Kyle Theret suspended indefinitely


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per GopherSports:

University Of Minnesota head football coach Tim Brewster announced Monday that defensive back Kyle Theret (Sr., Murrieta, Calif.) has been suspended indefinitely.

The suspension is for a violation of team rules and policies. There will be no further comment on the matter from Coach Brewster or the student-athlete.

Go Gophers!!

Nothing on that I saw. I hope this is nothing.

I am on the SID e-mail distribution list. I copied it verbatim from that e-mail...these e-mails are never linked on the site.

Go Gophers!!

per GopherSports:

University Of Minnesota head football coach Tim Brewster announced Monday that defensive back Kyle Theret (Sr., Murrieta, Calif.) has been suspended indefinitely.

The suspension is for a violation of team rules and policies. There will be no further comment on the matter from Coach Brewster or the student-athlete.

Go Gophers!!

Theret's from Murrieta CA? I thought he was from Denver?

Bah.... I am going to have to find a new fan favorite to cheer for this fall one year too early.

Hopefully he misses game time to make the suspension worthwhile.

Hopefully he misses game time to make the suspension worthwhile.

If this happened in the fall, maybe. Considering the timing here, I would be surprised if he's suspended for a game five months from now. I'm not saying I agree with that line of logic at all, I'm just saying that's what I see being the more likely scenario.

Hopefully he misses game time to make the suspension worthwhile.

I'm known as a disciplinarian, but your remark carries with it a tinge of ugliness. It sounds small-minded and ill-tempered. On top of that, missing game time frequently does not achieve the kind of results you evidently expect. Take away what you can take away, or demand community service right now, not down the road. Resolve the situation in its proper context. It's not football season, but it is time to hit the weight room (well, it's always time for that) and the practice field. Likely the most important element in a suspension is taking away some of the interaction between players as well as whatever perks scholarship players in good standing enjoy.

Charged with 4th Degree.
Not convicted of.
Totally different. Pleas happen all the time. Especially if it's sitting right around .08.

Also, due to some current arguments over the use of the Intoxilyzer (the breath machine they use down at the station), some DUI cases are being put on hold right now. No idea how that may tie in.

Off of a DUI lawyer website: (

Fourth Degree DWI - §169A.27

A fourth degree DWI is charged if there are no aggravating factors. That means no prior DWI or DWI related license revocations. Additionally the driver cannot have a blood alcohol concentration in excess of twice the legal limit (.20) or have refused to take a test to determine that blood alcohol content.

A fourth degree DWI offense is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Charged with 4th Degree.
Not convicted of.
Totally different. Pleas happen all the time. Especially if it's sitting right around .08.

Also, due to some current arguments over the use of the Intoxilyzer (the breath machine they use down at the station), some DUI cases are being put on hold right now. No idea how that may tie in.

I can guarantee you there will be no plea bargain; a DUI charge in the state of Minnesota is a DUI conviction unless the arresting officer showed gross incompetence in enacting the stop and making the arrest, and failed to properly document his or her actions in the police report. The documentation will ultimately determine the outcome. They may plea down the punishment, but this is a DUI.

The portable breath test is one factor among several during a drunk stop that is used to determine if an arrest is to be made. There are also physical tests like the walk and turn and a test that evaluates the twitching of the eyes. The sum of these tests results in the decision to arrest or not. As much as it sucks to hear, this is a done deal.

It never ends...


What are they doing to the baby chicks? I don't want to know.

Au contrier, Froggy

DWI is not uniformly prosecuted in Minnesota. It varies by county, and within a county. Last year there were over 7,000 DWI arrests in Hennepin County. It will come down to the Lawyer and his standing in Hennepin County. And there have been and will be plea bargains in a 4th degree case. He may need counseling, community service, and probation. The pleas generally vocus on the length of each of the three.

The biggest misunderstanding on this board and in general is that he has only been charged. He has not entered a plea, he is presumed innocent. To assume a verdict, or convict based on a charge alone is violation of his rights. And runs contrary idea that the job of a judge or jury is to begin with the presumption that the state is unable to support its assertion.

Settle down. Don't jump to any conclusion.

DWI is not uniformly prosecuted in Minnesota. It varies by county, and within a county. Last year there were over 7,000 DWI arrests in Hennepin County. It will come down to the Lawyer and his standing in Hennepin County. And there have been and will be plea bargains in a 4th degree case. He may need counseling, community service, and probation. The pleas generally vocus on the length of each of the three.

The biggest misunderstanding on this board and in general is that he has only been charged. He has not entered a plea, he is presumed innocent. To assume a verdict, or convict based on a charge alone is violation of his rights. And runs contrary idea that the job of a judge or jury is to begin with the presumption that the state is unable to support its assertion.

Settle down. Don't jump to any conclusion.

Try telling that to Trevor Mbkawe(sp?).

Separate cases, but same principle. In Trevor's case there are alibi witnesses, and a contiuned pattern of bicycle rapes. The case is flimsy at best. His lawyer should be filing for dismisal of the charges.

That being said, both are students and scholarship athletes at the University of Minnesota. The University can handle them as they see fit. Suspending is a best course. It allows the athlete to focus on his defense.

I can guarantee you there will be no plea bargain; a DUI charge in the state of Minnesota is a DUI conviction unless the arresting officer showed gross incompetence in enacting the stop and making the arrest, and failed to properly document his or her actions in the police report. The documentation will ultimately determine the outcome. They may plea down the punishment, but this is a DUI.

The portable breath test is one factor among several during a drunk stop that is used to determine if an arrest is to be made. There are also physical tests like the walk and turn and a test that evaluates the twitching of the eyes. The sum of these tests results in the decision to arrest or not. As much as it sucks to hear, this is a done deal.

Not necessarily, my 4th degree DUI was plea bargained down to a careless operation of a vehicle.

This is a minor bump in the road imo. I imagine he'll be suspended for spring practice and be back for fall practice. As a Senior he misses very little by missing spring practice and it may be looked at as a blessing in disguise for the team because now Kenny Watkins and Shady can get plenty of reps & be ready to play this season should need be.

I can guarantee you there will be no plea bargain; a DUI charge in the state of Minnesota is a DUI conviction unless the arresting officer showed gross incompetence in enacting the stop and making the arrest, and failed to properly document his or her actions in the police report. The documentation will ultimately determine the outcome. They may plea down the punishment, but this is a DUI.

The portable breath test is one factor among several during a drunk stop that is used to determine if an arrest is to be made. There are also physical tests like the walk and turn and a test that evaluates the twitching of the eyes. The sum of these tests results in the decision to arrest or not. As much as it sucks to hear, this is a done deal. a District Attorney, I wish every arrest was a done deal. Far from it. BTW, in Wisconin, a first-offense OWI is a traffic ticket. Insert joke here. :D:rolleyes:

No. You've probably written at least one post excoriating Theret or at least minimizing his ability. If so, how does that fit with "just win baby"? You can't both downplay his ability and then exaggerate his value to the team's won / loss effort.

I meant what I said. Statement still stands and your most recent comment fits the same mold. Bold attempt, but a yard wide of the uprights.

So what's the DB depth like? If he misses any games, who steps up? Watkins? Shady? Thornton?

Will jump in to say that I know for a fact some DWI charges are plead out as reckless or, as the poster above stated, careless driving.
How do I know this?
I was clerking for a firm whose prosecutor (yep, firm had a prosecutor - it happens in suburbs and rural Minnesota quite a bit) let a guy plead to a careless.

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