If there is one thing the band needs to solve many of its problems it is this: $$$$$$$
More money means you can go on away trips, hire arrangers, hire drill writers (good drill writers I should add), and buy rights to more current music. Oregon's band plays tons of current pop music because Nike guy bankrolls a portion of their budget and buys them the rights which are not cheap, in exchange they only have to wear those awful Nike designed unis.
If the UMMB is going to continue under the umbrella of the SoM, maybe all music education majors should be required to play at least one year in the marching band. Get those very talented musicians into the fold and get them some applicable experience in marching band which they will need if they are wanting to teach high school band. If the SoM isn't going to provide the band with what they need to be great, the control should be given to the AD just like Goldy is.