Let them hear you: List of email addresses for the board, coyle and kahler


Active member
Aug 28, 2014
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I am officially done with the University of Minnesota at all levels. 16+ years season tickets for wrestling, 8+ season tickets for football, occasional financial contributor and attender of other U events. I am done and I am letting the jokers in charge know.

I encourage everyone to let them know how you feel, one way or another.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Thank you, I will email them all.

Thank you, I will email them all.

The football program was set to be in eternal mediocrity. If changing things up, upsets you good bye

Coyle and Kahler got emails from me. I don't expect them to open them.....so my subject line says it all......"**** YOU".

Goes for upper, comn, and dean as well. ****ing ******bags. Should all be banned.

The only one's that get stuck reading all of these emails is the administrative assistants. If you really want to make a difference and voice your displeasure over the handling of this scandal, your only real choice is to stop buying tickets to University of Minnesota sporting events. Especially the non-revenue sports like W Hockey, or others. Pull your donations to, and send a posted mail letter explaining, you are pulling your support. That will be the only thing that get's their attention.

Coyle and Kahler got emails from me. I don't expect them to open them.....so my subject line says it all......"**** YOU".

Goes for upper, comn, and dean as well. ****ing ******bags. Should all be banned.
Claeys threw his boss and the bus after agreeing with him in person. Goodbye Tracy.

Claeys threw his boss and the bus after agreeing with him in person. Goodbye Tracy.

His boss used him as a scapegoat and Claeys called it out. Good for him. Coyle could have fixed his initial mistake and he didn't. He needs to go.

Coyle at the very least needs to go. Kaler might as well also. I agree with the OP.

Coyle talking about a culture change, well I got news for you buddy, that starts with the leadership or lack there of. Goodbye.

The football program was set to be in eternal mediocrity. If changing things up, upsets you good bye

Tell us more about the future.

A coach who wins 9 games in year 1 was setting us up for eternal mediocrity. This has to be the most idiotic take on the subject I've ever heard.

The football program was set to be in eternal mediocrity. If changing things up, upsets you good bye

9 wins for the 2nd time in like 100 years. yeah let's make a change so we can get better. :rolleyes:

Claeys threw his boss and the bus after agreeing with him in person. Goodbye Tracy.

Huh? Honest question, have you been following what has been said by all of the parties?

Kaler and Coyle's stories don't even mesh. Coyle essentially validated what Tracy Claeys inferred.

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