KSTP: Gophers WR Tyler Johnson Healthy and Eager for 2018 Season to Start


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per KSTP:

Gophers wide receiver Tyler Johnson continues to improve his game to where he'll be the hands-down first option in the air attack for 2018.

Johnson had a good sophomore season last year, with nearly 700 yards receiving and seven touchdowns in 10-games. He missed the final two games with a right wrist injury. As a junior, he'll need to adapt to a new quarterback with Conor Rhoda graduating, and Demry Croft transferring. So far in spring practice he likes the direction the offense is going and feels they'll be more in tune with having a year of P.J. Fleck's system under their belt.

"We have to have everyone going in the same direction, and the leaders have got to step up. We know what to expect. All of us are playing our butts off, doing the right thing on and off the field," said Johnson.

The Gophers' spring game is set for Saturday, April 14 at noon.

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Go Gophers!!

I've always like this guy. I believe he will have a great career in whatever he decides to do after college.

Tyler Johnson is the most important Gopher next season who won't line up under center.

Tyler Johnson is the most important Gopher next season who won't line up under center.

I have always believed that the closer you are the football the more important you are. Tyler Johnson may prove me wrong.

Tyler Johnson has the abilities to make it in the next level. He's got the skills to be a superstar.

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