Kinnick is beyond small and cramped/ comparted to TCF

I had not been to Kinnick since 2005, but this is exactly how I remember it being, 100% cramped and no one sat down until half-time. we were 7th row on the 15 yard line and any play down the other side of the field was impossible to view. On top of that, our row was already full, and some hog lovers brought 2 extra friends to sit in our row with us, so an already elbow to elbow seating experience pretty much turned into sitting on each other's laps. And of course, the Hawkeye fans were completely obnoxious and even one drunk fat pos was jawing at a lil kid, maybe 11 years old wearing gopher stuff. As said, I liked the atmosphere, of course this is the only event to attend in all of Iowa, but it wasn't what I had seen the previous 4 times i've been to TCF south. I think it gets worse and worse every single year.

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