Leidner throws pass at banquet, hits chandelier, RJ3 & Hitchcock have Twitter spat

We see the same dynamic here. A few posters feel any real or perceived slight vs the team, coaches, AD, president, or regents is a declaration of unrestricted war. I don't get that, but I understand those personalities exist.

People today..stop being hurt over what someone said about a QB. If the shoe fits...and it does! It was meant to be a joke and it is. He isn't making fun of a high school kid. ML is a big boy and can handle it. He could've gone alot further but he didn't. What happened was a microcosm of ML's whole career. I fitting way to end his stay playing football at the U.
My response was more geared toward the exchange between Ray and Ron. Not M man conduct to call out in public. If you think Ray was off base, you've never seen Michigan Man exchanges...

Why is it that Ron has be a "M Man?" Typical old man thinking. Why support mediocrity? That is what has been going on here for far too long. He can support when they deserve to be supported and criticize when they deserve to be criticized. Why if you criticize are not a "M Man" or not a true fan? It's ridiculous. Leidner deserves every bit of criticism he gets. He's the reason for the 4 losses. Fully support Ron, go to bed Ray.

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No kidding. Ron Johnson probably didn't need to make several tweets out of it, should have just left it at the first one. But seriously, you can't make that up.

He would've of only made the first couple if Ray ray wasn't so butthurt about it

Why support mediocrity?

So you're saying by making these jokes he is helping people not accept mediocrity? When do we start winning more?

Don't have a problem with criticism. He just piled on a little too much to the point where he was really just making fun of Leidner. Not a big deal either way, just thought it was unnecessary.

I have never met Ron Johnson but based off of him on Twitter and media I can come to the conclusion that he loves Ron Johnson and still thinks very highly of himself and the success he had at the U 15 years ago.

Does he have any eligibility left? Started to watch the replay focusing on the receivers and in slow motion. I know all of the blame falls on the coaches and the QB, but the amount of drops blew me away and I had to stop watching. The first drive Mitch throws a perfect pass to number 82 in the corner of the end zone and he flat out drops it. Some of the other drops were of the type that would have been good catches by number 9 and number 88 but better receivers catch those balls or at least the majority of them. One of the drops was to Still with a defender hugging him at the time. It hit him in the hands but a flag should have been dropped clearly. So what you do if you're the QB? Where is your confidence? What you do is force your throws and hope for the best. That what Mitch did and it did not work obviously.

A major part of our offense has been tight ends over the last 3 years. How many passes did Lingen catch this year? How many passes were even thrown to a tight end.

My guess is that the chandelier dropped the pass too.

Why is it that Ron has be a "M Man?" Typical old man thinking. Why support mediocrity? That is what has been going on here for far too long. He can support when they deserve to be supported and criticize when they deserve to be criticized. Why if you criticize are not a "M Man" or not a true fan? It's ridiculous. Leidner deserves every bit of criticism he gets. He's the reason for the 4 losses. Fully support Ron, go to bed Ray.

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I bet knowing Ray, admittedly decades ago, his point is the vehicle used. You don't call your "brother" out in public. Since I'm sure all but myself have moved on, I will follow suit.


Does anyone know if the chandelier was wearing a red jersey?

He could have made a wisecrack like "the chandelier must've been wearing a red jersey" or something along those lines to really pile on. He didn't. He told a humorous story. Move on

You beat me to it!

Unless there is more to those tweets than I know it seems like that tweet would be likely to be sent about any QB on any team.

The real issue is that nobody caught it on video. Shame on everyone there.

I'm not outraged, but Ron Johnson got the old eyeroll from me.

This wasn't good-natured ribbing between friends. It was an alum making cheap fun of a player who has been subjected to a huge amount of criticism already. If RJ had 10% more class he wouldn't have done it, and if he'd had 50% more class he would have backed down when Hitchcock responded.

I decided to sit on this a few days. I have decided this is funny.

Johnson's tweet could have been humorous, but with humor, timing is everything. This was not the time and place.

This wasn't good-natured ribbing between friends. It was an alum making cheap fun of a player who has been subjected to a huge amount of criticism already. If RJ had 10% more class he wouldn't have done it, and if he'd had 50% more class he would have backed down when Hitchcock responded.

Both of you sum up my thoughts perfectly.

Everyone that follows Gopher football knows that Mitch was 98% of the reason why we lost the day before to a rival and that Mitch's career has been a disappointment. Why pile on a guy that has been a class act and a good steward of Gopher football? Let the guy enjoy his senior banquet with his teammates. Ron Johnson gains nothing by ripping Leidner apart.

I'm not sure why we are even making this a story. Ron made a joke and Ray didn't think it was funny. So let's move on! Questioning someone's loyalty over a tweet is ridiculous. Just my input

Johnson said that Ray wasn't even there. Mitch's teammates were re-tweeting Johnson's tweet and all seemed to think it was funny. He explained the whole thing. He said Mitch was trying to lob a pass to a female in the audience.

At the end he said it was just timing and had Mitch not thrown 4 ints. the day before no one would have cared. Johnson is pretty much always complimentary of the program on the radio.

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