Not this early anyway. We need it to have a negative symbol in front of the temperature to really give Penn State the Minnesota welcome. Oh how I dream of a late December play-off game at Huntington.Not like ours.

Not this early anyway. We need it to have a negative symbol in front of the temperature to really give Penn State the Minnesota welcome. Oh how I dream of a late December play-off game at Huntington.Not like ours.
weather coupled with expecting Gopher loss and the Rutgers game yea. had they not shit the bed vs Rutgers, probably a lot better attendance comingJudging by the seats available for the Gopher Pass, the weather may be keeping some people away. Guessing lower 40,000s for this one.
That is not good. Really thought the October run might have provided that extra push but maybe not.Judging by the seats available for the Gopher Pass, the weather may be keeping some people away. Guessing lower 40,000s for this one.
Actually the Sun vs shade debate is front and center again. I have long said that for the sunny side to be a benefit, you need several factors to fall in line and that doesn't happen very often:
1. The sun needs to be out (can't be a cloudy day)
2. It has to be a cold, late season game
3. if after the daylight savings time, it has to be an 11:00 AM kickoff (Kickoffs at 2:30 or later happen when it is mostly dark out anyway late season. The sun only is a benefit for a quarter to 1.5 quarters with 2:30 kickoffs).
This game misses two of the three requirements, meaning there will be no benefit again to sitting on the "sunny" side. That also means this entire season will go by without the "sunny" side being an advantage.
That being said, we didn't really have a "hot" game where the shade side was an advantage this season either so it was basically a push this year. It seems that usually we get a hot game or two each season.
Problem is Penn State is used to cold weather.
Not like ours.
The reason I say the debate is front and center is because it comes up a lot and the “gotta sit in the sun” crowd always piles on how critical the sun is but in reality it is rarely in play (with this game being a perfect example).
What it comes down to is some people simply struggle more in cold weather. They are the ones that need that sun seating regardless how rarely it is a benefit, and they are the ones that become snowbirds in their later years. Others (like me) start crawling the walls when they become uncomfortably warm but don’t have nearly as many issues with the cold.
Thankfully the stadium is big enough for all of us.
Ha! True. I know of some west coast Gophers that are at the U now. The plus for one of them is that he skis so he is familiar with snow and cold.Any non-midwest Gopher that arrived on campus fall of 2023 has not experienced a Minnesota winter yet.
True, but I do remember a couple of night games (late August) that were in the 90's. TCU, and UNLV or Oregon State come to mind.I don't like being uncomfortably warm either, something beyond mid 80s, especially if it's not humid. However, the odds of it being such a "sweltering" day in Minnesota in September are far more rare than a cold day in Minnesota in late October or November.
The 2 afternoon games in September the temps at kick were 59 (Rhode Island) and 72 (Nevada). Those were a couple of awesome afternoon to bask in the sun (not endure it), knowing there won't be many of those opportunities until the next May.
If the temp is around 80, a cold beer can improve comfort level just fine.
True, but I do remember a couple of night games (late August) that were in the 90's. TCU, and UNLV or Oregon State come to mind.
"Well, that's just your opinion, man." - Jeff LebowskiWeather looks awesome for tomorrow.
40 degrees, minimal wind in late November is ELITE football weather.
Won't be much sun tomorrow, as is typical for MN Novembers. And even if it was sunny, by halfway through the 2nd quarter it's hidden behind the Barn and the scoreboard anyways.
Anyone who actually bases their seats on 45 minutes of occasional cold weather sun once a season is crazy. But then again, I'm biased as a section 246 shady bad boy.