
Is he hurt? Why is he not playing at all?

Not sure either, but I heard earlier that he had hamstring issues and the staff wanted to bring him along slowly so he wouldn't reinjure it/ make it worse.

Kill has said on numerous occasions that nobody on the team except for Duane can block or pick up the blitz. If guys aren't injured, there inability to do things other than carry the ball is why they aren't playing.

We still have a basic problem in the O-line, if they can pass block the run game will take care of itself. Teams don't fear our pass, so 8 in the box is damn tough torun on.

I guess we have no break away speed on the outside then. All it takes is one play to break that type of defense wide open. They didn't even try to go deep though. You would think that would be the first thing to try. You have to be 1 on 1 at the corner if they are putting 8 in the box. Subsitute Shortell if you don't have confidence in Gray and pass deep on first down.

We still have a basic problem in the O-line, if they can pass block the run game will take care of itself. Teams don't fear our pass, so 8 in the box is damn tough torun on.

+1. I'm a big Gray guy, but until he shows some accuracy and that he can complete a pass more than 10 yards down the field consistently, our "running game" is going to continue to blow. Until then, teams have zero reason to play even a safety more than 7-10 yards off the line of scrimmage - it's ridiculous.

In order to go deep though the offensive line will have to be able to block.

I have heard a couple of comments from the coaching staff that suggest they are not yet comfortable with him in regard to blocking assignments, pass protection, etc. I think the quote in the presser today was something to the extent of "there is a lot more to being a running back than just running the ball."

In my opinion, of our RBs, he has the best vision, and is the hardest runner. I would like to see him pick-up some carries.

Well he is the biggest back we have. It doesn't matter if he can't pass block on the one yard line. Give the guy the ball and hopefully he can just run someone over.

Well, technically it is true Kirkwood is the biggest, but not significantly so.

There are lots of comments here, but the fact is Kirkwood has been hurt. He isn't now. End of story.

Hmmmm, who CLEARLY looked like the best back on the team today? It was not even close. Stay healthy Donnell!

I still remember his run last year against USC. I expect big things from Kirkland.

Kirkweed will set all sorts of Gopher records. Beverly Hills Cop anyone? Roseweed? Holla?

I like Kirkwood...he seems to always be running "downhill" and he is a big back. Obviously, its tough to gain to much information from a game against a team like this, but I definitely see some potential.

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