Leaving early


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I don't get this leaving early stuff .... especially in a win. I said to the guy next to me " Why is everyone leaving ... the game is still in doubt. We are Gophers fans. We have seen the roof fall in many times." I just don't get it. Why not stay until the end of the game. We stayed about 20 minutes after the game was over. The band put on a nice performance in the middle of the field. We had no pushing or crowds when we left the stadium. Zero wait to get on the shuttle bus. It makes for a very pleasant exit experience and I think it is just nice to stay and cheer the team when the time expires.

I don't get this leaving early stuff .... especially in a win. I said to the guy next to me " Why is everyone leaving ... the game is still in doubt. We are Gophers fans. We have seen the roof fall in many times." I just don't get it. Why not stay until the end of the game. We stayed about 20 minutes after the game was over. The band put on a nice performance in the middle of the field. We had no pushing or crowds when we left the stadium. Zero wait to get on the shuttle bus. It makes for a very pleasant exit experience and I think it is just nice to stay and cheer the team when the time expires.

well said.

I will never understand leaving early. You take the time to get to the stadium, pay for the ticket and all, then leave early?

Just join the Countdown Club:


"Leaving Early" has always been retarded to me. It's like walking into a buffet, paying for all you can eat, eating a salad and then walking out.......

Make the people leaving early embarrassed by pointing them out to everybody as they are leaving. :D

You know it wont be long before fans like this are bitching about wanting to play these cold games indoors. :rolleyes:

Never ever leave early...

I never ever leave early. And neither does anybody who goes to the games with me.
I was amazed, looking out at University Ave and Oak St, with about 6:00 minutes left in the game and the street looked like the State Fair grounds. There was a mass of people. What's the point of leaving early? Nobody can beat that crowd. Sad.

Most likely the same people who show up at 10 minutes before game time and bitch that they get to their seats 10 minutes late......

"Leaving Early" has always been retarded to me. It's like walking into a buffet, paying for all you can eat, eating a salad and then walking out.......
Lord, this is getting old.

Look, this is the same kind of a slur as saying someone is as "cheap as a Jew" or "dumb as a Polack."

I've got a 24-year old son with Down Syndrome who knows better than to say anything like that ... yet fools here seem to use "retarded" as a pejorative without any regard to its effect and how it's disparaging.

If you really have difficulty with the English language and have no other adjectives to use, I'd suggest: stupid, thickheaded, foolish, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, nonsensical, absurd, harebrained, kooky, sappy, zany, preposterous, cockamamie, daffy, dotty, dippy, silly, etc.

Or you could even write that they're as dense as a thaileagle.

Make the people leaving early embarrassed by pointing them out to everybody as they are leaving. :D

You know it wont be long before fans like this are bitching about wanting to play these cold games indoors. :rolleyes:

That's the thing, you will never get MN fans to stay for an entire game, so we threatened everyone around us we'd do "beat the traffic" cheers and booo them if they left, and they did. It was funny, one woman really had to use the restroom, and was afraid to go because of the chants.

I guess it's their loss - we got to see our 1st BT win the the stadium, they got to see their car a few minutes early. Here's a tip - go back to your car, celebrate with friends, have a beer - and if you wait 30 minutes, that's actually how you beat the traffic, and enhance your gameday experience!

P.S. I've got Snowman's back - don't like the word "retarded" either...I think the term D-bag is far more fitting in most instances.

It was pretty cold today. Maybe we could play indoors? :p

Only the elderly or people with little kids get a pass from me about leaving early on a cold day...Let's just face it, its going to take some time and a stretch of winning season to improve the majority of our fans.

Lord, this is getting old.

Look, this is the same kind of a slur as saying someone is as "cheap as a Jew" or "dumb as a Polack."

I've got a 24-year old son with Down Syndrome who knows better than to say anything like that ... yet fools here seem to use "retarded" as a pejorative without any regard to its effect and how it's disparaging.

If you really have difficulty with the English language and have no other adjectives to use, I'd suggest: stupid, thickheaded, foolish, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, nonsensical, absurd, harebrained, kooky, sappy, zany, preposterous, cockamamie, daffy, dotty, dippy, silly, etc.

Or you could even write that they're as dense as a thaileagle.

EDIT: Never Mind, it's not even worth going back & forth over.......

Have a nice evening... :D

No one's going to beat the traffic. Stay and watch the band. Let the traffic dissipate, then there won't be any traffic to beat. I used to take the light rail to and from the games at the Dome. If you stayed to watch the band, there was no lines at the light rail.

If the traffic is too heavy even if you stay to watch the band, then hang around Dinkytown and have a good time until the traffic is lighter. Get a cup of coffee, and get warmed up.

I don't even GET beat the traffic. What are you beating?

The game ended at 2:07 PM. I stayed to sing Hail MN with the team. Then I walked all the way from the fielld down the concourse into the band room (alumni band member for the game), went to the bathroom, disassembled and put away my instrument, said goodbye to a few folks, walked all the way to my car on the corner of 14th and 6th in dinkytown, hopped on 35W (without much of a wait), drove to the Burnsville Transit station, dropped off my friend, then drove to my home in Shakopee, a total driving distance of about 30 miles. I was in my shower by 3:15 PM.

Don't park in ramps that are impossible to get out of and you won't have to beat the traffic.

Win or lose, I personally refuse to leave early under any circumstance (and believe me, my wife has been furious with me at times for this). You paid for your ticket to be entertained, why not get your full dollars worth? There's been a number of games I've been to where an amazing play happened, and there was virtually no one there to see it (mostly NBA games). But the principle is the same. Stick around - its sports. You never know what might happen.

The people we should be angriest at though are the ones that bought tix and then didn't bother to show. Pathetic.

Win or lose, I personally refuse to leave early under any circumstance (and believe me, my wife has been furious with me at times for this). You paid for your ticket to be entertained, why not get your full dollars worth?

I'm with ya. I'm way too cheap to not get every minutes worth..

I would like to hear from the people that are leaving early, maybe there are some legitimate excuses, if so let us here them. If it is strictly traffic then you have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!! Even if the team is getting blown out my kid would never let me leave early.

That's the thing, you will never get MN fans to stay for an entire game, so we threatened everyone around us we'd do "beat the traffic" cheers and booo them if they left, and they did. It was funny, one woman really had to use the restroom, and was afraid to go because of the chants.

P.S. I've got Snowman's back - don't like the word "retarded" either...I think the term D-bag is far more fitting in most instances.

I like the 'beat the traffic' cheer. I'm going to try and get it going with the people I come to games with (except for the times we leave early...)

I don't get this leaving early stuff .... especially in a win. I said to the guy next to me " Why is everyone leaving ... the game is still in doubt. We are Gophers fans. We have seen the roof fall in many times." I just don't get it. Why not stay until the end of the game. We stayed about 20 minutes after the game was over. The band put on a nice performance in the middle of the field. We had no pushing or crowds when we left the stadium. Zero wait to get on the shuttle bus. It makes for a very pleasant exit experience and I think it is just nice to stay and cheer the team when the time expires.

But if EVERYONE did stay until the end, then wouldn't your experience actually be less pleasant, with more pushing, a huge wait for the shuttle, and a more crowded exit? Seems to me you should thank them for leaving early!?! ;);););)

You wanted to hear from someone who often leaves games early so ... I can usually find some "excuse" for leaving early. Yesterday I had my 78 year old father with me and it was cold, although had it been a close game we probably might have stayed. I did stay to the end of two Twins games this past week. One because it was a 3:00 pm game Saturday and the other was Tuesday nights 12 inning classic. However, that is not usual. Why leave early? Often I'm on free tickets so maybe don't feel like I need to get my money's worth. And, most games (Gopher football excluded) are night games and I have an hour and 15 minute drive home with no traffic. The difference between that and a 2 hour plus trip after a game can make the difference between a short night's sleep and a good night's sleep, especially on a work night. The other reason is that I have a short fuse when stuck in traffic where as some of you have a short fuse when the gopher's get down by a touchdown in the first quarter. We're all different.

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