Korie Lucious visiting Iowa State

Is Hoiberg trying to set a record for the most incoming transfers that left/kicked off their former team due to suspension?

Yeah, this will work out well Mr. Mayor.

you should see the comments these cyclone fans leave on their board "eygpt is calmer than KSU's program" "KSU us going to crap" this was all on the wally judge discussion. those with glass houses shouldnt throw bricks. they have a goddamn halfway house going on down there. im surprised the players have left yet.

If Lucious showed up on campus and wanted to talk to Tubby, don't you think he would sit down with him?

Hoiberg isn't in the position to turn away interested players. I'm guessing Lucious is trying to show Izzo he doesn't need to be a Spartan. I doubt he leaves MSU, but if he does, all the better for the Gophers next year.

If Lucious showed up on campus and wanted to talk to Tubby, don't you think he would sit down with him?

Hoiberg isn't in the position to turn away interested players. I'm guessing Lucious is trying to show Izzo he doesn't need to be a Spartan. I doubt he leaves MSU, but if he does, all the better for the Gophers next year.

I'd bet a lot that Tubby would tell him that the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. Go back home, act right and things will work out fine. Tubby would send him right back to Izzo- guaranteed.

If he could give Lucious a scholarship I am sure Tubby would consider it. Fact of the matter is that with Big Ten transfer rules he would be a walkon at any other Big Ten school. He is from Milwaukee, maybe he ends up at a Chicago School or UW Milwaukee.

If Lucious showed up on campus and wanted to talk to Tubby, don't you think he would sit down with him?

Hoiberg isn't in the position to turn away interested players. I'm guessing Lucious is trying to show Izzo he doesn't need to be a Spartan. I doubt he leaves MSU, but if he does, all the better for the Gophers next year.
There is no way Lucious ever dons a Spartan uniform again.

There is no way Tubby would take someone who was kicked off there current team , I don't care how much he might be able to help, Tubby's frustration level right now is off the charts with the problems they have had the past few years. It is funny that Korey is looking at ISU as that was the popular joke when he was suspended, but it also makes sense as he is friends with allen and went to high school with another one of there players, Garrett I believe. Fred is putting together quite the team of problem kids. I saw that Calvin Godfrey got suspended for three games, not suprised by that either, kid also has issues.

There is no way Tubby would take someone who was kicked off there current team , I don't care how much he might be able to help, Tubby's frustration level right now is off the charts with the problems they have had the past few years. It is funny that Korey is looking at ISU as that was the popular joke when he was suspended, but it also makes sense as he is friends with allen and went to high school with another one of there players, Garrett I believe. Fred is putting together quite the team of problem kids. I saw that Calvin Godfrey got suspended for three games, not suprised by that either, kid also has issues.

Tubby might be frustrated by the past season's problems, however he only needs to look in the mirror to see who brought some of the issues to Mpls.

Tubby might be frustrated by the past season's problems, however he only needs to look in the mirror to see who brought some of the issues to Mpls.

Yeah, because Tubby was able to get to know every aspect of these kids personalities while he was recruiting them. Let's not blame Tubby for these kids being immature.

Don't bring up Royce's transgressions in High School. Tubby had to recruit him or the whole state goes crazy.

Tubby might be frustrated by the past season's problems, however he only needs to look in the mirror to see who brought some of the issues to Mpls.

Mbakwe? Not his fault. Royce? NHF. Cobbs? NHF. Carter? NHF.

Walker? NHF. Nolen? NHF. Joseph? Maybe.

Mbakwe? Not his fault. Royce? NHF. Cobbs? NHF. Carter? NHF.

Walker? NHF. Nolen? NHF. Joseph? Maybe.[/QUOTE]

FOT are you saying Tubby could/should have done something differently? If so what.

Not necessarily. The circumstances are pretty well known on the (NHF) others. I don't think we know why Joseph left, at least publicly. Some may know privately.

Yeah, because Tubby was able to get to know every aspect of these kids personalities while he was recruiting them. Let's not blame Tubby for these kids being immature.

Don't bring up Royce's transgressions in High School. Tubby had to recruit him or the whole state goes crazy.

No actually, he didnt have to do anything. Perhaps that is better than the constant black marks on the program while the kid was at the U?

Nothing is ever Tubby's fault.

Who is responsible for the Mens BB program at the U of MN again?

Read what I wrote. The "fault" or "reason" for all of those departures or injuries lies elsewhere.

Except (maybe) Joseph. The reason(s) for his departure are unknown (publicly).

Tubby has brought in multiple players with obvious and documented character issues.

He has gotten burned multiple times.

which ones had obvious character issues? just curious. royce hadnt dont anything criminally wrong or eye raising besides the whole de la salle thing.

Tubby has brought in multiple players with obvious and documented character issues.

He has gotten burned multiple times.
Character issues when signing with the U of M: (only listed players who have been suspended or tansferred

Cobbs - none
Joseph - none
White - academic problem, dismissal from DeLaSalle
Mbakwe - none (unless you want to consider transferring high schools a character issue...in that case I have character issues too)
Carter - none
Bostick - none
Nolen - none

am I missing anyone?

Read what I wrote. The "fault" or "reason" for all of those departures or injuries lies elsewhere.

Except (maybe) Joseph. The reason(s) for his departure are unknown (publicly).

Read what I wrote - Tubby is not responsible for anything.

Again - who is responsible for the U of MN BB team?

Mbakwe? Not his fault. Royce? NHF. Cobbs? NHF. Carter? NHF.

Walker? NHF. Nolen? NHF. Joseph? Maybe.

Staunch Tubby believer (although not his friend). However, I remember people on GH questioning whether or not Tubby should take on both White and Mbakwe when they were recruited because of issues. If they knew about red flags, then Tubby also did or should have. He rolled the dice and I'm fine with that even though it's been frustrating. Now Johnny Gopher has indicated problems with Joseph right away so Tubby rolled the dice even though things were already happening with Devoe. That might be starting to push it if you take on two more possible problems the next year. Nolen's ineligibility has bugged me too. I know it's ultimately on Al and there were family problems, but somebody on Tubby's staff screwed up by letting it get to the point it did. You stay on top of academics and not let it get to the point of "he's got some work to do."

He's had really rotten luck and you couldn't make some of this up. "Fault" is the wrong word to use, but Tubby is responsible for most of this team because he recruited them.

Staunch Tubby believer (although not his friend). However, I remember people on GH questioning whether or not Tubby should take on both White and Mbakwe when they were recruited because of issues. If they knew about red flags, then Tubby also did or should have. He rolled the dice and I'm fine with that even though it's been frustrating. Now Johnny Gopher has indicated problems with Joseph right away so Tubby rolled the dice even though things were already happening with Devoe. That might be starting to push it if you take on two more possible problems the next year. Nolen's ineligibility has bugged me too. I know it's ultimately on Al and there were family problems, but somebody on Tubby's staff screwed up by letting it get to the point it did. You stay on top of academics and not let it get to the point of "he's got some work to do."

He's had really rotten luck and you couldn't make some of this up. "Fault" is the wrong word to use, but Tubby is responsible for most of this team because he recruited them.

No way Tubby could know about character issues with players.

Kill is saying he recruits them for a year until he know them. 85 of them. Tubby only needs to be sure of about a dozen.

But, let us remember, Tubby is NEVER responsible for any, and I mean any, problem with the tam.

Korie is definitely visiting. Just bumped into him at the bar. He's an asshole. Chris Allen is the man. Those are just words

No way Tubby could know about character issues with players.

Kill is saying he recruits them for a year until he know them. 85 of them. Tubby only needs to be sure of about a dozen.

But, let us remember, Tubby is NEVER responsible for any, and I mean any, problem with the tam.

Tubby is the head coach of the men's basketball team and is responsible for them and their actions, just the same as the CEO of a company is responsible for that company.

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