Leidner throws pass at banquet, hits chandelier, RJ3 & Hitchcock have Twitter spat


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Nov 11, 2008
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Leidner throws pass at banquet, hits chandelier, RJ3 & Hitchcock have Twitter spat

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Go Gophers!!

I like Ron Johnson on whine line but agree with Ray here. There was a kinder way to report this.

Ron Johnson sounds like a tool.

Sad that such a great player seems to want to be a media jack-off

I have never met Ron Johnson but based off of him on Twitter and media I can come to the conclusion that he loves Ron Johnson and still thinks very highly of himself and the success he had at the U 15 years ago.

Please. You can't make it up. It was funny, let it be funny and move on.

Sorry, but the fact it is funny is because there is a grain of truth in there. It sort of encapsulates the career.

You can find humor and not be a jerk about it. The tweets Johnson sent didn't feel like someone who's laughing because it does encapsulate the career of Leidner.

I agree. What a dbag move and a total tool. Embarrassing to have an alum like that doing things like that. No class. #allaboutme #doesntseebigpicture.

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Yeah it kind of seems like he is more into promoting himself rather than supporting the program these days. Disappointing and I hope he can apologize to Ray Hitchcock and Leidner.

Scrolling through Ron's tweets, I have to give him credit for calling out our fans for the poor showing on senior day. He knows the seniors deserved a better send off.

Johnson's tweet could have been humorous, but with humor, timing is everything. This was not the time and place.

Johnson's tweet could have been humorous, but with humor, timing is everything. This was not the time and place.

Nor was doubling down with the photo of the chandelier and then the Internet memes. The guy is not as good with social media as he thinks he is.

Yeah it kind of seems like he is more into promoting himself rather than supporting the program these days. Disappointing and I hope he can apologize to Ray Hitchcock and Leidner.

umm that's exactly what you should do if you're getting paid to do media. At least in terms of putting your own interests over that of your alma mater which won't be affected in any way by what you say on twitter

umm that's exactly what you should do if you're getting paid to do media. At least in terms of putting your own interests over that of your alma mater which won't be affected in any way by what you say on twitter

What if you are at the banquet because you are alumni? There is a reason Doogie didn't get this "scoop".

why are so many posters worried about leidner's feelings? it's a joke. He's fine.

Some overly sensitive and grumpy people here. If you can't laugh at life...nobody died folks.

Nor was doubling down with the photo of the chandelier and then the Internet memes. The guy is not as good with social media as he thinks he is.

I chuckled at his first post. But the 2nd and 3rd posts were just piling on. He knows why he was doing it, to make fun of Leidner.

Some overly sensitive and grumpy people here. If you can't laugh at life...nobody died folks.

No kidding. Ron Johnson probably didn't need to make several tweets out of it, should have just left it at the first one. But seriously, you can't make that up.

Leidner should've replied that the chandelier ran the wrong route......[emoji23][emoji15]

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Those who are upset with Ron, probably voted for Hillary.

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Go Gophers!!

Though both Ron and Ray have been supporters of Gopher Football, Ron is wrong for doing this on a public twitter account. He was also wrong for attempting to callout Ray for not supporting the Gophers. I have schedule magnets from multiple years that prove that Ray has been very supportive of Gopher football. I am hopeful that Ron will appologize to both Ray and Mitch. Making jokes at the banquet is one thing. This medium is another.

He could have made a wisecrack like "the chandelier must've been wearing a red jersey" or something along those lines to really pile on. He didn't. He told a humorous story. Move on

People today..stop being hurt over what someone said about a QB. If the shoe fits...and it does! It was meant to be a joke and it is. He isn't making fun of a high school kid. ML is a big boy and can handle it. He could've gone alot further but he didn't. What happened was a microcosm of ML's whole career. I fitting way to end his stay playing football at the U.

People today..stop being hurt over what someone said about a QB. If the shoe fits...and it does! It was meant to be a joke and it is. He isn't making fun of a high school kid. ML is a big boy and can handle it. He could've gone alot further but he didn't. What happened was a microcosm of ML's whole career. I fitting way to end his stay playing football at the U.

But his stay hasn't ended.

What ML7 did was funny. What RJ3 said was funny. This desire of folks to want to be too good to tease someone is the only thing wrong here. It doesn't make you special or better than anyone - just self centered. I would bet a lot of $ that the posters here are bothered by this event more than Mitch was/is.

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Ron Johnson is a dick....
I get that he was trying to joke around with it, but instead of fall back, he's
grossly defending himself and taking it too far. He best apologize to Mitch
next time he's on KFAN with Ty C

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