Konrad Z video

As a comparison, Hasan Lipscomb and Nick Rengel were both 76's last year. For linebackers (or potential linebackers), Brent Singleton was a 77 and Kendal Gregory-McGhee was a 78.

Not that it matters, but if I had to guess I'd say he will end up at about a 5.7 3 star with the potential to move up to a 4 star if he has a good senior season (because his junior season was cut short by injury).

Awesome measurables...looks like good speed. Doesn't play with great technique right now, but one of those guys you can see just blossoming senior year. I'm excited to watch his development...looks like we got a good one out of Badger territory!

I think those are highlights of his sophomore year....

Pretty impressive.

Dick Butkus was said to be a little "stiff" and not flexible with poor hips when he was coming into the NFL. He did OK.

First thing that sticks out is his size....I got a feeling this kid can turn out to be a stud!! It's great to be a Gophers Fan.

Looks like ESPN finally got rid of the Forbes Report videos. Those things were brutal. Can this kid's nickname be K-ZAG?

Nice video. I'm impressed.

His size right now is why most think that he will be a Dend in college. Just for the simple fact of when he gets to college and starts doing proper weight training and eating he will probably out grow MLB.

His size right now is why most think that he will be a Dend in college. Just for the simple fact of when he gets to college and starts doing proper weight training and eating he will probably out grow MLB.

It probably depends on just how big he gets and how that affects his mobility. Our current DEs go 265 and 285 with our MLB at 245.

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