a great year. Hope so. This one win doesn't earn trust, any more than his defenders say that one loss doesn't kill it.
All true but i do see something different with this team.

All true but i do see something different with this team.
I really like the "main 8" guys. I'm not sure how I should feel about that we'll need Freeman to step up, because Robbins and Curry will have to go to the bench with 2 fouls.

But I do really like Robbins, Curry, Ihnen, Johnson, Carr, Mashburn, Gabe, and Gach. And I like the ability to do different combos of them.

Same. And teams that win championships, conferences or others they do so with a core of 7-8. Even those champion Duke teams, loaded with high school all americans played 7. Look at any great recent team and they are hard core at 7 or 8 by middle of January. Competition on your own teams is critical. All true competitors will fight for minutes. Those that get them have won the staff's assessment of what is best for the team. That is what i love about this team. There is a clear identity, a clear reward for efficiency. Looked and waited a long time for it. Now we fine tune becoming great defensively.

Whatever fine tuning we do, should include not doing what we did vs Illinois and to keep doing what we did vs Iowa.

Obviously the men are human, but it just seems bizarre to have such a gradient.

I guess that's why you play the games.

as with everything, it comes down to consistency. during the course of a season, almost every team will have one or two bad nights, and one or two nights when everything clicks.

The real question is what happens on the rest of the nights.

If Iowa is the high-water mark for the Gophers, and Illinois the low-water mark, then what is the true level for this team?

Same thing with individuals. if player X is a 35% career 3-point shooter, and he goes out and hits 7 3's in a game, which is more likely?
A. he makes 7 3's every game, or
B. he reverts back to his career average.

Extreme opinions can run both ways. some fans watch the Illinois game and say "The Gophers stink. Fire the Coach."

Some fans watch the Iowa game and say "The Gophers are Great. Extend the Coach."

I say, let's see how they look next game. can they settle into a reasonably good level of play, or do they yo-yo between "Up" and "Down" nights?

Next week will tell a lot with MSU and Bucky.

(BTW - saw a crazy tweet. The starting lineup for Wisc has an average age that is older than the starting lineup for the Chicago Bulls.)

(BTW - saw a crazy tweet. The starting lineup for Wisc has an average age that is older than the starting lineup for the Chicago Bulls.)

Wow! Just looked up the Bulls. They've played only one game but the average age of their starting lineup is 21.6 though they do have a 25 year old. Can't find ages for Wisconsin players but they start 3 redshirt seniors and 2 regular seniors so they should be a bit older on average. Crazy. You rarely find a college starting lineup that mature.
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As I said between the STL game and prior to the Iowa game: my worry is that if we upset Iowa, we still go on to have a year that is borderline fireable for Pitino but he can point back to the Iowa upset as a feather in his hat which allows him to keep his job. That would be the worst outcome, of all.

Maybe we'll go on to have a great year. Hope so. This one win doesn't earn trust, any more than his defenders say that one loss doesn't kill it.

I suspect that Pitino needs to have a good year to be secure; one or two key wins won't do it. Now, I don't know how "good" is defined. Will an NIT appearance and run be enough to do it? I don't know.

as with everything, it comes down to consistency. during the course of a season, almost every team will have one or two bad nights, and one or two nights when everything clicks.

The real question is what happens on the rest of the nights.

If Iowa is the high-water mark for the Gophers, and Illinois the low-water mark, then what is the true level for this team?

Same thing with individuals. if player X is a 35% career 3-point shooter, and he goes out and hits 7 3's in a game, which is more likely?
A. he makes 7 3's every game, or
B. he reverts back to his career average.

Extreme opinions can run both ways. some fans watch the Illinois game and say "The Gophers stink. Fire the Coach."

Some fans watch the Iowa game and say "The Gophers are Great. Extend the Coach."

I say, let's see how they look next game. can they settle into a reasonably good level of play, or do they yo-yo between "Up" and "Down" nights?

Next week will tell a lot with MSU and Bucky.

(BTW - saw a crazy tweet. The starting lineup for Wisc has an average age that is older than the starting lineup for the Chicago Bulls.)

Well said. Consistency over everything. I think it's worth noting that the Gophers shot horribly against Illinois. And even last night the Gophers did not shoot that well (up until OT).

Big difference was the defense. Iowa got very few wide open shots. The Gophers on the other hand got a bunch of wide open shots and missed them. The double on Garza worked fantastic.

Wow! Just looked up the Bulls. They've played only one game but the average age of their starting lineup is 21.6 though they do have a 25 year old. Can't find ages for Wisconsin players but they start 3 redshirt seniors and 2 regular seniors so they should be a bit older on average. Crazy. You rarely find a college starting lineup that mature.

I think Trice is 24 years old for Wisconsin. He had a post-graduate season at IMG and a medical redshirt for Bucky.

For reference, Trice is 5.5 years older than current Wolves rookie Anthony Edwards, who is 19. If I figured this properly, Anthony Edwards was in 7th grade when Trice graduated from high school.

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