Leach Interview on Adam James / Firing

Click on the word article.

He can state his case without talking trash about James. How about he just reads the Doctors letter and leaves it at that.

I click on the word article and it becomes highlighted, I click twice and the whole sentence does. Maybe my computer doesn't work. Technology is a pain. EDIT: OOOPS now i see it. Your article is the bleaker report and is hardly credible evidence of anything either way. His interpretations of the quotes from the current players speak negatively about Leach, but the actual quotes do not. The one quote says that there was less stress, but doesn't specify whether the stress was caused by the media speculation surrounding them or because Leach locked a player in the closet. The other player said that "there had always been a negative vibe," but there are players on every team in the country that dislike the coach. His comment did not provide any evidence that James was locked in a shed or treated differently. His quote did not say that players were often mistreated, the authors interpretation of the quote did.

He does need to talk about James and his father because it provides context. If you give a side of the story that is contrary to James, he has to give credibility to his story.
James comes out and claims he was locked in a shed. Leach denies it or makes no comment...and perception is that it is true.
He comes out and gives context as to why James would make such a claim, and all of a sudden his story has more credibility.

You are all over the place with your stance on this. So is it enough evidence or not make up your mind.

In my opinion, hiring Leach creates more issues than solutions.

I was being sarcastic when I was talking about the video being enough evidence.
I do not know whose story is closer to the truth, I am sure it is somewhere in the middle.
All of the evidence I have seen leads me to think that it is a lot closer to Leach's version than Jame's (ESPN's original) version.

I was being sarcastic when I was talking about the video being enough evidence.
I do not know whose story is closer to the truth, I am sure it is somewhere in the middle.
All of the evidence I have seen leads me to think that it is a lot closer to Leach's version than Jame's (ESPN's original) version.

Ah yes, sarcasm is difficult to interpret through a computer screen.

The timeline of the events make me think that there is something to James' claims. First of all, he makes these claims and they become a national story. Then a couple of days after the initial report he releases this video of him in the dark room.

If he were lying why would he keep pursuing the claims and release a video after the fact. Assuming he is a half way intelligent person (this may be where my logic is flawed), he should realize that the claims are taking a bigger life than he intended and not continue to make a poor situation even worse as the consequences that may be held against him continue to increase as well

If he is lying, he is an idiot for continuing to propagate these false claims.

Ah yes, sarcasm is difficult to interpret through a computer screen.

The timeline of the events make me think that there is something to James' claims. First of all, he makes these claims and they become a national story. Then a couple of days after the initial report he releases this video of him in the dark room.

If he were lying why would he keep pursuing the claims and release a video after the fact. Assuming he is a half way intelligent person (this may be where my logic is flawed), he should realize that the claims are taking a bigger life than he intended and not continue to make a poor situation even worse as the consequences that may be held against him continue to increase as well

If he is lying, he is an idiot for continuing to propagate these false claims.

My guess (pure guess) is that he perceived himself as being very mistreated. They told him to be in this room, he objected and they yelled at him, and the training staff monitored him, but he perceived it as being forced to go into this room and being guarded.
In my best guess, it was probably a case of really bad feelings leading to poor communication between the player and the staff. So although the coaching staff and training staff did a bad job in the situation, they weren't mistreating him nearly as bad as he perceived it.

In my opinion, there was some poor judgement and behavior by Leach and his staff. As I said I thought it was probably somewhere in the middle. But I personally do not think it was close to what originally aired on ESPN, and I also don't think it was bad enough to merit him not even being considered for an open job.

We'll never know the truth, because even if they settle, it doesn't really mean one side was guilty or not, it just means they reached an agreement where both sides could move on.

I personally am very hopeful that the gophers will find a coach of the quality on the field of leach but without the off the field baggage. But if they are going to end up making a questionable hire, then I think they would stupid to not bring in Leach and at least listen to what he has to say.

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